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lol ohhh a surprise it was... 😳

(episode 14 will be up tomorrow if you want to wait and watch both together!)



i was made aware the G term in reference to Jenny's family is offensive so i want to apologize for saying it here. appreciate those who let me know. :)


Buffy Season 2, Ep 13 - Surprise

Vidyard video


The Oracle Witch

This ep imo was always the turning point in the show. Buffy gets hella real, the episodes are what i think when i think of buffy. Its like NOW Buffy (the show) really gets going. Enjoy Darcie! See ya tomorrow fly safe!

Svetlana Grabar

(Since you’ve watched the next one already)- I’m glad you understood what was happening right away! A lot of people don’t get it and didn’t pay attention to the scene with Ms. Calendar. I love this 2- parter soooo much. The Drusilla parts were amazing, her aesthetic and dancing. Not sure if you’re aware, but the ring that Angel gave Buffy is an actual thing! It’s called a Claddagh ring and it’s traditionally Irish :)

Jessica Roth

Now for the fun stuff. You missed that in Buffy's dream Willow is speaking French to the monkey. (Remember that Oz said "all monkeys are French" in the "animal crackers" scene at the end of episode 10. Buffy wasn't there, so Willow must have told her about it. Awww.) What does Willow say? "L'hippo a piqué ton pantalons"/"The hippo stole your pants", referencing that Oz talked about the cookie monkey having pants [and the hippo being jealous], but the Dream!Monkey doesn't have any. LOL. Also in Buffy's dream, Dan the Extra. Cool to know that although he never speaks and Buffy never speaks to him (and never will), she's still noticed him enough to dream about him. Nice eye for detail, Buff. I love that EVERYONE knows that Dream!Buffy is looking at Angel before we ever see David. That smile on SMG's face is just great acting. The Claddagh ring is actually something David's then-girlfriend had bought for him. Apparently Joss and the network saw it and smelled the sweet scent of merchandising $$$$. It works for the plot, though. And I like that when Angel is explaining the heart, he's just "well, you know". It works well that the first time he says he loves Buffy is right before The Big Moment. (Kind of dickish of him to make HER tell him in "Lie to Me" if he didn't say it back, but whatever.) Fashion! Cynthia Bergstrom is really bringing it this episode. I love Willow's entire outfit in her first scene (purple hat, purple patterned sweater, smiley-face backpack) and I love her terrier sweater on day 2. I love Buffy's birthday outfit with the green pants and the midnight-blue top. Only thing I'm not sure of is the giraffe pants that Buffy wears at the end of the episode, but you seemed to like them. I should note that these are NOT the same giraffe pants that Buffy wears in "Reptile Boy". So, apparently, Buffy owns multiple pairs of giraffe pants. Well, who doesn't? It's just funny for me to realize that Buffy was "seized" for the first time right after she wore giraffe pants. Is this a vampire thing? Should Dru buy some giraffe pants to cheer Spike up? You never know…


When the Claddagh ring was shown, I seriously thought it was such a beautiful gift for Buffy and also including bringing his Irish Culture into it made it even more special. It was such a genuine moment for Buffy and Angel


The way you covered your face during that whole ending? I FELT THAT. lolll I'm excited for the next one!


Just for future reference Darcie ... instead of saying the word that starts with G to refer to Jenny's people ... you should say either Roma or Romani ... the G word has negative connotations. Its not your fault for not knowing, but just in future its good to keep that in mind. Great Reactions in general though!

Pink Plastique



congrats !! you've made it to the great stuff!! damn you can just see the increase in quality in this one (and the next ofc), its so brilliantly written i can't get over it (sorry if this just looks like a fangirl comment :p)


ahhhh IM NOT READY!! haha no im kidding im excited! especially because of how much ive loved it up to this point so like... it only gets better? WHAT? lol and thank you so much! <3


hahaha i dont always catch things BUT i was on high alert this episode and i just knew that scene was info heavy haha. And yes! someone put in discord that the rings are real!! some even said they bought one hahaha - marketing :)


i agree it was super cute!! only part i didnt like was the wording of "belong to someone" but the gift itself was very sweet!


oh shoot! i didn't know - i will make sure to look into this and educate myself. i never want to offend so apologies for saying this! i really appreciate you letting me know. and thank you! im glad you're enjoying :)


hahahaha so many comments saying this and im like YALL ... THERE WAS SO MUCH GREATNESS TO THIS POINT TOO! but i get it, yall have the insight of the future like i dont. im so excited especially since ive really liked it until now so if its only gonna get better... lets go!


OMG the french speaking in the dream! thats so cute thanks for pointing that out!! definitely didnt catch on to that. and yeah i liked the pants LOL i thought they were super cute but i could never pull of giraffe pants lol so maybe im just in admiration that buffy can apparently pull off... well anything to be honest.


I had read something about this vaguely somewhere, but I just looked it up and I'm glad I did. Thank you for the call out.

Darryl Gillikin

It's like I always tell new reactors (and I think I said on your YouTube when you did the pilot)... season 1 and the first half of season 2 only looks "bad" or "lesser" in hindsight. As someone who was there at the time, there was a reason the show was already a phenomenon at this point. :-)


Views on that word have been changing over time ... and about the time Buffy and Angel were on was sorta the transition/tipping point after which people started to call out use of the word. So I don't condemn the show for using it but definitely when talking about Jenny's people in today's world using the preferred Roma/Romani terminology is best.


I just want to take a second to point out a Xander scene here. Cus I’ve seen this episode many times and this is the first I noticed it. Xander: Hi mom *pause, presumably his mom talking* Xander: Xander?? There been no hints that Xander is anything but an only child, so his mom not recognizing his voice or acknowledging that the only plausible reason for someone saying “hi mom” to her would be her own child. Sometimes I wished they more direct about Xander’s home life in regards to his friends, like are they really not aware? He’s known Willow the longest and she is the smartest of the group, I figured out of anyone she would know. Also to move on to Cal, I don’t she she was related to the Romani girl that Angel had killed. Her uncle said “your tribe” and “your people”, which doesn’t sound like a blood/family relationship. Of the few things I know of romani ppl, they live among their own kind due to the racism they’ve faced. If you’ve seen Disney’s hunchback, Frollo is a pretty good example of how people viewed the Romani. Romani people don’t get a lot representation in the media. A lot and I mean a lot of ppl don’t realize that G* is a slur, due to the fact that their plight is severely under represented. I do appreciate you correcting yourself. I wished the show didn’t use it but honestly Romani is such an underused term I wonder if ppl would even know what it meant.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

From 1x07 "ANGEL And then I made an error of judgment. Fed on a girl about your age. Beautiful. Dumb as a post, but a favorite among her clan. BUFFY Her clan? ANGEL The Romani -- (off her look) -- Gypsies. It was just before the turn of the century. The elders conjured the perfect punishment for me. They restored my soul." SO, it seems they're indicating that Buffy hadn't heard of Romani so Angel uses the G word, but I wish they'd thought 'well, now we've clarified we can use Romani'.


I don’t think it was common knowledge back then that G was a slur. I know I hadn’t heard it was until a few years ago. This is probably why they continued to use it

Jessica Roth

Yeah, it was in pretty common use back then. (Songs by Fleetwood Mac, April Wine, and others, I'm sure. Heck, I can think of at least two BANDS with that word in their names.) As recently as a decade ago, Vanessa Hudgens and her "best friend", Laura New (whom Vanessa has lived with since 2011, and I shouldn't have to tell you about Zac Efron…) registered matching InstaGram handles with "g----" in them. And remember Vanessa is half-Filipina, and presumably sensitive about issues like that. I think they just wanted Angel to be technically correct and then they went back to the common usage. These things take time, I guess.

Vicky N

I watch a lot of Buffy reactors. You are the first that I have seen understanding right away that Angel would loose his soul due to one moment of happiness based only on what Jenny’s uncle says in this episode.

Bud Haven

You were wondering why Angel wasn't trying to kill Buffy. That's not his M.O. He wants to hurt her, to make her crazy, like he made Drucilla before he kills / changes her. Drucilla said this in the episode.


@Jessica being a minority doesn’t automatically make you more sensitive to certain things. I’ve known many minorities used the G* slur. It’s just still to this day considered acceptable in the mainstream. There are reality TV shows where Romani are identified as the G* slur, by others and themselves.


@RJ they’d probably have to clarify every episode that Romani and G* meant the same group of ppl. Cus when this was airing on TV viewers wouldn’t have had that quote fresh in their minds come this episode. And since the mention was so brief it would’ve been easily forgotten by the time this episode aired.

David Meadows

I've always known what Romani (though we spelled it Romany) meant, at least as far back as the 70s. It was in reasonably mainstream use in the UK, though the other word was probably more common, I don't think anyone in the UK would need the meaning of Romany explained to them. But I suspect Romani are less common in the US than they are here.


I think you knowing it was a two parter, you knew something was gonna happen at least something big, so you paid attention more. That's why you caught onto the curse with Jenny's uncle because you were ready for something to happen. Still, great reaction.