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lol giggling at the title of this one now that i see it 🙈


Buffy Season 6, Ep 9 - Smashed

Vidyard video


Claire Eyles

OMG your hair looks freaking amazing! Okay, off to watch the reaction now. :)

homoerotic 80s volleyball scene personified

all the Buffy and Spike scenes make me so uncomfortable at this point (I've watched the show all the way through 11 times lol) that I honestly have to skip them most of the time, but I'm just glad to see someone who realizes that their relationship isn't a good thing, you'd be surprised at the amount of reactors who see that scene at the end and genuinely think it's true love. great reaction as always!

Claire Eyles

Also, love the pearls, love the whole vibe of your look today, Darcie. I have some vintage faux pearls from the 1930s and 40s, I really should try and wear them more often. Okay, returning to the reaction again. :)

Claire Eyles

Okay, writers who write nerd should learn how to actually nerd. That is not a limited edition Boba Fett, as it is neither a rocket firing prototype nor a Tri Logo version (it does look like the same 1979 one I have, and that isn't hugely rare or limited edition). Also, you took out of of its original packaging you morons; so it's no longer in mint condition (no, not even if you put it on a special stand and take really good care of it). My headcanon for the Trio now that they are so bad they manage to fail at being nerds.


This is interesting. Out of the reactors I've watched, I haven't seen anyone think it's true love, even at this point. Weirdly hot? Sure, but watching that scene and saying yes, this a love for the ages lol I'm yet to see that!

homoerotic 80s volleyball scene personified

I kept seeing reactors call them true love and I had to stop watching people react to Buffy for years because of it (until I found Darcie.) I think I just had really bad luck with the reactors I chose, it was terrible lol


The crumbling house metaphor is not exactly subtle, is it? Between Spike's and Buffy's dialogue in the last scenes and the home literally collapsing around them, from my first watch I felt the message is that this relationship is destructive on many levels. I've seen arguments that it is symbolic of emotional walls coming down or that the crumbling wall images are just reinfocing the feelings of intense passion between them. But the way they speak to each other in this episode does not support those arguments for me. That said, the way Spike looks at Buffy when they are actually in the act is incredibly touching and intense. Just as when he sees her coming down the stairs after returning from the dead in 6x3, I can't see his expression as anything other than love (er, okay.. obsessive love). Buffy however is not returning that gaze. The first time I watched Spike go after that girl in the alley I felt much like you, Darcie. I was bummed that he actually tried to bite the girl. However on rewatch I can see how much he had to psych himself up for the bite- it takes him quite a while to even get his vamp face on. He's struggling and I think it's more than that he's just out of practice. In his last interaction with Buffy before that scene, she calls him an "evil, disgusting thing". I think he may be thinking - well, if that's how she sees me, then that's what I'll be, what's the difference? I love that Spike goes for the Boba Fett figure at the Trio's lair. He knows he can't hurt any of them physically so he uses his laser-like emotional intuition to read the room and immediately find the perfect blackmail target. It makes me sad that Buffy didn't get to open up to Willow about Spike. It looks like she is about to, just before Amy enters the room. But it does reinforce Spike's assertion earlier in the episode that "Sooner or later, you'll realize I'm the only one here for you, pet".


To be fair to the writers, that mistake could easily be on the prop master, but I've not read the script to check

Richard Lucas

I also speak nerd, and have to point out, there is no way that is a AD&D Manuel in front of Xander. They were hardcover, but never looked like that. That seems definitely like the prop master (I mean, Jeeze, how hard is it to go out and find a Monster Manuel), which leads me even more to agree that the Fett issue could be the prop master.

Richard Lucas

Darcie is also the ONLY reactor I’ve ever watched (and I’ve watched most) who enjoys the nerds’ antics as much as I did on og view. That and her complete love of 6-7 just makes her the greatest reactor ever!


You missed a clear setup you made for yourself in your final thoughts discussion: Darcie: Is this where Buffy stakes him? Missed: No, this is where Spike stakes her.

Brandon Scott

I have watched several people view this episode for the first time and it's always met with cheers or gleeful shrieks while I watch it and find tears in my eyes pretty much every time. The amount of self-loathing, depression, fear and shame that is wafting off of Buffy kinda breaks my heart. It's nice to watch someone finally who seems to have a similar (or at least not celebratory) reaction to this moment. ...and thus begins Spike's overt impersonation of the stereotypical abusive-narcissist. I always walk away from this one with a bit of a tummy-ache.


Blurgh i hate Spike and Buffy's relationship here, they are so toxic for each other. Great ep though

Ray D

The Buffy/Spike “relationship” has gotten so toxic at this point. The way they have intertwined sex and violence is a major problem. The fact that punching and fighting turn into kissing and sex is brutal. Not healthy for anyone


Ha, ha. Actually in one of the dailies from this scene you can hear a crew member say "So that's why he's called Spike". Mm-hm...

Renee Pope-Munro

Yeah, I’ve never watched a reactor who thought this was healthy. Hot in ways they needed to personally examine? Yes. But true love/healthy? Defo not at this point.


Buffy in Season4/Something Blue: "Part of me believes that real love and passion have to go hand-in-hand with pain and fighting". Interesting that that episode also included her first kisses with Spike. It's also the episode where Buffy tells Spike, "Please make a move... I'm dying for a good slay"... yup. So that happened.


Spike does hesitate tho....he spent the entire time having to talk himself up to it (talk himself up to the monster Buffy just reduced him/berated him as)