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oooh okay job time!!...😬😬


Buffy Season 6, Ep 12 - Doublemeat Palace

Vidyard video


Thomas Hansen

I love this episode SO MUCH and think it's one of the most underrated episodes of BTVS among the fandom. The vibes are fantastic in a wonderfully weird way, it's funny, and I always love when they go for the gross out monster. Just great.


I am forever going to be salty that slayers aren't getting paid by the Watchers Council. They have enough money to pay a bunch of people in England who don't even do anything of value for the war against evil, but not for the person on the frontlines. Idk if that was intentional or if it was just never really thought of by anybody behind the show but like IT'S JUST SO FRUSTRATING lmao

Aurro Eronaile

Darcie may not have said it but her face gave away what we were all thinking.. the wig lady monster looked like a big honkin penus


Haha I've always thought this but then I realised that the majority of new Slayers would most likely die at 18 years old during the Council's archaic test where they strip them of their powers. Imagine that number would probably be quite high. Most Slayers wouldn't reach a time where they'd need to financially support themselves long term, let alone a family. Plus the regular activation of a younger more impressionable slayer would actually be beneficial in the eyes of the Watcher's Council. Equally though if a Salary would have be an option once Buffy had graduated, she resigned after they wouldn't help Angel so can understand why the council wouldn't then offer her a salary. Faith was already rogue so she also wouldn't be offered one. It should have been addressed in 'Checkpoint' really but Buffy only addressed Giles salary, which Giles did share with her in a roundabout way. Can't imagine the cheque he gave her at the beginning of S6 would have been small from Buffy's reaction. Wow your comment made me think about this far to in depth 🤣

Denni Caid

My guess is that not paying the slayer is yet one more way that the council tries to keep them dependent and under control. It's frustrating because that's how the council does everything - but entirely intentional.


My first job was the ice cream counter at Braum's (a southern ice cream/burger place like DQ) and I also learned that people are not nice that week. I quit and became a lifeguard, one of the few jobs in which you get to yell at the customers.

Ray D

One of my least favorite episodes of the series. Plus, Penis monster

Neil Silverman

My first job was great - working in a local movie theater. Mind you, this was not some megaplex, this was a single screen theater (though it was part of a chain) in the late 80s. I was in high school, and I would work about 3 shifts a week, usually 2 weeknights and a weekend shift. Each shift would cover 2 showings. Typically I worked the concession stand, making and selling popcorn, along with soda and candy of course. Occasionally I'd sell or tear tickets, and we all pretty much helped with theater cleanup. What was great about it was that it really was an easy job, with plenty of downtime. Unless it was a summer blockbuster, there would be about 30 minutes of work right around showtime, and then a couple hours of not much to do except pop corn, then do it again and close up. For a high school student, it was mostly a way to get paid while doing homework and hanging out. I loved that job.

Richard Lucas

Mine also. Definitely bottom ten and the only episode to get them in trouble


My first official job was at Sanrio, the Hello Kitty store. It was a decent amount of fun, as much as retail can be fun. I love and hate this episode. It has a lot of comedic bits and I think the casting was done really well, but I am still irritated that ONLY Buffy has to get a job and help provide for the house. After I worked at Arbys I became a vegetarian and I haven't looked back. This episode beings back all those nasty feelings.


Is she allowed to know which episode is Buffy’s birthday? Anyway I didn’t get my first job until I was in my last year of high school. I worked in a kitchen in a nursing home. I was having trouble finding a job that would hire me while I was in school with no experience so my sister helped me get a job where she worked.


I like that Xander swallowed although he heard what she said. He already ate much and it was tasty, so why not delay the feeling of disgust. My first job was planting trees. Had to walk all day in the heat with mosquitoes and snakes and all that, and for every other meter shoving a plant through a metal tube. Alot of times the tube hit a rock that felt through the marrow.


What do you mean get them in trouble? Because of the monster or because it took place in a fast food establishment? Or- something else?


You’re giving me Fast Times at Ridgemont High vibes😄🤟. Actually that would be a great movie for Darcie to watch/review!

Neil Silverman

lol, I love Fast Times. And yeah, it wasn't so far before my time that it was very far off. Damn, I'm old, lol. And I agree, it would be a great movie for Darcie!


My first job was during the holiday season as a gift wrapper in Bullock’s department store (yup, the same dept. store chain Buffy says she stole a lipstick from during the flashback in S2, “Becoming, part 1”. That was a real store, similar to Macy’s. Unfortunately they eventually went out of business). There was a special room set up just during the holidays where customers would bring gifts they bought in the store for complimentary wrapping. It was actually pretty fun, and my bow- making skills are still pretty epic, if I do say so myself. This ep is definitely not one of my favorites, the ick factor is high for me. But that monster- the more I see it, the harder it makes me laugh. Darcie, your expression at that part is priceless.


Ah, working at Sanrio would have been my dream job! Little Twin Stars 4ever!💕⭐️


Lol! Little twin stars!! Haven't thought about them in yearsss! They were so cute. My fave was Chococat. He was so cool! 😁 The job itself was fine enough, but it was run by not the highest of board of people, and I had to fight them to get lunch breaks...and then they happened to fire me right after that 😂 Behind the counter we had a hidden "shift journal" that all of us workers would write in. We wrote fanfic of hello kitty and her friends and even made fun and sometimes raunchy drawings of them. 😂 It was a great experience in all and set me up well for every other job and the difference between workers, customers, and higher ups 😂

Jonathan Hall

Hey, Dairy Queen veteran here too as my first job. Our town was so small many days we only had 2 people in the whole store. 1 on the grille and the other running the drive through, the counter, and the ice cream, and keeping the dining area clean. We definitely earned our money there.