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you guys... he actually had a bot made 😳


Buffy Season 5, Ep 18 - Intervention

Vidyard video


homoerotic 80s volleyball scene personified

the kiss at the end is one of the most out of character things Buffy ever does in the entire show. I get that it's exciting for people who shipped them to see that, but I don't think Buffy would have ever done that, even if he didn't tell Glory about Dawn. especially after Crush.

Steve Quast

Buffy: Weird love is better than no love *cut to scene with Spike and the Buffy Bot* Spike: Some say it's better than the real thing. 😂

Steve Quast

I know the scenes with Spike and the Buffy bot are cringy as hell, but they're too hilarious for me to be mad at.


Respectfully disagree that that is out of character for Buffy. I think one of the most important parts of that scene to tell you why Buffy did that was everything she said as she was walking away -- the robot was gross and obscene and wasn't real, but what he did for her and Dawn was real and that she wouldn't forget it. You have every right to not enjoy it, but I think one of Buffy's most admirable qualities is her capacity for understanding and her ability to be emotionally mature even in situations where most people wouldn't (or couldn't) be -- and she is able to rightfully admonish him for his gross behavior AND genuinely acknowledge his good behavior separate from that. I think its a wonderful scene for both their characters.


Love this episode much more on re-watch than I think I did the first time around, simply because I know to expect the Buffy Bot and now instead of dying inside when she arrives, I am just excited to see her and completely charmed by her over-the-top smiles, that scene in the graveyard where she keeps trying to grab Spike's hand as they're talking to Xander and Anya, her calling Giles "Guy-les", her stomping off to go patrol and saying "Vampires, beware!", its just too funny. SMG clearly had a ton of fun playing a more comedic part -- but also her acting in that final scene never fails to blow my mind, because she so subtlely adjusts her cadence and vibe to show (most obviously on rewatch) that this is RealBuffy pretending to be Robot Buffy. So good!

allison lussier

Ahhh we’re getting so close to the end!

Andrew Pulrang

A kiss on the Spike's cheek might have been the better call. But overall I think the gesture works.


I can’t believe how close we are to the end of season 5 I never comment darcie but felt like I needed to I wait impatiently every week to watch your reactions


There’s a difference between kissing someone and giving them a kiss. She was doing the latter as a thank you.