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Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for supporting Kincaid! This build took a LOT out of me. I made a lot of new animations for it including 6 brand new sexy animations and a bunch of player animations.

Gone are the days of the silly "heal roll"!
Gone are the days of the awkward mid-air attack.
Gone are the days of being unable to hit those pesky mosquitos!

The Glitchcaid Rift has now closed (until it might reappear one day with new weird test levels!). Thank you for everyone who tried out the new abilities! We know have a good idea of which moves feel "Kincaidy" and which ones needed to go.

The first one to go was of course the downward smash. It was just too janky to pull off. The hookshot is also going to get a major overhaul, though not in this build. We kept the dash and you can obtain it now in the real world in a whole new, completely optional area: After you beat the wolf, follow the path all the way to the right to reach the new Sunken Temple area where you can find it!

If you want to see the new sexy animations, talk to the queen, leave and go back to her! You can repeat that a few times to see some fun things! ^w~ After you leave the Tree Palace the villagers might also have relaxed a little bit, now that the spy has been driven out!

I hope you have fun with this new build. Let us know what you think!

WARNING: The save game format has changed and old saves will not work anymore. If you want to keep your old saves, do make backups before you start a new game. You can find the save files here: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Kincaid_2_3

Cookie & Null



  • 6 new sex animations (for Kobold NPCs)
  • Lots of new player animations
  • Sunken Temple area (accessible shortly after defeating the wolf)
  • New water system
  • Underwater mechanics and hazards


  • Air attack now has a dedicated animation with a hitbox that reaches above Kincaid's head, making it easier to hit flying enemies.
  • Energy system and Glove blaster have been completely redesigned. Energy now works with charges. Healing and shooting require one charge. Blaster does a lot of damage.
  • Glitchcaid Rift has been removed.
  • Dash ability can be found in the Sunken Temple area
  • Metroid-Critter-Crawlies have a more forgiving hitbox


  • Metroid-Critter-Crawlies can't be used to get unlimited energy anymore.






Thanks you two butts. <3


Totally looking forward to the new build! Awesome work on this ^_^!


I assume that the GameMaker thing or whatnot still hasn't fixed HTML porting or whatever, so- I guess there's still no working HTML build yet. But I wait with bated breath! In the meantime keep making cool stuff because, even if it takes a while for the HTML build to become possible again, there's all this stuff being added in the meantime, and once it finally is possible there'll be alllll kinds of neat stuff waiting to be checked out. Keep at it! You guys are epic.


great job! found 4 from the queen and 1 from the 2 guards but cant find the 6 animation any clue?


Dumb question. How do you get to the queen? The door is locked


You take the elevator for the queen which is unlocked after you do the flyer's quest

declon james

How do I make backups?


Aww yea, another reason to start a clean save. I didn't think that the ground smash was to difficult to pull off. Hope to see it implemented in a later build! Edit: Came across a bug if you don't save after the wolf fight and die. When you spawn back in the wolf room, Kincaid is despawned. Lol, it broke my save file consistently. The swimming section afterwards is super laggy. Otherwise the game still feels good.


For some reason, the Sunken Temple portion seems to lag quite a bit, especially in the main area with the save point. Also, not quite sure I managed to finish all the underwater area 'cause you can't access the map there.

Ashlynn Aragon

i cant find any of that stuff, no idea where the sunken temple area is, but for sure can confirm the wolf boss save as glitched, despawns kin, and cant be restored outside of wiping the file again


Thank you for the bug report! And can you send me a message with your system specs? Some other people have reported lags there too, so we're gonna work on optimization next week. ^^


I think an easy way to fix the lag issues is to add an option in the settings to remove the wave animation from the water, because i think that it's the several animations happening all at once that is causing the massive amounts of lag in the water area


I have gotten the blaster, double jump, and dash but I can't find where to go from here. any help?


If you have the blaster I'm guessing you also have the wall-cling. You can use it on the metal grates and reach areas in the temple you previously couldn't. ^^


Finally got some time to give this a go. Thanks for working so hard, you two <3

declon james

i found the wall-cling


Sure! Where are you stuck? Feel free to send me a Message, it's easier to explain there with screenshots etc. ^w^


Oh nvm you already found it... the email Patreon sent said you have trouble finding it. ^^;

declon james

Sorry for bothering you. thank you for responding.


Ayyy, awesome and fun game! I think I will do some lewd fanart. XD


so do u go find the spy and mechanic or what


The game plays very well, I like the player movement, and I like what there is of the map so far. I definitely haven't found all of the possible gadgets yet, but I did reach the Sunken Temple. Unfortunately, the game seems to slow down immensely in the large hub area of the Sunken Temple zone, at least for this build. The side rooms I managed to reach, like the one where you have to swim through a long hallway of crushing walls, seem fine, but the main hub area really cuts movement. Even when on land, the game feels like it is running at half speed or worse in that particular hub.


Thank you! :) The Sunken Temple is going to get an optimization improvement really soon. Unfortunately our fancy-shmancy watershader isn't optimized enough to be usable in larger areas, so we'll have to cut it or highly limit it's use.


I cant wait till game is fully complete