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Not to be confused with Fro Day -- the celebration of afros everywhere -- it's Friday! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Began work on the ending cinematic.
  • Finished drawings for Polish 1 and Polish 3, as well as an alternate version for Polish 3.
  • Changed requirements for the final CG from 1000 grape meters to 500.
  • Fixed a bug in which the CG didn't always work in the WebGL version.

There comes a time in a man's life when he just... draws Fabio as a grape. It's something we all go through sooner or later.

Speaking of drawings: *gasp* pictures? In a progress report? It's been so long! It's nice to be able to show off progress like this again! The drawings and bug fixes will be released in the next update, which will be within the next couple of weeks. It won't include the ending cinematic, mind you, unless these next weeks go veeeery well. :P

Anyhoo, my Taco Bell is hurdling towards my mouth as we speak. I'll see you guys next Friday!




Thanks ..... Enjoy.


He's the Grape Master Race