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Buffy Season 1, Ep 10 - Nightmares

Vidyard video


Svetlana Grabar

"Fun" fact, Sarah Michelle Gellar is also very afraid of being buried alive and had a very hard time filming that scene.

Jenn Rose

Like I said on discord this is one of my favorite episodes of the season so I've really been looking forward to it! Also with us talking about fears all the time I knew an episode literally themed around fears/nightmares was gonna be fun lol. You're scared of so many things I would have never guessed spiders was not one of them since that's such a common fear (which I have) so I'm surprised and impressed. Darcie plot twist haha! I can't believe we only have 2 episodes left this season it has gone by so fast hasn't it!


So I do have to tell you that my soon to be 78 year old mom who is getting over a severe illness just killed a baby timber rattlesnake that was about to get into her house. Not the first snake she's killed either. She's kind of a badass. Haven't we all that recurring dream where we haven't been to class all semester and then you have to take the final exam? Mine is college related. I still question whether I actually graduated. Nowadays, my more severe nightmares would be 1) sharks 2) plane crashes (like you) and 3) Nazis (like Xander). Guess he and I have something in common after all. That scene with Buffy and her dad? Yeah, SMG didn't win that Daytime Emmy for nothing. Girl can act. I'm so excited you're almost to the end of Season 1, because that means you are about to enter the awesomeness of Season 2!

Jenn Rose

Since this episode is about fears might as well share mine. My worst fear is you know those crazy people who like exploring caves and squeezing into tiny tiny holes and passages? My worst fear would be getting stuck in one of those tight squeezes and no one able to save me. Of course I would never ever do it in the first place but just the thought of it! Glad we didn't get anything like that (though being buried alive is close!)


omgggg yup that would have been so hard!! even knowing that you were going to be okay, still so scary - what a queen


LOL not being scared of spiders is like literally my only flex in life hahaha they just don't bug me for whatever reason! LOL plot twist is right! it has gone by so fast!! i really feel sad about it kinda but also v excited for season 2


sounds like my kind of woman tbh!! she can save me from snakes - i already trust her lol. ahhh see sharks don't scare me at all either, in fact i really love them! i saw one in the wild while scuba diving once and it was INCREDIBLE i was so so so pumped! but i can see why they would be scary to people! yeah it was the first scene where i almost actually cried! so so good.


is it weird that i would feel scared exploring caves of like.. on land but not those in the ocean? like id be right in those things no fear hahaha


I trust her to kill snakes. I also trust her to give me a guilt trip about literally anything lol. I try and face my fear! Yesterday I was watching a video about Jaws and started screaming. My boyfriend had to come running into the room to turn it off for me. I'm such a baby. Ugh, I'm so jealous that you're watching from the beginning. You're going to love it so so so much more.


OMG the emotional support Corgi pillow! I love it so much. That Buffy/Dad (Hank) scene is such a gut punch and I think very relatable to a lot of kids from divorced parents. My parents are still together but I remember worrying that I caused them to fight (no matter how illogical it may have been). This is such a classic Buffy episode- it gives a little of everything comedy, horror, and an emotional beat. One of my favorites from this season.


Yes it’s weird and it’s exactly what we have come to expect.

Patrick Lyke

What a fun episode!! I stand by my comment in from the last one about these eps being like therapy making you face your fears :) As for fears I was pretty much fine with everything so far, except for the spiders. Give me snakes, laughing clowns, talking dolls...heck even performing on stage! Spiders is a big fat NOPE from me. Not gonna happen, no way no how. Now onward to the next to last episode of season 1! Can't wait to see how you react to how this season wraps up and then onward to season 2!!! :)

Teresa Schultz

Thanks for another great reaction!

Jessica Roth

Again, a reason to avoid the titles. (This one is "Nightmares".) Not only is it much better watching you figure out what's happening as the characters do, but that particular title might wig you out before you even hit "Play", lol. I'll pass on the spiders. I don't see what the big deal is about clowns and mimes, though; it's just actors wearing makeup. As long as they don't have knives… So, wait…this is the sixth episode where Kristine Sutherland plays "Buffy's mom", but Hank gets properly introduced to Giles in his FIRST SCENE? Patriarchy! Way to be a Daddy's girl, Buffy. Grr. Strange that you're not the first reactor I've seen who thought Hank was dead. I mean, if Buffy is 16, Hank is what? 40? A little young for dead. And over half of heterosexual marriages end in divorce, so IMO his absence is hardly odd. I guess you're right that he apparently hasn't been around before, though, since Buffy and Willow are only now discussing it. Clumsy exposition work by David Greenwalt; I guess he could have had Willow say "why are you worried? You see him every weekend, right?" or similar. (Thus far David Greenwalt has given you giant growling bugs, Angel as a vampire, and now this. I have a feeling he might not make it onto your Xmas card list, lol.) Glad you liked sassy Xander! I also like how they basically have him mock the show's own tropes, both with "find/slay/party" early on and with "That explanation was shorter than usual" when Giles goes "It's Billy", lol. And I like how he's the one to overcome his fear and punch out the clown; you can almost see his thought process: "yeah, this guy WAS scary…but I'm not six years old, any more." Go, Xander! Trivia note: Buffy's headstone answers the question of what year she was born in. The "1979" and "1980" screenshots in the Moloch episode were just jokes, as I said. Buffy was born in 1981. (Fairly early on, too, since she's already 16 when the series starts and it's only March.) Hilarious image from you of a relieved Giles reading everything he can on his way out of the hospital. "Men's restroom", "In case of Emergency, take stairs", "The ten early warning signs of a stroke"…all catnip to him, lol! You can somewhat see the network's censorious hand at work this episode. (Remember, all of Season 1 was filmed before any of it aired, so Joss Whedon didn't have any audience reaction to use as arguments on his side.) Xander refers to Nazis, and later we see swastikas…but no actual Nazis. And Xander says he's surprised Billy wasn't beaten by his parents…but it was "only" the coach. I can see the network being, "nope, we want to be family-friendly here! No Nazis, no abusive parents! Rewrite that stuff." (To be fair, if it had been Billy's dad that beat him, it could have diminished the angst of the Buffy/Hank scene, so the network could have been correct.)


Great reaction as per usual Darcie! I can't believe you're not afraid of spiders, sharks AND underwater spelunking! I'm afraid of all of those things, so you're my hero. Jaws can kiss my ass. I saw that movie WAY too young. I remember swimming in the pool as a kid and checking for sharks coming up from the drain at the deep end. Not cool. Not cool at all. The only recurring nightmares I have is from my waitressing/bartending days. I dream of having a million pissed off customers all needing something from me, the cooks in the kitchen being slow as molasses and me not remembering orders as I type them in. I haven't waitressed in something like, 15 years, and yet those are still my anxiety dreams. Tip your bar staff people (in the USA)! They do hard work.


LOL thank god i have bagel for when CLOWNS arrive unexpectedly hahaha. yeah it was such a sad scene! first one that almost got me to cry. totally relatable to a lot of kids, my parent divorced when i was only like 6 or 7 months but once i was old enough to understand i remember having those thoughts too! ya know just gonna say... LOVED the comedy...HATED the horror :D hahahaha


LOL my weekly therapy sessions are getting more and more intense it seems! hahaha well hey look at me, im finally not scared of something other people are!! i can't believe how fast this season is wrapping up - im excited though just hoping for no more clowns ahaha


HAHA im so surprised (but kinda relieved) so know im actually NOT scared of some things that other people are! haha, nothing in the water really scares me...except water snakes i guess and maybe alligators if i ever saw one. but like sharks, octopus, all the fun fishies - all day ill hang out with them! YES to tipping! I hated serving/bartending - mainly cause I don't like being around people LOL but i was always so surprised at how mean people can be when just one small thing goes wrong or isn't perfect. i'd say those nightmares are valid!! haha


yup i think its better not reading the titles! this one not sure it would have been as bad as if i had read the puppet show one, but definitely best i didn't! im learning lots of people don't like spiders! feeling a little proud of myself that i have at least ONE thing im not afraid of haha. i wonder if maybe we just tie it to personal experience with the buffy's dad thing. my dad is passed, not when i was 16 but when i was in my early 20s - so its not hard for me to imagine buffys dad may also be passed. especially since (as far as i can remember) he hasn't been mentioned AT ALL to this point! like they could have easily dropped a line of buffy saying "can't go, have to go to my dads this weekend" or buffy's mom saying "your dad called and wanted to know how cheerleading tryouts went" or something! with the new fears ive gained here NOPE he wouldn't make my christmas list LOL. im finding xander bugs me less when a) he's sassy and b) he wears cool sweaters :) i just know if i was giles in that scenario - yes! i would have totally been reading all the signs, the labels on things haha just to make sure we were back to normal. super interesting tidbits again jessica - thank you!! :D


LOL okay well re:sharks, if you want to face the fear watch Sharkwater!! It's a doc by a canadian filmmaker and really got me started on my love for sharks! might help ;)


Something happened today and I of course thought of you and this episode. Unfortunately, my long-awaited nap that I was so excited about resulted in nightmares about Nazis. I 100% blame Xander.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

1x01 "That Giles, I don't like him, he's evil right, I just know it." 1x10 "Awwwww, Rupe can't read?!?!?" 😭😭


I'm terrified of being stuck in a pipe..................nevermind the fact that what the hell would I be doing in a pipe

Claire Eyles

Okay, no spoilers (you'll just have to wait), but take note of that opera scene with Willow.

Jordan Haddow

I love this episode. Vampire Buffy. As if she wasn't already a big enough bad ass already. They did such a great job making unique fears. I also really love Cordelia's fears. Bad hair, bad clothes, being part of the chess club. Truly terrifying stuff.