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hiiii i have no idea what is going on 😃😃😃😃


Buffy Season 5, Ep 2 - Real Me

Vidyard video



The look on your face when Joyce said Dawn's name for the first time though! 😄😄😄

Steve Quast

Ahh, first the fourth season finale, then 0501, then 0502....the three least confusing episodes in the Buffyverse....


She’s Harriet the Spy. Great movie!!!!

Steve Quast

Gotta say, I'm impressed that you made the connection with Dawn's name. I haven't seen any other reactors who do that. And yes, like you said, of course Dawn was there in the hyena episode. Of COURSE she was! 😋😜😎 PS I love playing Clue, also. And I do like Monopoly, although I can see why others don't lol.


Michelle Trachtenberg has had quite a few roles, so it's not surprising that you recognized her! Not sure about any particular horror movie that you might know her from, but I do know that she played Georgina Sparks in Gossip Girl if you ever watched (more of) that. (Interestingly enough, SMG had already played a kind of similar character to Georgina Sparks when she starred as Kathryn Merteuil in Cruel Intentions. So in some ways it's like Michelle was following in her fictional big sister's footsteps haha.)


Yup, hello gaslighting. Thanks Buffy writers. Such a fun episode though! Yay magic shop


Welcome to the confusion


Since you love the game Clue so much, will you please watch the movie Clue, which is based on the board game. It's so much fun. It's a cult classic. It's not a horror movie, but it is a little spooky, so maybe it can be an extra special treat for us for Halloween ??? :-)


dawn is supposed to be a TIME OF DAY not a person! LOL And yes i think someone mentioned 17 again and i think thats where i most recognized her from!


is there two clue movies?! for some reason i feel like one came out kind of recently?! ill have to see if i can squeeze it in for spooky season!!

Steve Quast

Clue is awesome. And yes, if you play Monopoly with the WRONG people, it can be quite frustrating lol. These days I just play against the computer.

Jayme (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-27 12:02:28 okay, it's only taken me a few weeks to catch up and technically i still have a few more to go before i'm fully up to speed BUT i just had to chime in here to say that Anya has always been such a standout character for me personally. her dry humor and observations of the human condition cracks me up every time! and in this episode, when she gets to the house with a stack of board games and lists them off, her emphasis on "and ooh the game of life" IS MY MOST QUOTABLE moment of the entire series. to this day (literally just a month ago) i walked into someone's house with a stack of board games and saved "ooh the game of life" for last and i never not think of Anya phew, needed to let someone in on that, cuz no one ever gets the reference in real life...now onward to ATS! I'm so close to being caught up. I've been loving this experience re-watching one of my favorites show with you, Darcie. It's been a blast! :) <3
2022-09-18 01:46:16 okay, it's only taken me a few weeks to catch up and technically i still have a few more to go before i'm fully up to speed BUT i just had to chime in here to say that Anya has always been such a standout character for me personally. her dry humor and observations of the human condition cracks me up every time! and in this episode, when she gets to the house with a stack of board games and lists them off, her emphasis on "and ooh the game of life" IS MY MOST QUOTABLE moment of the entire series. to this day (literally just a month ago) i walked into someone's house with a stack of board games and saved "ooh the game of life" for last and i never not think of Anya phew, needed to let someone in on that, cuz no one ever gets the reference in real life...now onward to ATS! I'm so close to being caught up. I've been loving this experience re-watching one of my favorites show with you, Darcie. It's been a blast! :) <3

okay, it's only taken me a few weeks to catch up and technically i still have a few more to go before i'm fully up to speed BUT i just had to chime in here to say that Anya has always been such a standout character for me personally. her dry humor and observations of the human condition cracks me up every time! and in this episode, when she gets to the house with a stack of board games and lists them off, her emphasis on "and ooh the game of life" IS MY MOST QUOTABLE moment of the entire series. to this day (literally just a month ago) i walked into someone's house with a stack of board games and saved "ooh the game of life" for last and i never not think of Anya phew, needed to let someone in on that, cuz no one ever gets the reference in real life...now onward to ATS! I'm so close to being caught up. I've been loving this experience re-watching one of my favorites show with you, Darcie. It's been a blast! :) <3


I don't know about recently...you might be thinking of Knives Out ? The one I'm talking about is from 1985.


YES more Anya love!! I love her so much! I LOVE the quote "oooh the game of life!" but ALSO ALSO when she says "can i trade the kids for more money" i LOVE that one too hahaha EEE so glad you're here!! Glad you're having fun :D