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Game Size: Medium
Ambition Level: Medium-High
Art Style: 2D
Genre: Mystery
Synopsis: You are a detective in a world of fantastical magic and science... and death. It's your job to make sense of things in this world of infinite possibilities.

Do you like the investigation portions of Phoenix Wright? How about sleuthing around in L.A. Noire? Okay, now add magic. And science unbound by physics. Oh, and monster girls. Lots and lots of monster girls. Some of them might be a little murder-y.

"Tiny Investigations" is just a working title; my original intention was to make it a game based around solving the deaths of tinies in a modern world in which tinies and normal-sized people coexist. That may still happen, and these two ideas could split into two games. Time will tell on that one. :)

Some things are certain, however. You're going to need to do some investigating, and that means talking to the people. Everyone has a patience meter. Running around blindly accusing people will make them run out of patience with you very quickly. Less patience, fewer answers. Fortunately, their patience can be regained with some gifts for them. Just make sure they don't *hate* the gift, yeah? You may need to investigate what they like while you're at it.

Don't worry, though; while talking to the people is a valid path to solving the crimes, it's not the only way. In fact, you won't have to talk to a single person if you want to figure out "who dun it". I've done my research on how to make a good mystery, and the golden rule is to have multiple ways to reach the same conclusion. That said, you may not get the full picture without chatting around.

Whether this game takes place in a grounded reality of tinies and bigs or in an imaginative world of magic and science, one thing is for sure: you're gonna need a detective hat.

--- Progress Report 12/10/2021 ---

IIIIIIt's that time of the week again! Aaaaaaand this week kicked my butt even harder than last week. ;~;  I'm expecting next week to be the most difficult of all, but then it should be smooth sailing past that (at least until Valentine's Day).

I'm admittedly starting to get anxious again with the lack of progress. I may need to go into overdrive mode in January to make up for this month. ^^;

I hope you're all having a great December thus far, and that the rest of it goes swimmingly! I'm gonna eat some Taco Bell because it's the only thing keeping me sane right now. You guys... do what ever it is that you do. Ya weirdos. :P  I'll see you again next week!

And seriously, thank you for taking the time to read these. :)



No need to go into overdrive and burn yourself out. Perhaps you could focus on getting a few concept pieces done to hold people over until you have a some more development updates to share. I like pretty much all of your game ideas you have shared! I think they'd all be pretty interesting if the polish and visuals are good. This latest idea seems like it's begging for a Victorian Sherlock Holmes kind of a setting... But with monster girls so more like Bloodborne! I personally only like monster girls if they are about 95% humanoid but I'm sure you could make some nice ones.


Your ideas are putting more and more potential games on my Christmas list. xD I finally have vacation! \o/ Time to lie around like a lazy bum and do nothing while thinking about all the things I could do with so much time. :D And don't worry too much, you need rest, too. Keep that in mind and don't over work yourself. x3


Yeah, I'm gonna focus on drawing (and maybe some 3D modeling) for a bit while I wait for the craziness of the holidays to pass. It's a bit hard to make design decisions with a distracted brain. ^^; Thank you! I'm glad you like them! :D Ooh, the gothic Bloodborne could fit well. Part of me wants to make it sorta Noire-esque, but I know nothing about the style, haha. And for me, I can go lower than 95% humanoid, but the faces have gotta be human otherwise I get uncanny valley sensations. :P


I hope you don't mean THIS Christmas. XD Woohoo! \o/ Enjoy your vacation! There's no shame in being a lazy bum now and then; half the point of working hard is getting to be lazy later. :P I'm pretty much using this month as a light vacation from giantess stuff. Sorta. I might have my laptop open right now to draw DON'T JUDGE ME! DX


Yeah, either Noire or Victorian setting would probably feel the best... Or both at the same time!

Atlan from Atlarchy

I mean... The idea seems interesting, but I cannot think of it differently than either a horror game or a joke game... Horror idea: Running out of patience on the giantess, may cause her to hurt you... making the wrong giantess love you... may make her hurt you too... what if one giantess becomes a yandere lover of our character and kidnaps them in the middle of the game? What if there is a way to make her our bodyguard, but the downside is scaring away tinies, as she will "join our interrogations" by scaring them as "the bad cop" Then there is the joke idea... "So... I have seen foot blood marks around the body..." "So?" "The blood sample matches the blood in your shoes..." "What do you mean?" "Did you crush that tiny?!" *patience meter lowers* "No! I just walked barefoot... I probably stepped on their corpse unaware of them... You know... I like the feeling of squishy things, but that doesn't mean I killed someone!" "I think you did it! You killed him!" *patience meter lowers* "Do you have any proof other than their blood in my shoe?" *you lack further evidence* "Can I measure your foot?" "Sure! I cannot imagine how that could possibly be a weird request or used against me in this context!"


Your horror idea with the yandere reminds me of an old Japanese movie called "Oyayubihime". I haven't seen it in full, but I've seen bits and pieces of it; girl loves guy, guy rejects girl, girl shrinks guy and forces him to love her or else. I have been working on some giantess horror game ideas, and the yandere idea is one with lots of potential!

Atlan from Atlarchy

I have seen the full movie... for an unknown reason, when the police saw a shrunk person crushed in her room, they instantly were like "oh no... she shrinks people and kills them!" as if magical abilities were common knowledge and the obvious answer, instead of assuming it's some sort of sick doll or something... I think that a horror giantess game is kind of already in the making, called ResizeMe and the project is kind of big... but they don't have a yandere there and I love the idea of a yandere giantess... I mean... no need to be jealous if you can literally grab them and take them home...