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hey corn pops!! it's extras daaaay!! 

so fun to revisit season 5 and get some insight into what happens on set - so grab a bevvy and let's hang out for a bit!


Buffy Season 5 Extras

Vidyard video


Erica Schaefer

What I find so funny about David's casting story is that he took that opportunity that was given to him and has been a leading man on his own television series for, like, 25 years straight. He got Angel (1999-2004), then Bones (2005-2017), and SEAL Team (2017-2022). There's a lot of luck there of course, but clearly made the best of it.


The Extras are always so fun! Would you ever go back and watch some of the extras from the previous seasons? I know there are some fun ones about the sets and also the SFX makeup that I think you would really enjoy!


Ummm yes...there is a Clue movie....it's a cult classic...please watch :-)


Fun!! Thanks for watching these, I hadn't seen them in a long time


I love these behind the scenes reactions, some of them I haven't actually seen before or I just don't remember lol. They're always so much fun! I wish each season had its own "behind the scenes" into the music though. The music and scores of Buffy are, in my opinion, some of the most AMAZING and emotional pieces of music in film and television. The details about the stunts are also some of my favorites to watch!


Can confirm. Am Aussie. Favourite show of all time.

Ray D

A couple of things, someone mentioned Marti Noxon’s name in one stories and you referred to her as a “him”. Just FYI, Marti Noxon is a woman who wrote for Buffy from the beginning but more importantly for you to keep in mind, she takes over as the show runner of Buffy for seasons 6 and 7. Joss is still involved but she takes over day to day running of the show. So she’s kind of a big deal. Secondly, it’s so weird to see Danny Strong (who plays Jonathan) doing this goofy DVD extra knowing that he has become a very respected writer in Hollywood who as won multiple Emmy awards and he even wrote some of the Hunger Games movies. Anyways, those were just some random thoughts I has while watching.

Sharon Owen

FYI - You can get Clue as an app now (at least you could a few years ago)