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ohhh to be invisible for a day... 


Buffy Season 6, Ep 11 - Gone

Vidyard video



Hi Darcie! I see what you did there, with your barrettes and nail polish... too cute! This IS a fun episode, it is clever how they always made space for Buffy on screen, even though we couldn't see her. And somehow that last fight scene works, even though you can't see *anything*... pretty hilarious, actually- really just the camera swinging around :))) I get a little teary at the end, too- hope for our Buff. Not sure if you caught that the "All work and no play" printout in the social worker's file was a reference to the horror movie The Shining, refering to when Jack Nicholson's character is losing his mind. Fun fact: in the dailies for this episode (you can find them on YT), there's an outtake from the scene near the beginning when the social worker asks Buffy if Spike spends the night and SMG says, "Only when I f*** him after dinner." :() Shocking!


I’m going to go full nerd for a minute, partially because I get a huge kick out of the bit of trivia I’m going to talk about, but also partially because I’m interested in how well known it is. If you’re invisible in the sense that light passes through you without interacting with your cells in any way, that means (by definition) that no photons are coming into contact with any part of you. Including your eyes. So you’re also blind. I’ve only ever seen that tidbit called out twice (once on an old tv show and once in a comic book); which is where I learned it. Wish I woulda figured it out on my own, but alas, it needed to be pointed out quite obviously (and repeatedly) before it sunk in. Curious if anyone else has figured/knew about that. Ok, full nerd mode disabled. :)


Nice! Hadn't thought about that even though that's the sort of crap I like to think about. Like the good old "if vampires don't have a breath, surely they can't speak either". They could make lip-smacking noises though. This invisibility seems to be a much better "behaved" state than being a vampire though; that one requires a lot of ad hoc magic to explain all the things. Although it would have to be invisibility in the visible spectrum only or you'd have problems with either freezing or overheating, depending on the situation. Thermal radiation would be straight out, but even thermal conduction works via photons at the fundamental level... I think? Touch is just electrons repulsing each other and the electromagnetic force is carried by (virtual?) photons. Now that I think about it, if you can't interact with those force-carrying photons, that would lead to way too many problems (like falling into the center of the earth since you can't interact with matter anymore), so I guess the invisibility would have to be defined as no interaction with non-virtual photons in the visible range only. :D I didn't watch the episode yet so I can't remember if they actually talk about how the gun works.

Brandon Scott

What if Spike isn't feeling used... Or, if he is, he wouldn't care. What if instead, he was upset because... well, Buffy wasn't. As the abusive narcissist that he is so far this season, his through line has been one note: "I'm the only one who understands you," "No one else is there for you," "You belong in the dark, with me," etc. And in this interaction, after Xander showed up and she kept her playfulness and whimsy, it was obvious that this wasn't advancing that through line. Which does fall right in line with the M.O. of the malignant narcissist. That's how I've always seen it, anyway.

Ray D

I find this episode to be decently funny in parts. And I get that the point is that Buffy uses the invisibility to act out of character but she’s really pretty mean spirited in a way that I don’t really like for her. The CPS lady was just doing her job and Buffy might have gotten her fired with what she did. Not cool Buff.


Yeah, I agree Buffy is pretty mean spirited at times in this ep, especially with the CPS lady. Also what she did- whispering "kill, kill, kill" -most likely would never even fly on TV today, considering the state of the world and how workplace violence has become much more of a disturbing reality than it was in 2002. That said, she did get social services off her back for a while, so- winning!

Aurro Eronaile

Sis I’m with you on the hot take that the nerds are fun villains (most of the fan base disagrees).. my take on the season so far is that Life is the Big Bad and the nerds have just been around to annoy Buffy and remind her that just day to day living can be as intimidating and daunting as facing an uber-powerful Evil

Richard Lucas

I loved the nerds when first seeing the episodes, Darcie is the only reactor I’ve seen, out of quite a few, to enjoy them the way they were intended I think, which puts Darcie as the number one reactor in my book!