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oh damn, the world almost ended again! 


Buffy Season 4, Ep 11 - Doomed

Vidyard video



Say whatever else you like about season 4 but when it comes to tongue-in-cheek scene transitions it's hands down the winner.

Steve Quast

And once again the end of the world being relegated to a B plot which is secondary to everything else going on with the characters. Gotta love it.

Steve Quast

An aftershock is another earthquake (usually a smaller one) that comes after the initial quake.


I'm gonna be honest, I don't like this one very much. To be fair, there's a lot of laughs, and it's neat that we get to see the burnt-out high school, but the plot just seems kind of... incoherent? (Like, why don't the demons just kill Giles when they overpower him and steal the "Word of Valios?" Why is Buffy able to "catch up" to the demon in the Hellmouth when they should both be in freefall? Why is the Hellmouth apparently so easy for these demons to open? Why do the characters keep making fourth-wall-breaking jokes about how "gosh, we're facing the apocalypse *again*"?) It feels like it's trying to do the same self-parody thing that "The Zeppo" did but without the framing device of being seen from Xander's point of view... when that framing device was precisely what made "The Zeppo" work. I dunno, maybe it's just because "Hush" is a tough act to follow; I've definitely been willing to forgive similar plot issues in other episodes, but in this one it just seems like there are just enough problems to really annoy me for some reason. I'm glad others are able to enjoy it, though.


Percy (guy at the party talking to Willow) was last seen in S3.. he was the jock Snyder wanted Willow to tutor. We last saw him in the S3 finale as one of the seniors graduating and fighting back against the Mayor. I love that this show is able to bring back side characters like this, makes the world a lot richer. Edit: I probably should've waited until he explained who he was before answering. lol oops

charlie ray

I really enjoy this episode, it’s not that deep, it’s a fun ball of “buffy and the scoobies save the world” ! It also pushes Riley and buffys relationship forward and shows them hashing things out , also has some really good work from Sophia Crawford (buffys stunt double) in these great fights !


Don't really have much to add about the episode, but I have to say I was greatly amused by "Go go gadget smelly thing". 😄


Earthquakes don't really scare me much. We have them several times a year in LA but most are very small and you don't even feel them. Once there was a pretty major jolt while my family was out shopping. They were only one aisle over from me and felt it, said the shelves started shaking and they were freaking out... meanwhile on my side, never felt a thing. They can be funny like that.