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It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... Friday! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Continued work on the ending cinematic; about 75% of it is done at this point!
  • Finished planning and got most of the line art done for the non-game drawing.

While I made some significant progress on the animation, a lot of my time this week went into the drawing. I'm a bit rusty and I forgot just how much work goes into these standalone drawings. It's fun, but man... the line art in particular is a sloooooow process for me. Fortunately coloring and shading is lightning fast by comparison.

One of the main reasons I suddenly started drawing again is because I intend to include drawings as rewards here on Patreon in addition to games. It's one of several changes I plan on making once Grape Escape has its full release and I move on to the next game. Before I go full force with the drawings, however, I need to get a feel for my pace and also finish up a few drawings I've owed people for over a year now.

There's still so much to do in general, yet so little time! And so much Taco Bell to eat! I'm gonna keep chipping away at this animation (and upgrade drawings... and standalone drawing). In the meantime, your job is to keep Grape Stomp-chan distracted. Good luck, and I'll see you guys next week!



I wonder what the other game will be like. Coming from you I bet it's going to be amaizing.... Thank you for your hard work.


I'll be holding a vote for the next game so you guys will be able to influence that, yourselves. ^_^




Not going to lie, I had to laugh while imagining a whole day flying through the sky. xD Also wait... what do you mean with distracting grape sto- *loud eardrum shattering noise paired with a faint squish... then silence.*


That makes me think of Calendar Man, who is an actual villain in Batman. I know very little about him other than his name is CALENDAR MAN. He couldn't have thought of a more threatening name? XD Little did you know that me asking you to distract her was, in fact, ME distracting YOU while she snuck up! 4-D chess, yo! >:D


Calendar Man only killed on holidays. And his sprees would be based on the holiday it was.


Whelp, that settles it; gotta look more into this guy. His name is silly but his methods sound intriguing!