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Hey corn popppps!

just the ol june schedule - couple things! sorry there won't be posts this friday and saturday - it's my nieces grad tomorrow and we ended up getting super busy this week so time just got away from me and i won't be able to finish up the episodes to get them posted - BUT but but but, hopefully Dr Horrible's Sing Along partially made up for it.

to FURTHER make up for it, i am going to have the first couple episodes of veronica mars available for all tiers this month :) that way everyone can watch along and then decide if you wanna keep keeping along with it next month! 

it's gonna be a fun month!! i'm going to go celebrate this weekend then get back to it next week - for my angel crew you KNOW THE DELAY IS KILLING ME! 

see yall tuesday! <3



Steven Winthrop

Fun fact: Joss Whedon’s favorite show was Veronica Mars

Spring Gaskey

Eagerly waiting for Julys schedule lol

Steven Winthrop

Me too! I think Buffy is next and then she finishes out the season before going back to Angel if I’m not mistaken.