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If someone has used a previous version of the fix script and wants to use the latest version of the fix script, or if reusing the script causes MOD break (within two attempts), ensuring that the backup txt file has not been deleted, star_rail_20_rollback_to_16.zip this script can be used to rollback to the state before using the fix script



V1.06 should be able to run repeatedly, but it is recommended to backup before proceeding



I‘m not good at Python code, so I didn't add it before. But when I saw many people skip-read and cause their mod to break, I had to find a way to update it, V1.05 should be able to run repeatedly, but it is recommended to backup before proceeding

注意,本脚本仅包含自机角色的Position、Texcoord、VertexLimitRaise、IB的hash修复,模型层数的添加以及match_first_index值的改动,不包含头发和贴图的hash值,因此使用hash定位贴图的mod将不会得到完整修复,强烈建议修改成ps-t0 ps-t1的格式


hash = f92afebc
match_first_index = 0
ib = ResourceClaraBodyAIB

hash = ff7a7e5e
this = ResourceClaraBodyADiffuse

hash = 6c866716
this = ResourceClaraBodyALightMap


hash = f92afebc
match_first_index = 0
ib = ResourceClaraBodyAIB
ps-t0 = ResourceClaraBodyADiffuse
ps-t1 = ResourceClaraBodyALightMap

Note that this script only includes hash fixes for the Position, Texcoord, VertexLimitRise, and IB of the playable characters, the addition of model layers and the value of match_first_index. This script does not include the hash values of hair and texture, so using the mod use hash for location the texture will not be fully fixed. It is strongly recommended to modify it to the format of ps-t0 ps-t1


hash = f92afebc
match_first_index = 0
ib = ResourceClaraBodyAIB

hash = ff7a7e5e
this = ResourceClaraBodyADiffuse

hash = 6c866716
this = ResourceClaraBodyALightMap

should be:

hash = f92afebc
match_first_index = 0
ib = ResourceClaraBodyAIB
ps-t0 = ResourceClaraBodyADiffuse
ps-t1 = ResourceClaraBodyALightMap



有使用我的卡芙卡 布洛妮娅 佩拉 希露瓦的MOD的注意,对这四个角色,脚本修复后丝袜材质会丢失,托帕的A贴图需要不透明,需要恢复的请重新下载最新版
Attention to those who use my MOD for Kafka, Bronya, Pela, and Serval. The stocking material will be lost after the script is fixed for these four characters, Topa's TopazADiffuse.dds needs to be opaque. If you need to restore them, please download the latest version again




非常感谢!someone name has 63B long?和Plutoisy帮助我完成了这个脚本,也感谢LeoTorreZ和SilentNightSound,这个脚本是基于他们的原神修复脚本进行修改的
This script fixes the all characters that broke in 2.0. Please note that this script fixes only includes the body parts of the playable characters, and does not include the character's hair, other enemies, or items
Ensure that all MODs in this script directory are the ones before the repair, and do not run this script repeatedly, I suggest backing up before use it. This update involves an increase in the number of model layers for many roles, not just simple hash replacement. Therefore, repeated running will cause MODs to break again.
put the star_rail_update_mods_for_characterbody_20.exe in your Mods folder and run it. 

If your computer complains about running the exe, I have also provided the source code in source_star_rail_update_mods_for_characterbody_20.zip, which behaves the same way. You will need python installed to use it.

Huge thanks to !someone name has 63B long? and Plutoisy help me complete this script, also thanks to LeoTorreZ and SilentNightSound, this script is adapted from their script
