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okay so turns out i have strep throat lol and have been kinda down and out for a few days now.

the good news is the fever and aches and pains of it all have passed and i’m on the up, finally able to swallow some food today and feeling better so i did a bit of editing and will keep going this weekend!

however, i’m gonna need to wait until this swelling of my tonsils or whatever they are goes down a bit more before i record again cause talking kinda hurts so i don’t think i’ll get angel bts up before end of month :(

i’ll still of course be putting up next months schedule soon, but the first bit might be a little off while we work toward getting back on schedule!

want to thank you all for the understanding and really kind get well messages - i’m constantly reminded how amazing you all are here - and that it’s not like the ol corporate world where taking a sick day was terrifying lol! appreciate you all so much!! can’t wait to be back at it :))




Claire Eyles

Please concentrate on getting yourself better first. Plenty of rest, fluids and soft food until that throat is better. Strep throat can be very nasty, so you take care of you. <3

The Oracle Witch

🖤🖤 much love darcie as always! Thank you for keeping us updated and no rush. Take care of you!