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another interesting one today.... lol :)

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Buffy Season 2, Ep 12 - Bad Eggs

Vidyard video


Jessica Roth

Yes! This is another one of my "underrated pleasure" episodes. Some carp, but I enjoy it. A note on timing: this aired FIVE WEEKS after "Ted". So we've blown by Xmas and New Year's and we're into a new semester at school. (You'll note that Xander refers to having "just met" one of his classmates.) So this was sort of a "palate cleanser" episode, to ease new viewers into the series, because the WB was heavily promoting the "two-night event" for next week, where ep 2.13 would air on Monday and 2.14 on Tuesday, as the show shifted nights. (This was the first time the network had aired any programming on Tuesdays, moving BtVS there and premiering the strongly-reviewed and much-hyped "Dawson's Creek" afterwards.) Do you know how you're going to handle the upcoming two-parter? (I wonder if the bit in 2.09 about the ice rink being "closed on Tuesdays" was an in-joke about the WB being "dark" on Tuesdays at that point, with Joss knowing his show would soon be changing that.) Okay, off to watch with you. See you later.


This was definitely sci-fi ish, and thus yes very gross. Points for Cordy/Xander banter, the comedic relief of the Gorch brothers, and some cute outfits. I seem to remember liking it more back then, but now it's just okay. Yay for two episodes next week!

Chas Summers

As some have said, "this is an episode that happened." Best left at that.


For what is considered to be one of the worst episodes of Buffy it's actually pretty good. I love the Gorch brothers and their dumb conversations , I found that shit hilarious , also it had some genuinely creepy moments . From now on though it's time to strap in your seat belt as it's gonna be a bumpy ride lol

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Well...yeah... Anyway, it's not ALL bad but it's pretty dumb. You made it enjoyable though 😊 A few small things...there was evidently a surplus in the pick axe budget that year because, sheesh! Also, in the UK we call it blue tack...because it's blue, but great idea!!! And, it's very easy to miss but the sign in the library says 'Website coming' - I head canon that Cal made that a condition of her EVER dating Rupe again 😂 Also, I'm kinda glad she's not in the episode simply for the fact that she's only just getting over being possessed by Eyghon, we don't want a set back with a demon egg possession!! I reckon she was home coding that website for Rupe - preferably she's making it really tacky, with a big Rupe head that says 'hi' every time you click on him 🤣


Darcie, did you ever name your egg that had a secured mohawk?

Svetlana Grabar

This has total season 1 vibes to it. So weird and gross. It’s interesting about Joyce, some people find her overbearing and strict and others find her very reasonable. Personally I feel like she’s a (imperfect) single working mom doing her best to raise a teenager who’s sneaking out at night, getting bad grades, and occasionally burning down gyms. But it sucks because Joyce calls her irresponsible when Buffy has so much slayer responsibility. I just feel bad for both of them sometimes.

Jessica Roth

DARCIE: (lists all the supporting characters she hopes to see) ME: (knows Joyce is the only supporting character in the ep) Hang in there, we're saving them for later eps! DARCIE: Joyce really needs to chill out. ME (thinks): Yeah, this is the episode where Joyce says that Buffy is a "burden". This will be fun. And that's why I don't cut Joyce much slack. I never thought of how Lyle got to the mall, but it's doable. Joyce says the stores are closing, so it's between 8.30 and 9.00 PM, most likely. This is January, so it's been dark for hours by then. To my knowledge, "Muumuus R Us" is not a real store. And it's not QUITE a fat joke; it's more a "Moms are so boring they were shapeless sacks for clothing" joke. Yes, Xander is keeping up his sweater game. But my Outfit of the Episode is Buffy's purple top in the teaser; it works great with her hair, and it shows her curves, which, remember, is something of the mission statement. (Perhaps the slow pan across her upper chest while she's researching and her spaghetti top is flopping a bit is gratuitous, but we did just get a pile of Shirtless David in episode 10, so I guess this is evening the score? And, if I may "spoil" the obvious, we'll see David shirtless again.) OF COURSE Cordelia started a nationwide trend. OF COURSE SHE DID. I'm just shocked it was only the one. Good call on the "Teacher's Pet" vibes. While the episode is credited to Marti Noxon, she pretty much just had the "what if the eggs were alive?" idea and banged out an outline. (She had other work to do.) Much of the credit (or blame) for this should go to David Greenwalt, who directed here and wrote "Teacher's Pet". (Which, you recall, was also about sex [basically male fears about virginity] and so fits thematically, too.) Greenwalt put in all the MANY scifi/horror references here. (Marti doesn't have much of a sci-fi background. The Angel/Buffy conversations about their relationship are more obviously her work; the script version even works Buffy's angst a bit more.) So we get the parasites (Robert Heinlein's classic story "The Puppet Masters", also the basis for a great "Star Trek" episode) and the cowboy vampires ("Near Dark") and the farm implements ("Children of the Corn", of course) and Buffy's giant scissors ("Dead Again") and many others. Greenwalt being Greenwalt; he is indeed sometimes goofy.

Jessica Roth

Yeah, Rupe's pop-up head in the scene with Joyce had me thinking about your thumbnails, too, lol. People criticize the idea of leaving Buffy and Xander alone with two unhatched eggs, but remember…Mama Bezoar doesn't know that Buffy is the Slayer. (Willow and Cordelia do, but apparently Mama hadn't absorbed all those details yet.) The Bezoar-slaves thought that the eggs would feed, rendering B/X weak, and then hatch and enslave them. They didn't know Buffy would be fully awake when Xander was still completely out of it. The mall is the iconic Sherman Oaks Galleria, made famous in the movie "Valley Girl". It was right next to the Castle Park mini-golf course from last episode, hence back-to-back filming. I've actually been in that arcade. But by 1997, it was closed and being remodeled into an open-plan outdoor mall, as it remains to this day. It's not just Xander; IMO *everybody* looks a little too pale, a little too pink in this ep. Was the makeup department falling down on the job? Did the lighting guys try a new filter? Was there a goof processing the film to deliver it to the network? Beats me.

Briony Addey

Darcie, compellingness of reactors can be measured in whether I want to watch them react to Bad Eggs, and I clicked on this link within hours of you posting! Loving watching with you.

Claire Eyles

We did the egg baby thing at school too, except we did it in grade 6 primary school (so ages 10-11). I remember taking it so seriously. I made it a little bed, and tucked it in at night, and read it stories, and pretended to bottle fed with it a little doll's bottle. And then my cousin accidentally dropped the egg and broke it, and I had a meltdown. Yeah I took things way too seriously when I was a child. :D


someone had messaged me about the "closed on Tuesdays" line in that episode and said it was believed to be about that yup!! and i am doing this upcoming two parter same way as the last one! excited about it :) so part 1 up tuesday as normal and part 2 wednesday!!


yay for two episodes!! LOL im looking forward to another whole buffy day... going to order pizza this time i think :D


yeah i feel like i always say this but even the bad episodes at least make me laugh, make me think or give me some kind of cute/nice/fun moment so im never TOO disappointed! even if i didnt get dru time lol. and NOTED!!


hahaha awe well im glad i could make it a bit more watchable LOL. i havent heard blue tack before but had heard fun tack and some other kind of tack LOL basically tack :) and thank you! i was proud of that little mohawk!! OMG i did miss the sign! im going to have to go peep that hahah


i feel like i did!! it was a boy but i can't remember the name! :( it was something lame tho that wouldve been super cool back then like... mark or something LOL


TOTALLY! i always feel a little weird commenting on parenting when im not one... but i will say that maybe her being strict and overbearing isnt working and she should try a new tactic LOL but thats just me! agreed though, if she knew everything on buffys shoulders it would be different. i feel so bad for buffy because it would make her life easier for her mom to understand that... but its not an option. :(


LOLOL i really got zero wishes fufilled this episode haha! yes it was near closing time at the mall so i guess thats fair! likely dark by then, i was trying to peep the "windows" but couldnt really get an answer. either way ill let it slide this time :) YES i felt like i was watching teachers pet again.. right down to the eggs lol. it kinda felt nostalgic in that way! a little taste of season 1 to remind me of the good old days hahah! omg i know ZERO of those references! .... i dont think that would surprise anyone though lol


LOL someone else said in discord that moment reminded them of the thumbnails too and then i said it haha! see there is always something in the less interesting episodes to have a good giggle about. xander i felt got his colour back a bit later in the episode but it was SO weird in the beginning i was like... who did this makeup is he a vampire or whats happening haha glad someone else noticed too though!


NO claire i literally took this SO seriously too! hahaha like i was so scared of dropping that thing i made it a whole life saving hair piece! i got a really good grade on the assignment too, although now that i think about it i dunno why lol just cause i handed in a full egg? did anyone fail it? kinda funny to think about :)