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Grab it while it's hot! And it is hot. >_>

HTML5 build coming soon for everyone who is interested!



  • Flight Instructor sex scene (including a mini-quest)
  • Sounds for the wolf (combat + sex act)
  • Sounds for the kobold threesome
  • A bunch of new abilities including heal, swimming, dash and grapple shot
  • More NPCs and the existing ones have been fleshed out
  • Moss huts have been decorated
  • Ice shot (not accessible in-game right now)
  • Energy system (replenish enemy using melee combat)
  • Currency system (not used in-game right now)
  • Rocks that are breakable using charged melee attacks
  • The ability to look up/down (by holding the respective buttons)
  • "Glichcaid" gauntlet (accessible from the Treetop Palace after talking to the kobold queen)


  • The way invincibility works has been changed. Certain animations now have specific i-Frames, instead of the whole animation (ie. roll) giving you invincibility.
  • Dodge roll cannot be spammed anymore and has 2 charges.
  • The way insta-death work has been changed. You now loose one health and get reset to a soft save spot.
  • Most enemies don't respawn until you have been a bit further away. Some enemies come back instantly (like mosquitos).
  • Blaster can now be used in all 4 directions.
  • Blaster now uses energy and does damage.
  • The game cannot be paused anymore when a cutscene plays.
  • Damage blinking looks nicer.
  • Mosquitos don't follow you endlessly anymore, but return to their post after Kincaid gained sufficient distance to where they spawned.
  • Kincaid now properly faces NPCs when talking to them.


  • Messed up wolf hitboxes have been fixed.
  • A bug where losing would allow you to continue playing anyway.
  • A bug where sometimes the music would double up.
  • Melee attacking through room transitions doesn't trigger loading the next level.
  • Kobold would skip taking care of Kinny's pants in the sex act on game over.
  • Climbing down a ladder kills you.
  • Drowning would cause the game to crash.
  • Two save spots were missing from the minimap.
  • The Mason Death Fall.
  • A bug where Kincaid would jump after closing the last dialogue box.
  • Firetrap sounds don't stack anymore (caused loudness).


Rioku panda

Yay ^^ sounds like a heck of a time, great work you guys


Love the new build <3


I cant find the flight students friend and i'm having a hell of a time looking for them, BUT I SHALL FIND IT EVENTUALLY... I hope


*burns hand on new build*


EDIT:SCRATCH THAT ALL, figured it out, gotta hold attack then Jump and press down then let go of the attack button and you downward smash. Hey I'm trying to work my way through Glichcaid, and I'm at the hold for a powered punch breaking blocks part, and it gets to 2 blocks at the bottom of the hole on the right side of the screen I can't figure out how to destroy those two blocks so I can't progress, is it soft locked there for now or am I missing a feature.


Look in zone just left of the save west of the ruin entrance.


I found that loading my save from the previous build in the new build doesn't seem to work. It just shows the background forest texture. :c


Yeah unfortunately we changed a lot of stuff so some saves will stop working, Sorry about that! ;(


I should have made it more clear, but you have to jump, press down, and then release. ^^


Found a bug with the Gallery, the Kobold Threesome won't reverse in scenes unless you mash the back arrow, and it gets stuck at the spit roast, you can't back up to before the second kobold gets invited.

Lunar Magic

Can we get a hint on where the friend is? I have scoured the whole map and haven't found any friendly kobalds


I am stuck in Glitchcaid. There are blocks beneath me that I can't break. >.> I feel like I am missing something or just dumb.


you have to jump and point down while in the air when you have your charge attack ready


Whats crazy is that my save from last version didn't corrupt. Funny thing is it gave me quad jumps.


That's a bug, you shouldn't be able to fire projectiles while crouched. You probably don't have energy, which can be replenished by hitting enemies. ^^

Lunar Airway

is the students friend the lone lizard standing by a waterfall in a cave with grapple points if so you hes an enemy....you may have to fix that


(SPOILERS) He's Actually really close to the first area you traverse in the game, he's trapped by like, 4-5 Kobolds in a pit covered in red thorns. You'll see his cries for help if you pass over him.


Ok I'm newer to the game and I can't seem to find the 2nd item in the gallery. I have scoured the map and finished the queen's quest in glitchcaid... What am I missing? Also is what the queen says about using her private baths true? If so how do I engage it?

Anon 26182

Welp. Searching has become no fun anymore, and the hints here haven't helped apparently. I know y'all are trying to be helpful while not just giving it away, but could someone ELI5 plz? Also should note the hint the instructor gives you makes it sound like the guy you're looking for is somewhere in town.


Hey, loving the update so far, must say I'm looking forward to bath time. Just feeding back based on the numerous comments here regarding the mini-quest; it would probably be best to ammend the flight instructors text, maybe something along the lines of "[The students] friend likes to go for walks [location relative to village]. He can usually be found [location setting]" This would indicate that (possibly) the quest target is outside of a specific location (for example, the village), and that they are going to be within a certain area. (For example he's NOT going to be in the caves, or the far east temple). Personally I found him in a few minutes, but I do have literal decades of video game experience to fall back on. Not everyone is going to be familliar with game tropes and conventions. Otherwise loving updates so far. Can't wait to see what the future brings.


I'm not sure decades of video game experience is required to be able to navigate a 2D map but okay lol.


"Personally I found him in a few minutes, but I do have literal decades of video game experience to fall back on." If you're saying there's no implications there, then why bring it up to justify being able to find it quickly? Don't get me wrong, I found it too, I'm just saying that specific part of your commentary was awkward as fuck.


Spoiler spoiler spoiler big daddy spoiler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mb0rGcQt5U

Anon 26182

Eyy thank you. I coulda swore I checked there like 30 times.

Ben Weaver

anyone know how to use wine to make this work on Mac


Working on fixes for the HTML5 build! That should work on Mac. Sorry about that. :c


Cannot find the new threesome animation in the new update. Even looked at the spoiler video that was provided and the Kobolds are not there. What am I doing wrong?


You can trigger it for instance by going to the 2 kobolds after the thorn pit, from the start position to the right


Is the Glitchcaid Gauntlet meant to end in the room where you hold Attack for a charged melee attack? If so, it would be nice to be able to exit back into the real world at that point. If not, what am I missing here?


No the controls are a bit janky. You can charge the melee attack and smash down after jumping. ^^


Neat! Thank you! Might want to splash that on the text in that room, too, in case others get as derpconfused as I did.


Yeah that was asked very often hehe! Granted, the Glitchcaid levels were mainly remnants of a test build I did, I just threw them in for the heck of it :D


I honnestly cannot find any of the new stuff, Flight instructor, Kobold queen, The treetop palace, etc.. Kobold in the village tells you about a guy gone missing but where the hell is he? I've looked the entire map by now :(


Look a bit outside the village ^^ he is hiding close by to where the path to the village starts (within 2 screens from there)


Ha yes, thank you! Since you probably intend to do more quests of the sort, dropping a hint about where to look could prevent players from missing some stuff. Love the art style of this game, the erotica is nice and damn that village is gorgeous!


So is there a NEW threesome animation, or is it the same one as before?


how do you get the new threesome annimation


Climbing down a ladder kills you. LMAO didn't know that was a thing, damn ladders you scary


how do I use the blaster, I hold q i see something charge but nothing ever fires