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Hi everyone! ^w^

Here's the newest build! The biggest new features are a complete overhaul of all the kobold sprites I have done so far (regular enemy, act, threesome), sound effects for the sabertooth tiger and sound effects for the flight instructor scene.

While working on the friendly kobold NPCs I have developed a new and cuter design for the kobolds and the enemy ones kinda stood out in a negative way, so I wanted to spend some time and bring them up to par. The new kobold enemies I am going to introduce with the upcoming build will also feature this new design. I think they look much cuter that way!

Oh, and I also added cum to the threesome! It was a bit too dry before, which always annoyed me a little bit. I'm glad I took a moment to add that little touch while I was at it!

Other than that, a big chunk of the work was on more bugfixing, refactoring and minor quality of life improvements from Null while I'm banging out the new enemies for the next major build!

You can grab the build here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49401443

Enjoy! ^w^



  • Sound effects for the tiger
  • Sound effects for the flight teacher scene


  • Kobolds have been updated to the new design
  • Kobold threesome is "juicier". ^w~


  • A game crashing bug with the respawn manager
  • Fast vertical movement messing up the parallax scrolling
  • Major refactoring of the cutscene system
  • Pausing/unpausing during respawning deals extra damage
  • A bunch of minor bug fixes



Can't wait to dive in!


I just downloaded the previous version last night 😅


"banging out the new enemies" I'm looking forward to when I can bang them out too. Thanks for the update!


how to get to flight instructor. ive been looking and looking with no success lol


Near the berry ale vendor, climb up to the florist's house, jump over and follow the ladder. Take the way to the right, over the bridge. The Sky Scouts are on the upper right corner of the village. ^^


I might've missed something obvious, but I don't know what the second item in my gallery is or how to unlock it. The werewolf might still be my favorite because canine + canine = puppies, but I absolutely loved the tiger's pounce and cheek-licking. Kincaid even giggles at the oversized kitty cat.


Hi! The second entry is a kobold threesome! You can unlock it the easiest when you walk to the right at the start screen. After the spike pit there is a convenient pair of kobolds waiting ^w~


I finally had a chance to play this build and I already came across a bug ^^; My last save was right next to the other half of the small slime. Once taking it all the way back to the first slime and head left after picking up the stone piece. Some dialogue comes up, but after finishing it; the game just doesn't continue. The black horizontal lines stay and I can't move, or pause to exit