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ooooh anyone up for a little wedding?!?!



Charmed Season 1 Ep 6 - The Wedding From Hell

Vidyard video


Calvin Allen

I'm not hating on it but this may be the worst episode in the series. The editing was weird especially at the end. And this has some of the worst acting I've seen in this show. Pretty much everyone outside of the main cast was terrible.


omg so funny that I was SO excited to watch this one, for some reason it just has a special place in my heart but watching it with a fresh perspective I was like WHAAAAT? The writing and acting of the guest stars is SO BAD 😂 I think the sister's chemistry really pulls these early episodes through. Maybe I just love it because we see Piper in all her Chefyness and a lot of the opening credit scenes come from this episode, but MAN haha I just love being able to see the women I looked up to when I was 9 with a totally clean slate, as a 28 year old woman. Instead of being 20 years older than me, they're now about 5 years younger, and I have a little perspective on what they're like when they're a couple years older than me now (in Season 8). So excited to get there with you all!

Calvin Allen

The seemtress that pokes her is the best guest actress. Her reaction always makes me laugh. So relatable