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Another week, another Friday! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Chibi Grape Stomp-chan was born! The above two images are for Sweets 1 and Sweets 2, respectively.

To preserve everyone's sanity (including my own), I'm gonna hold off on updating the game until more drawings are done and added in. No need to reset your progress for two images, you know? :P

It's... also time I come clean about something -- something that's been on my chest that's been keeping me from making more progress these last two weeks.

  • Started (and continued) practice with 3D modeling.

Those two drawings above? I started and finished both yesterday. The Halloween update? I got done in two days. As much as I should be focusing on Grape Escape right now, I've caught some sort of 3D modeling fever, and the only cure is more cow bell. And I'm all outta cow bell.

Now don't get too hyped up -- I'm going to be sticking with 2D for a while still. That said, the sooner and more I practice 3D modeling, the more prepared I'll be when I do get around to making my first 3D game. Plus, it'll help a lot with references for drawings, so even now it could play an important part.

I will admit that the practice took up a LOT more of my week that I would have liked. I wasn't kidding about the 3D modeling fever -- I crave this practice! I'll try and control it better from now on, though; I would very much like to finish Grape Escape before the end of the year.

Anyhoo, that's all for now! I'll see you guys next Friday with some more art for the upgrades!




Wow, I hope you can make that 3D game. I would love to see it.


* u * Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! *pushes the rest of the report out of the way, just to quickly get to adorable Grape Stomp-chan and cuddle her... well... her pinky toe.* Absolutely adorable, love it. x3 Also great to hear, that you found new passion with 3D modelling. I am a bit jealous, as I never could get to that point. Though I did work at least with DAZ to make size related immages, which I then used in RPG maker... anyway, never finished any project. Too much to do. x3 And don't worry about not delivering an update every week. At work our development sprints last 4 weeks and I still have to tell my boss "Sorry, but still not done. :D" xD Okay, I also always give a good reason like "Grape Stomp-chan crushed my laptop. :D" or "Grape Stomp-chan stomped me and I was stuck to her sole for a week.". The usual stuff, you know. :D Anyway, have a grape week- uhh, great weekend! :D


You and me both! With enough practice, I think there's a high probability of it happening (in the very distant future, that is). ^_^


Haha, I'm glad you like her! ^.^ I'm extremely happy with how she turned out here, which pumps me up for the rest of her drawings! Hey now, don't pin it on Grape Stomp-chan! That girl is a saint! Well, to human-sized humans, anyways. :P I was in the same situation with 3D modeling before -- I would try to learn Blender, open it up, get lost in it for a week or two, then set it down for at least a year, forgetting everything. The main difference this time I think is quality of tutorials that I've found (Royal Skies LLC is amazing!!) and purchasing an attractive model to learn from and play with. DAZ's default female models are also wonderful for learning -- their topology is top notch! But I digress; long story short, I've never felt this energized about learning 3D until now, and it feels great! I hope you'll get to feel this way with it sooner or later, as well. ^_^ You have a grape weekend, too! :D


Well, I'll see about my own drive to try myself on 3D modelling. x3 But I hope your motivation stays for a long time. I am pretty sure you can make some awesome stuff. You definitely have the needed creativity and humor. :D


As if I didn’t love Grape Stomp-chan enough! She’s so adorable and I just want to eat cookies with her now! It’s cool that you are getting into 3D modeling! It’s never a bad idea to expand that artistic arsenal. The only bad part is that the more you learn, the more you find how much you don’t know. But that’s where the practice comes in! I’m excited to see what the future holds for you!


Right? She would be the best cookie buddy! :D Ugh, tell me about it! I've spent the last two weeks making a foot. I just finished the topology yesterday (minus the toes), and it's pretty rough getting all of those lines to connect the way you want them to. It's super rewarding, though, and quite relaxing once you get in the zone. It's sorta like working on a jigsaw puzzle. ^_^