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Do you know what time it is? It's Friday o'clock! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Gave Grape Stomp-chan a caffeine addiction.
  • Helped Grape Stomp-chan find her glasses.
  • Bought Grape Stomp-chan a kid's meal, which had spy goggles inside. (Don't ask me why she still orders kid's meals when she's 22 years old...)

These will be added into the game once all upgrade drawings are complete. Until then, I'll be eating Taco Bell and watching Grape Stomp-chan exercise some of that caffeine off with... Wait, what are those on her ankles?






Man, she just gets cuter every time I see. Poor girl has fallen for the caffeine though. That stuff is dangerous! Also there’s no shame in buying a kids meal at 22 years old. Especially if you want those sweet spy goggles. As always, you definitely deserve that Taco Bell for all of your excellent work.


Super cute. x3 And with her caffeine addiction she is halfway there to become a programmer, too. xD ... I swear I can stop anytime. >>


Psst! Don't tell her, but I actually gave her decaf. The placebo effect is the strongest drug of all. :P Haha, agreed! Ah man, I remember back when Burger King gave away these golden pokemon card things in their kids meals. I don't like BK, but I'd eat there in a heartbeat if they brought those back!


So that's the secret to programming! I've been doing it wrong all this time... But oh man, could you imagine her as a programmer? I wonder what goes on in that head of hers, and what kind of program/game she'd make...


No clue what crazy stuff she would come up with.. bu one thing I can tell, her code would be bug free for certain reasons and skills of getting rid of bugs. >>


Did this post just confirm Grape Stomp-chan’s age? Man the lore of this game goes deeper than even the grape stomping vat it takes place in! I wonder what other super important details will be confirmed in the future. Like what Grape Stomp-chan’s favorite kind of cookie is? Or why exactly she enjoys stomping grapes so much! ^~^


There’s only one kind of “souls“ lore I care about, and it’s about Grape Stomp-chan’s soles! X3