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Now with color! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Gave the feet a "stomp" state when the foot is near the top of the screen
  • Gave the feet a "walk" state in which they're solid and moving down
  • Colorized the foot sprite depending on its state to make it more clear what's happening

A quick explanation of the colors:

  • White: "idle" -- not moving horizontally either because the player is on the other side or because the player is in line with the foot.
  • Yellow: "chase" -- chasing the player (horizontally only) and only happens when the player is on the foot's side of the screen.
  • Dark red "stomp" -- the foot is coming down; this is the player's last chance to escape.
  • Bright red "walk" -- the foot has landed, crushing anything below; it is now solid to the player.

The speeds and timings of everything will be changed around once all the elements are in place. To help visualize what's going on, this is a vertically auto-scrolling game. The ground as well as obstacles will be moving from top to bottom.

I'm really happy with the progress that I made this week, despite the new job! My new goal is to get at least one thing done each week, that way progress doesn't ever completely stop. That said, progress may not necessarily be on the game; it could be on a drawing or 3D modelling. 

Now then, somewhere out there is a Taco Bell meal that's lost, lonely and afraid. Imma go eat it. I'll see you guys again next week!




I just woke up.. literally... nomming some breakfast crumbs and looking at this post... and my still booting brain is like "Wooohooo, disco! \o/" while looking at the animation. xD Thanks for the update as alaways. o/

Atlan from Atlarchy

I hope I will be able to rejoin as your patron next month... I recently lost my only source of income, so I had to cancel for now, but it should be good next month... other than that... Do you plan on making the game with gore, "family friendly", or neither? I know it might sound ridiculous to ask, but looking at your last game, it seems less ridiculous... Lastly a gameplay idea! What if the player would be able to stick to/hold on to the toes of a foot that's on the ground? Like an ability, to be safe for one step... similar ability as the jump or dash abilities in the last games... Same could go for ability to survive one stomp, but be "dizzy" after... also getting stuck to the sole for one additional step and for a moment of "safety". Both could be upgrades in the menu, but you could technically see if they would work at all even in such an earily stage...


Only you could associate this with disco, Vis. Only you. XD Thanks for commenting as always! ^_^


Please take as much time as you need -- your income takes absolute priority over this Patreon. I'm just happy to have you here to chat with. ^_^ If I remember, I'll add a gore option so players can choose for themselves. It probably won't be anything too visceral; just some blood splats on the ground. :) I like those ideas a lot! I need to be careful of feature creep so there probably won't be a full-fledged upgrade system again, but if we reach the $225 goal for "Extra Interactions", peeling the player off her sole to keep the game going could absolutely be a feature! (Again, don't put pressure on yourself to contribute; with my new job this project will probably take quite some time, so there's no rush.) It may be a random chance, or perhaps a setting in the menu -- a poor man's upgrade system, if you will. :P Lastly, don't worry about asking ridiculous questions. Asking those kinds of questions is often how I come up with the most fun ideas! :D

Atlan from Atlarchy

That gave me another idea... When you get crushed, instead of "you died" screen... you could make a screen with the tiny stuck to the foot with the choices "peel off" and "crush" which would serve as restart and main menu, but with more interesting buttons...