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*Sip* Ah, there's nothing like a nice glass of Friday! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Finished upgrade drawings for Juiciness 2 & 3
  • Found music and/or ambiance that could work for the Upgrade Lab
  • Found additional music to be added

If you went back in time and told younger me that one day I'd be drawing a grape in a hospital bed getting a transfusion, I'd have thought you were nuts. This, uh... this is definitely something that requires context, haha!

With these two drawings, the upgrade drawing collection is COMPLETE! You guys have no idea how much of a relief it is to finally get to say that! These things have been hanging over my head for months, and they're done at long last!

Oh yeah, and I gave up on the idea of making music for the Upgrade Lab and just found some that are free to use. I don't feel like I'm at a point right now to be trying to make music, even if I did have a pretty cool idea for it. My plan was to make the music out of the sounds of bubbles popping and boiling, and then finish off with a chemical POOF before looping again. I just... I don't know how to make melodies. That stuff is way above my pay grade. @_@

On that note, I'll have a poll up shortly regarding which sounds better: the selected music, or some sci-fi ambience.

Now then, I'm gonna go eat some Taco Bell while the hundreds of royalty-free songs I listened to this week dance around in my head uncontrollably! I'll see you guys again next week!






Congrats on finishing all of the upgrade drawings! It's crazy to think about how much work actually had to get done on just those alone. Definitely no small feat! Yeah learning music sounds like opening a whole warehouse full of individual cans of worms that inevitably must be opened. Now every time I see "Taco Bell" I think of "Is that a beef quesorito". If you don't know what I'm talking about just search for it on YouTube. Definitely worth your time.


Thank you! And tell me about it! I'm really happy with getting all of this done, but it took soooo much time. Definitely going to bring down the amount of drawings for future micro and small games. ^^; All I need is a composer who'll take commissions, AKA the bird that will eat all of those worms for me! :P Lol! That guy pretty much sums up my entire attitude towards Taco Bell. XD I've probably shown this off multiple times by now, but I counter your meme with one of my own: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XHsDJ-9EDs (I sing this just about every time I'm heading out to get Taco Bell)