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heyyy let's chat about season 2!! 

*please remember these are all just my thoughts and opinions from my viewing journey and i actually don't ever really know what i'm talking about. :)

have a great sunday! 


Buffy Season 2 - Final Thoughts

Vidyard video


Tim Pierce

On the off chance you've mentioned this, just ignore me, but you dreaming about the show yet? I've had dreams where I was part of the gang but I also had a dream once I was a vampire and hunted by Buffy.

Darrell Palmer

Yessssss!!!!! Please post some rewatches with your mother. That would be amazing.


This was great, Darcie! I wasn't expecting to hear your ranking but I applaud your reasoning. Season 2 had so much to love. I guess my views of the bad episodes aren't quite so bad lol. Season 3 should be quite interesting to watch with you!


Darcie, I honestly think i've had this show on rewatch ever since it originally aired and even though I know what's going to happen the comedy still lands as well as it did originally . This show doesn't age. It's like a fine wine that gets better as it gets older . Now that you've confirmed that you know about the spin off , I can guarantee that the ride only gets more exciting .

Jordan Haddow

If you haven't figured it out yet, Buffy fans will take pretty much any excuse for.a reactions, even a rewatch. Heck, I'm pretty sure just a straight up normal rewatch would be well recieved. In fact, rewatching Buffy is an integral part of really enjoying the show in pur minds. There is so many things going on in many episodes that it's impossible to catch it all the first time through. Plus, Mutant Enemy the production company that made the show had planned certain elements of the show seasons in advance and on rewatches you can find hints of that forethought here and there all over the place. It just doesn't make sense until you've seen what is to come. A sure sign of how willing we are for rewatches too are things like Alley and Domi's occasional drunk rewatches. A pretty funny thing even though not a lot of analysis is going on. So, please, by all means watch it with your mom, we'd all be quite interested in seeing how those turn out.

Eve Black (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-28 03:11:01 love this :) you are the best <3 !
2021-11-07 23:29:48 love this :) you are the best <3 !

love this :) you are the best <3 !


I've never heard someone say they like season 1 more than season 2. Crazy.


YES i dream about this show all the freakin time, in day dreams and night dreams hahaha especially if something big happens or if im pacing around thinking about things!


you're right actually now that i think about it, when im editing my old episodes for youtube im STILL laughing at the jokes lol so they're still holding up even 3/4 times over for me! so i trust you when you say they age like fine wine :)