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heyyyy an alien!!!... kinda...thing...😳


Buffy Season 5, Ep 9 - Listening to Fear

Vidyard video



Wow, I just thought they ran out of money or something and used some generic 8 bar loop. It was so jarring. Why did they loop the song like that?


I never realized how hard they had to shoehorn Spike into some of these episodes. For contractual reasons I guess.

Claire Eyles

If anyone would like to know the song that Buffy is listening to whilst doing the dishes, it's Tahitian Swing by New Age World off the Worlds of Felicity album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQpnm7iyLTc&ab_channel=NewAgeWorld-Topic

Claire Eyles

Holy shit your lipstick looks amazing, Darcy. I love that colour. Ok watching the reaction now. :D


Can't wait to watch but...who is the cartoon dude in the thumbnail pic? Haha

Denni Caid

The killer snot monster from outer space!

Claire Eyles

Dealing with a parent who's mental faculties aren't all there is really hard. I think they handled the subject quite well in this episode. My Mum had a very rapidly progressive course with dementia (diagnosis to end stage and death in less than a year). Some of the stuff she came out with was so bizarre and until we got her on medication in the nursing home there was just no way to talk her down from any of it.

Thomas Hansen

Buffy crying while doing the dishes is one of my favorite moments in the entire Buffyverse. Heartbreaking in the best way, and this part of the arc has only ever gotten more relatable to me as someone who's father got diagnosed with Alzheimer a few years back. I weep every time I watch that scene, and I kinda love it. It's catharsis through fiction at its finest.


If it's 3 or so bites in a row, it may also indicate bedbugs and perhaps vindicate the spiders.


This episode, despite the rather...strange creature they decided to use, is eerily accurate to what it's like living with a loved one who isn't all there. I was my grandfather's caretaker from the age of 15 through 23 while my parents both worked full-time. He had Parksinson's, Alzheimer's, AND Dementia. This episode always reminds me of what that was like in a very uncomfortable way because of how accurate it felt. You know--outside of the sorta-kinda alien snotting all over its victims Everything to do with Joyce, though, had me CRYING. I've definitely been in Buffy's position a bunch of times where I'll be doing something and just breakdown from the weight of it all. I think most of us can relate to that moment but especially those of us who have had to take care of a loved one in this way.


Is it bad that I’m hoping it’s bedbugs because I love spiders also and leave them in my house and feel a little betrayed on her behalf. Okay, maybe not hoping for bedbugs but some thing else 😊


Ok I watched it haha riley! I thought it mightve been Ben lol. Also "beauty and the ben" classic Disney story there

Bud Haven

The most interesting part of the episode to me was what happened in Buffy's house. Buffy in the kitchen when she turns on the radio with the loud music to drown out her mother's raving in the same way Dawn puts the pillow over her ears. She realized that in that moment she couldn't take what was happening and breaks down. Spike is obsessing over Buffy, but I think he has real feelings as well. After killing the Queller demon Spike helps Buffy up. And Buffy lets him, instead of ignoring his hand and getting up. We see that Riley saw it as well. And finally Buffy reassuring Joyce and Dawn, holding them as if she was the parent and they were the children.


Three bites does sound like bedbugs, but if I may also add to “the list of things to absolve spiders of blame” last winter I got super itchy toes at night and thought something bit me, turned out it was chilblains. I mean, it is snowy where you are, just sayin.

Andrew Pulrang

I have always appreciated the fact that the doctor did allow Joyce to go home until her surgery. When I was about 10 I had to have major surgery, and something went wrong with the equipment on the day so they had to stop and postpone the full procedure until 2 days later. They were going to just keep me in the hospital till then, but my parents convinced them to let me go home. That was along time ago now, but I still remember how nice it was to be at home waiting for the big (postponed) big day rather than being stuck in a hospital. I get that it’s more complicated with Joyce’s particular condition. But I absolutely identified with her strong desire to go home to wait.

Phoenix Dawn

God that conversation between Joyce and Buffy before her operation is just so wonderfully played and makes me emotional every time! Props to Sutherland!