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hey corn pops!

hate to do this again in the same week, but i’m gonna have to push some videos back as i wasn’t feeling well today and just ended up sleeping all day.

i hope it’s just a quick 24hr bug but just in case it’s another day in bed i don’t wanna promise i’ll get around to editing tomorrow.

my HOPE is that i’m good to get back editing tomorrow and i can post thursday/ friday but just in case what i’ll say is that for sure the remaining videos of the month (angel s3 recap, vm s01 e07 and angel bts) will all be posted before the end of the month just might be a bit of a sporadic posting week!

i’m so sorry for another delay, thank you for understanding i can’t wait to feel better and be back at it :)




Do what you need to, Darcie! We'll be here when you feel more like yourself <3