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This is the day you will always remember as the day that is Fri. Here's what I got done this week:

  • Unwrapped and textured the eyes and eyelashes
  • Added highlights to the eyes
  • Published 3D Adventures Part 12 
  • Finished 3D Adventures Part 13 (to be published next week)
  • Finished the second draft of 3D Adventures Part 14 and renamed it to Part 15
  • Started the first draft of a new Part 14

Oh boy, where to start... This week was rather chaotic for me. I really, really wanted to get these journals done ASAP, so I spent the first few days of the week stressing pretty hard about it. I eventually did finish all the second drafts, but I was all over the place with the order. Afterwards, I realized I never talked about the inspiration for my art style (which is a pretty big part of why I textured the way that I did), and I ended up just creating a new part between the old 13 and 14 since all the parts were already over 10-minute reads.

You, uh... might be starting to see how I got a bit overwhelmed.

Fortunately on Wednesday, I finally forced myself to stop and evaluate. I took things slow and focused on two things: finish Part 12 and texture the eyes and eyelashes. Narrowing my focus onto those smaller tasks helped tremendously and I finished both with no problem. Well, except for unwrapping the eyelashes. That was a bit of a pain...

Yesterday I did the same thing: finish Part 13 and add the eye highlights. Easy peasy, done! And I have to say, once I finished the eyes, the model looked so, SO much better! I'm really proud of how far I've come. ^_^

Today, after I post this, I'm gonna finish the first draft of the new Part 14 and relax with some Taco Bell. It's been a long week for me. @_@  I'll see you guys again next week!

PS: If you have any questions about 3D art, I'll be happy to answer to the best of my knowledge! :)



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