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Buffy Season 6, Ep 8 - Tabula Rasa

Vidyard video



1) I appreciate that you saw that final kiss between Buffy and Spike for what it was. I know a lot of people think Buffy and Spike belong together but that's not at all what that moment was. Spike is an escape for Buffy, one she hates having to use. It's not a happy moment. 2) Dawn having to see Tara pack up her stuff and leave must be so reminiscent of her parents' divorce. I'm sure she's terrified she'll lose that relationship that she has with Tara, just like her father failed to make the effort to stay in her life. Personally, I'd say Dawn has the strongest connection with Tara after Buffy. And I do mean that in both the sense that Buffy clearly comes first but also after Buffy died, I'm sure Tara became that mother/older sister figure for Dawn very quickly. Honestly one of my favorite connections of the show

Thom Purdy

Allen Funt was the creator and host of the long running TV show "Candid Camera", where they would set up a hidden camera and film people in 'funny' situations.


I'll never forget how suspicious you were of Giles in the beginning of the show, so certain he was actually a villain. Six seasons later, crying because he's leaving ❤️❤️❤️

Ray D

This episode is like a sandwich where the beginning and ending are soul crushingly sad and the middle is one of the funniest episodes in TV history. Very few shows could pull off that tone switch. I can’t think of this episode without thinking about Michelle Branch. Such a great song and the lyrics are so perfect for what’s going on. Another amazing episode of TV for sure.

Kirsten Stewart

This episode encapsulates the Buffyverse experience - tears, to pain inducing laughter, to heartbreak, all while pushing along the storyline and characters so smoothly and organically. In a show with so many great episodes, Tabula Rosa is top tier and your reaction to it was so enjoyable to watch for the fandom who cannot let this show go lol!


“Is that Michelle Branch?!” .. Yes girl, it is, and you will now always cry when you hear the song, as is the Buffy way. And yeah, this show has the ability to make you both laugh and cry so hard within moments, as evidenced by this top tier episode.

Claire Eyles

Considering one of the lines in Tara's duet with Giles was, "Wish I could trust that it was just this once, but I must do what I must; I can't adjust to this disgust, we're done...." the fact that she even gives Willow a chance to prove herself by going a week without magic is a huge consideration on her part.Willow then responds by basically stomping all over Tara's consideration because right now she can't see past her addiction. I honestly just cannot feel sorry for Willow when she's crying on the floor in that last scene, because she bought this on herself.


It hits me so hard when Tara says, "How could you, Willow, after what Glory did to me?" I think people tend to forget that Tara spent a good chunk of season 5 as a crazy person because Glory sucked out her brainpower. It was a violation, and Willow is doing practically the same thing on a smaller scale. No wonder this is the one thing Tara can't forgive. I can't believe Willow would hear her say that and then do the same thing again. It really is an addiction for her, to use magic to solve all her problems. Tara was right to leave after that, but also Willow really needs help. She doesn't have Tara or even Giles around anymore to tell her when she's going too far.


My favourite episode of Buffy ♡ so perfectly emotive. Well written; heartbreaking, hilarious, and the humour works only so well because of how well written and phenomenal and realistic the characters are and how deeply we've grown to love them. Then of course the acting as always is insane, and Michelle branch with that perfect version of her song. And even though you're right about spuffy, I still love the spuffy kiss, I cant help it hehe.


Also, even when this aired, it was a reference a lot of people wouldn't have gotten as the last main Allen Funt hosted version ran in the 1960s. The most recent revivals when Buffy aired had other hosts. I'm not even sure a non-amnesiac Giles would've gotten it having grown up across the pond. It was really a reference only Anya could have made at that point.

Richard Lucas

When all is said and done, I love Spuffy. I mean the show took its time getting us here, where ever here is.


So Buffy picks the name Joan. Like Joan of Arc? Hm, martyr complex much? On a crusade against the vamps, demons and baddies in this world… I love how even though she doesn’t know who she is she not only immediately bonds with Dawn but fairly quickly gets annoyed with Spike/Randy, saying she may stake him if he doesn’t stop his yapping