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hey happy tuesday shadows suck! 😃😃


Buffy Season 5, Ep 8 - Shadow

Vidyard video


Raven Dark

At the risk of having a bunch of people coming at me for making excuses for Riley (I'm not, I'm just explaining something Darcie was confused about), in my opinion, Riley took the fact that Buffy cried more with Angel as a bad thing because to him, it indicates that she's not letting Riley in. It indicates for him that she felt more comfortable opening up to Angel, and her emotions for Angel are stronger. I'm saying this based on what we've seen so far, since Riley's spoken to her about shutting him out before this episode. (Paraphrasing, because I can't recall the exact quote) "Every time I think I'm getting close to you... You got a lot going on, Buffy. You decide you wanna let me on any of it, you let me know." Plus his reaction to her telling Spike about her mother but not him. And I'm not entirely sure Riley's wrong. She does seem to be shutting him out, and Buffy's feelings for Angel do feel way more intense. And I'm not saying this because I'm a big Biley shipper who thinks Riley can do no wrong. I think him letting the vampire bite him was reprehensible and stupid on his part, not to mention incredibly reckless. I don't really do the whole shipping thing with characters in shows. The relationships are just part of the story for me. Moreover, I'm actually completely indifferent to Riley, neither liking, nor disliking him. I don't think Riley took Dawn to the ride so she could go on it. I think they happened to sit on the bench by it because she was thinking about the time she had with her mother and Buffy while on one. As indicated by the memory she told Riley about.

Raven Dark

Oh, I wanted to add a few things, but I didn't want to put them in the above comment because Patreon tends to eat comments if you try to edit them. Having watched the ending scene with Riley again, I want to make something clear. I'm not suggesting that it's not okay that Buffy couldn't cry on his shoulder or that she left to go back to her family. Her reaction is normal. She's trying to be strong for Dawn and Mom. When I say that it does seem like Buffy's shutting Riley out, I'm talking in a more general sense, and I'm referring to behavior that started before her mother showed any symptoms that anything was wrong. Also, other big types of snakes you might be thinking of, Darcie, are anacondas, boa constrictors, and pythons. All are very large.


"Don't make it about you." Exactly my thought on Riley right there. I may have said, "RIGHT?" out loud to the screen.

Calvin Allen

You have some of Glory's energy. In a nice fun way of course

Andrew Pulrang

When you think about it, what this show — the writers and Kristine Sutherland accomplished with the Joyce character is remarkable. In seasons 1 & 2 she was nice but kind of irritating. And her initial reaction to finding out about Buffy being the Slayer wasn’t great. But since then and Buffy’s return home Joyce has become a much better character in almost every way. So we all feel for her right now, when earlier on it was much harder to connect with her. And all this with a fairly minor character with relatively little time to develop onscreen.


Not Darcie uploading her reaction to ‘I only have eyes for you’ on YouTube today and saying she’s done with snakes only for today’s episode to feature more snakes! Beautiful timing👩‍🍳💋

Chas Summers

This couldn't be more wrong. If he had toxic masculinity, he would be trying to force his way to the forefront and attempt to meddle in things that weren't his business. If anything, his willingness to stand in the shadows makes him invisible like Season 1 Marcie.


I know they dropped her name this episode but I really hope you continue to call our queen Ms Beauty because I like that name for her. I don’t hate Riley. I don’t remember what episode it was where he said that he knew Buffy didn’t love him, but I feel just their relationship should have been over sooner. I think the writers don’t know what to do with him.

Richard Lucas

I was thinking that too, some of Glory’s casual Beauty and attitude. I hadn’t noticed it before today but you must have done something to make it pop for two viewers.

Richard Lucas

Darcie, I think you and Buffy got something wrong this episode. The doc specifically said, IF we can’t operate, THEN she has almost a 1 in 3 chance. But unless they catch something very late, they can usually operate. And she went to the doc as soon as she had her first faint, instead of blowing it off as just being tired. If operable, I’d say she has a 90-95%+ chance, and probably a 90%+ chance of it being operable, but he didn’t know that for sure so he didn’t want to say. He may be a great surgeon, but he’s a bad doctor for leaving her with that 1 in 3 impression.