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hey corn pops! 

grab your bevvies, get your singing voices ready and get cozy cause we're watching a musicaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll!! :D 


Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog

Vidyard video


Nick Owens

He got almost everything he wanted and it only cost him a Penny. Also Have you heard about Come From Away? It's amazing. I would love to see another video like this with that.

Neil Silverman

Man, I haven't watched this in years... thank you for bringing it back. I'd forgotten how good it is. NPH is just so fantastic. And of course Felicia Day and Nathan Fillion are always solid. And now that you've seen him as Captain Hammer, maybe check out Nathan Fillion in Firefly when you get a chance to add something new. It's only 14 episodes and a movie, so not a huge commitment, and I guarantee you'll enjoy it.