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Iiiiiiit's-... Thursday?! EWWWWW!

We're a day early this time since tomorrow I'm gonna be out for most of the day and won't have time to make posts or work on the game at all. Progress this week... Well, let's just say there's a reason there isn't a bullet list. :/

I've been working on the next upgrade, and man has it been kicking my butt. Funny thing is that I thought this would be one of those things that I could just drop in and be good to go. Nooooope! Every time I try to fix an issue -- be it a bug or a design puzzle -- two more sneak up behind me and slap me in the butt cheeks.

You heard me.

So anyways, no game update this week, sadly. Progress has been made towards getting this thing working, but I'm just about out of fuel for programming right now. If you guys are cool with it, I might take the next week or two to just work on art. Art is nice... it doesn't give me dozens of vague debug errors.

I'll see you guys next Friday!



It's cool 😎 with me... (I just love your sense of humor.....lol)


Gosh, where is time when you need it? Anyway, I need to hold a presentation in a couple of minutes for my chefs, but uhm... before I turn into a nervous introvert husk, I'll try out the newest version. :D


A presentation for your chefs? My curiosity is piqued! What was the presentation about, and how did it go? :)