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FRIDAAAAAAAY!!! >:o  Here's what I got done this week:

  • Finished upgrade drawings for Excavation 3 and Juiciness 1

It's a short list this week, but I have an excuse! I got my second Covid vaccine shot this week and it made me feel a bit under the weather. Nothing too serious, just a minor fever and some insomnia, which was juuuust enough to totally throw me off this week. I'm feeling much better now, though!

In addition to that, I do feel like I'm in the grip of burnout. I've been working on Grape Escape for well over a year now, and I think it's starting to wear on me a bit. I still feel like I can tackle just about everything that's left on the to-do list; the only thing that may give me problems is the music for the Upgrade Lab. I do have a pretty good idea of what I want that to sound like, but the stars are gonna have to align to actually make it with my limited experience, haha. If all else fails, I'll just use the music from the Main Menu, no biggie.

Now then, I'm really, REALLY hungry so I'm gonna eat this entire bag of Taco Bell in one bite, wrappers and all! I'll see you guys again next week!




Don't worry, I was sick this week, too. Though, not from my second vaccine shot, that comes on the 27th. x3 And don't force yourself too much. Before you get to the burn out, rather take a step back, get your head clear for about two weeks and then get onto it with a new view and clear mind. That's better for mental health, too. :D Anyway, take care! ^-^


I hope you're feeling better now! And don't worry, with the second shot the arm soreness is the worst part, and that's only a mild nuisance. :P I may keep a relatively slow pace for now, but I can't stop yet. We're very, very close to the end now and I don't want to delay the gratification of everyone who's supported me for so long. ^^; I will probably take that two week break after release, though! That'll be a wonderful incentive to get this done! :D


Fair enough, just make sure to keep yourself healthy. :D I am doing better now, yeah. Still occasional headache and nausea, but otherwise fine. :D Even after the first shot my arm hurt already.... yay. xD