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helloooo good morning/afternoon/evening wherever you are in the world! if you're bored, grab a coffee, get cozy, and hang out!

i chat about my fave characters and episodes, my buffy watching journey, and of course rant about a TON of "what ifs" LOL. 

hope you enjoy! :D


not another Q&A

Vidyard video



lol That moment in The Pack of them walking across the quad in slo-mo to that music and the way Xander dramatically turns - STILL IN SLO-MO - one of my absolute favorite moments, too. I'm so glad someone else feels that way.

Darrell Palmer

One of the best features of BTVS is that there is something for everyone. Watching new reactors is so much fun because I get to enjoy the show the way someone else sees it. I never enjoyed "Some Assembly Required" until I watched it with you. So I now have a new appreciation for that episode and got to enjoy it for the first time.

Darrell Palmer

You mentioned spoilers. So far we've been pretty good about it and those that do post spoilers have been good about deleting them when we point them out. But as your fan base grows and you move through the seasons you are going to need a moderator.

Jordan Haddow

So true. Buffyverse fans are a breed onto themselves, and many can be quite passionate, and even I have just a small amount of patience compared to my excitability for various parts of the show. Many times, commenting can be quite a struggle to keep things just tot he currently watched episode. As each season goes by, the risk of spoilers in comments doubles. Season 4 is usually a bit of a battle ground amongst commenters trying to self censor. Season 5 is just chaos. I agree and highly recommend trying to cultivate some good moderators. Alley of Alley Box has an excellent system, in my opinion. Her moderators go through the comments shortly before Alley does. They create a list of the safe comments, and when Alley reads through, she only reads the ones on her safe list. This way, people aren't being called out officially for spoiling (They still do if it's pretty egregious). It also calms the backlash that can happen when commenters get mad at a another commenter for putting a spoiler into the comments.


I unfortunately wouldn't continue to read DMs on like Instagram. It's just too easy for someone to spoil. Unless you trust them of course. It sucks cause some people can't control themselves and it can limit some of the fun interactions you can have talking about the show. Moderators definitely help! 🤓


Thanks for posting! So glad you're enjoying the show with us! You're my favorite reactor by a mile, and I look forward to your posts every week because I know it'll be a good time. You always crack me up. I had a thought while watching this about your other channel. Have you ever seen Joe Versus The Volcano? It's an old movie from the '90s with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. It's a quirky romantic comedy and a cult classic. I think you'll really enjoy it. You may not be able to relate to it because it's a critique on the American capitalist system, but it's still a good time. Also, if you haven't seen Groundhog Day (not sure how old you are, so you may have seen it), you have to see that too. Obviously, you don't need to film your reaction to those movies. I'm just suggesting them because I think you'll think they're hilarious.


I remember your first reaction to the pilot episode. I knew then it was the show for you . I feel honoured that you read my question and am delighted you're loving the show.

Dawn Dooley

New Darcie videos are now the best part of Tuesday! Your reactions make me feel like I’m watching the show for the first time again (and I watched it on actual television lol) and you are so funny and thought-provoking- so worth the sub! 💜💜💜


Oh Darcie, we love you and your reactions!!!

Darrell Palmer

Yes, let’s get some level of perspective here. We were all bombarded with promotional trailers for upcoming episodes when the series first aired. While these could potentially spoil a surprise, we survived them. Darcie needs to balance the fun of surprise against the fun of communication. I absolutely recommend moderators and a system like Alley Box uses to only read the safe comments.

Darrell Palmer

Personally, I feel kind of let down when I find out that a reactor’s video was recorded weeks earlier, I would rather enjoy the series along with them as they themselves experience it. Otherwise it feels rather stale. Imagine how boring our comments on Alley Box’s Patreon would have been if she’d already seen half the season.

Darrell Palmer

Darcie, I’ve followed you since you posted the first half of the pilot on YT and I joined your Patreon as soon as I was aware you had one. You keep us all well entertained and have what it takes to go all the way to S07E22. My seat belt is fastened and I am enjoying the journey.


In defence of the Werewolf costume , it was as ridiculous in the 90's as it is in 2021 . It was played for laughs and it was was hysterical . I still think it was a stroke of genius to have it portrayed in this way .

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Had a tremendously busy week so only just got to watch this. But what a great way to start my long weekend :D So glad you're having so much fun because (and I think I can can speak for all of us ;) ) so are we!!! Solid picks for favourite characters. And, it just reminds me yet again, of my shock/horror/despair at your Rupe-hate early on 🤣 So glad you are now 'one of us' ;) I really like No Assembly Required as well. OK, there are a couple of bits I find cringeworthy but I ADORE the Rupe and Cal stuff and it's funny and the idea was great if not always executed the best. There are FAR WORSE episodes, let's be honest lol And I'll be making a list of cool stuff you just HAVE to see when you're finished :)


ohhh thank you everyone for the comments on this! i like the idea of how alley does it, maybe i will reach out to her and see if she has come across any issues. appreciate yall!


🥺🥺🥺 this is so nice thank you! I have NOT seen that but i love mr hanks! i think it would be cool to to a mini series within my movie commentaries ... like once a month do an older movie, a classic or something, and then do an animated, and then the other 2 vids could be pilots or something. i like the idea of watching older films! thank you!


this just made me smile so big, thank you darrell! im enjoying the journey too so im glad you're stickin it out with me!


🥺🥺 thank you!! LOL and hey to be fair it wasnt rupe hate... it was... rupe caution! LOLOL i thought he was a misdirect! but now im full team rupe!