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well well well... this was a time. :)


Buffy Season 1, Ep 9 - The Puppet Show

Vidyard video


David Meadows

Uh-oh. It's a good thing that you're not afraid of dolls or anything...

Jenn Rose

I've literally been waiting for this ever since your mention of dolls in episode 3. I was like "well Darcie is going to LOVE episode 9". Am I evil? Perhaps a little, but I just knew it would make for a great reaction. Always fun when reactors have fears...well...not for them I guess...but reaction wise....oh gosh I sound terrible LOL


Darcie watching episode 03 - "I hate dolls" Buffy - "I know, lets do an episode with a GIANT LIVING DOLL!"


Oooh this promises to be a fun time. I’m sorry Darcie 😆. I’m looking forward to watching this once I’m off work

Jessica Roth

And now you see why I wanted you to be spoiler-free on the titles. No sense having you hiding under the bed before the episode even started lol. Off to watch the episode with you.


LOL thanks tom!! i won't mention how i literally googled "have there been any real instances of dolls coming to life" before bed that night :D


OMG, I forgot this episode was coming! I hope you just closed your eyes until it was over. This one is rough for everyone.

Jessica Roth

Principal Snyder gets a lot of screentime for three reasons: 1) They like the character. 2) He's a useful red herring. 3) The actor, Armin Shimerman, was a bit of a celebrity, since he was at the same time appearing on "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" as Quark, the Ferengi. (That shot where Snyder is lit from behind and all you can see are his red ears is a homage to Quark's distinctive ears.) So, when they had Armin available, they wanted to make good use of him. And Armin was probably glad to play a role that didn't involve having to spend so much time in the make-up chair. This one isn't a huge favorite of mine; I think it's a little slow and there's no big theme, like "parental pressure" or "predatory teachers". And I'm a bit disappointed that we only see the group together or with the guest cast: it's nice that Xander gets a scene with Cordelia and Giles gets two*, but where are our Buffy/Giles or Xander/Willow scenes? One-on-ones develop the characters, I feel. (*-Nine episodes in, it's about time Giles and Cordelia met, after all. The contrast between her knowing how she wants everything to be and his having actual factual knowledge works well, I think.) Still, it is quite funny. The writers were sitcom guys at heart (Dean Batali went on to run "That 70s Show" and Rob des Hotel created "Man with a Plan"), so they know how to do comedy beats. I'm a bit disappointed that Buffy's mom didn't attend the show, after all. Yes, points for being willing to support Buffy's wishes, but I think I would have preferred her at least showing up to check things out. (Maybe she was at the back of the auditorium and we just didn't see her?) And while shoving Marc into his magic box gives us a nice transition from Buffy fighting Human!Marc to her battling the demon…what happened to Marc's clothes, exactly? Did the demon take a moment to strip off before attacking again? What, you can't have a free-for-all unless you're, er, free? Kinky… LOL at "demon rhino"! Moloch was a RAM, dangit! :) Best of luck with your new neighbors. They won't mind your periodic screams of terror, right?

Svetlana Grabar

I didn't know there was a credits scene before this! When you said that you were scared of dolls in episode 3, I immediately thought of this episode. I was like, oh no, you're not going to like what's coming.. I agree though, I was not upset with it dying at the end. It was so creepy and gross! I don't care what it's intentions were, it tried to stab Buffy, which is an immediate nope from me.


Tuesdays are my new favorite day of the week! Great reaction, I'm sorry you were so scared. I used to work at an American Girl Doll store. Not exactly the same type lol. The scariest thing that happened there was some older woman customer who was on the rude side. She asked me for something, I told her I'd check the back and be out in one minute. SHE. STARTED. COUNTING! One, two, three...I should have quit on the spot. This is such a little thing, but I really loved Cordelia singing Greatest Love of All. Like I couldn't stop laughing. Great job by Charisma to sound that off key. "What if Xander has a talent?" Besides annoying me? Nah. ;)

Patrick Lyke

LOL awesome reaction!! I feel like watching your reactions to season 1 feels more like seeing you go through therapy sessions where you're forced to confront your fears! Who knows, if you rewatch another couple times you'll be ready in no time to collect your own Sid doll LOL! Honestly though, great job powering through that despite the doll fear!! :)


She started COUNTING???!!! WTF? I'll bet she's invited to all the parties. LOL! Oh the joys of retail...


yeah like sorry mr doll almost KILLED buffy and then we're just gonna sit around and chit chat and not throw him in the river? i dunnooooo....


ohhhh nope i still wouldnt be able to work at an American Doll store either! omg she started counting LOL literally the audacity of some people, truly blows my mind! yeah i really started the episode in a good mood, thinking Xander might have a talent and well... hahaha


LOLOL you know now that you say that they really do feel like exposure therapy sessions! although this show has created some new fears too like growling bugs and talking hyenas soooo...


ohhh that's super super interesting about principal snyder! i knew something felt off like he was getting a ton of air time and this makes sense why. im still suspicious of him though! i won't let that go toooo easily. :) At the end i never really thought about how buffys mom never made it, i was really still focused on getting that doll in the river but that's a good point. maybe she did make it like you said and we just didn't see but since they wrote that scene with the two of them, wouldve been nice to see that all tied up! hehehe demon rhino ram ;) and thanks!! they looked super nice so hopefully they wont mind but hopefully i wont have TOO many future screams of terror ahhhh!


Way to power through! You should be proud of yourself. Great reaction, as always. I hope you're enjoying yourself despite the unbridled terror.


i missed this comment, sorry!! but yes, i am enjoying myself eeeeeven though i could do without dolls ever again :P


No comment as to your last sentence, but I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. xD Can't wait to watch the next one!


Ok so I started watching the Youtube reactions and I just HAD to join the Patreon to get the full length reactions! Buffy is one of my favorite series ever and I love joining you on your journey! The fact that you cracked up at the line "He was eaten" had me laughing so much! Like how are these people all so calm and chill and nonchalant about everything.... this town is my literal nightmare!!! Can't wait to get caught up with all your reactions you are doing so awesome girl!!! I am glad I found you!


EEEEK welcome james!! so glad you're here!! enjoy the binge!! and "he was eaten" REMAINS one of my fave lines still to this day hahahah