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okay double xander?! fun!! 

PS okay listen i know i look kinda high in this video lmaooo but i swear i wasn't i was just starting to get sick 😭😭😭


Buffy Season 5, Ep 3 - The Replacement

Vidyard video


Brandon Scott

I’m finally caught up and glad to be here!….also, so glad that I can now randomly leave a comment that says nothing but, “What’s everyone doing in my living room” and have full confidence that you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about :p … can’t wait to watching his one. BTW: Your reaction to Dawn is epic in its confusion and turmoil, lol. I’m loving every minute of it.

Cáit ní Bhriain

It's always at this point that Riley really begins to grate with me - has no problem hurting someone who can't fight back (episode 1 with Spike) and from this episode can see he still thinks it's okay to run experiments on other people/creatures. I know it was meant as a joke but it still shows what kind of person he really is. Sorry, had to rant a little! Did I mention I don't like Riley?😅 (no offence to those that do!)

Bud Haven

I think Buffy loves Riley. But she doesn't have the same feelings for him that he has for her. She is very physical in her affection. We saw last season how much Buffy still cares for Angel even when they are fighting. Her feelings for Angel might be what's keeping her from fully committing to Riley.


I don't think anybody has mentioned this yet - Nick Brendon's twin brother actually appeared in this episode with him. I'm pretty sure Nick did all the speaking/acting, but his brother Kelly was there for all the side by side shots.


Yes! I feel like if you really look closely you can tell in the end scene when they are side by side

Calvin Allen

Riley's best episode since he was introduced


That last scene is actually my favorite moment of the series from Riley. Not because it made him look good or bad but because of how jarring it was to hear him say that. I feel for him here. To be in a relationship where you love somebody enough that you're willing to look past the fact that they don't need you like you need them. I'm not Riley's biggest fan or anything but I think "--But she doesn't love me." is the single best moment he's had. There's something profoundly sad to hear somebody say it in that context and I think it's captured perfectly by the direction of that scene and the way the camera shifts over to Xander to lock in on his own reaction to those words. Not a favorite episode of mine but that moment always sticks out for me, especially when looking back over the course of the show at Riley as a character.


LOLOLOL feel free to rant!! Riley's not my fave either but I think he's a good representation of someone who has been caught up in a bad system. The mindset is IN DEEP!!