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Hey there!


So I wanted to respond to the recent survey we did about the game. We got more than 100 responses and now it seems to have slowed down so I think it's a great time to share some of my thoughts about it. I also want to say that I read EVERY comment you guys made in the survey. ;)

The game seems to be well received and I’m very happy to see that as we did pour a lot of work and thought into it!

Overall most people seem to like CoC better or as much as DM. That’s also great news! Since they are quite different I was afraid many people wouldn’t like the change. Some of you mentioned that DM had more enemies and scenes, but overall I think CoC has a decent amount already considering only about a third of the game is done as of now. With CoC, I made a conscious decision to increase the resolution of the animations, thus favoring quality over quantity, so this is why CoC might feel less populated with scenes compared to DM. Although this game is a two-person project now, I'm still the sole animator so I hope you understand that we couldn't both increase the quality of animations and at the same time keep the same quantity as in DM. I also wanted to put more focus on the lore (which is not only CoC's, but also expanding upon DM's lore) and characters instead of them just being there because we needed another enemy in this area. Some of you said you prefer porn and not the other aspects, and we respect that wholeheartedly, that's why we have a gallery in the game already so you can just use that to get down 'n dirty without the hassle of having to play our game. ;)

Another point was that DM had more secrets. This is true, but don't fret as CoC will have a lot of secrets, too, but just like in DM, we plan to incorporate them at the last parts of the development cycle. In fact, you can expect a lot more backtracking, secret lore, and tidbits of the world in CoC than in DM, you're just going to have to be a bit patient for them. :)

I may have not been clear enough with this question and that is my fault. But what I meant here is the amount of content considering that the game is currently about 33% done. That means the full game should have about 3 times the content that we have currently. Some people also said the game is very short, which I just don’t agree on. The game currently has about 2 and a half hours of playtime which I think is pretty satisfactory. You can only complete it in half an hour if you skip all the text and already know the puzzles - in which case, you're right, but you're probably not a good standard then. :) In any case, I'll add more clarity here next time.

Another part where I’m very happy with the outcome. Most of you guys feel the game is high quality, which is really important to us! I’m very happy to see that we seem to deliver on this front. :) Nothing much to add here.

About the difficulty. I purposefully made this game easier than DM as even in DM I never intended it to be hard and I still truly believe that it is not hard. Even though I wanted CoC to be a fair game not having „unfair” deaths was definitely my goal. Most of you seemed to like the puzzles in the game, which I'm also really happy about.

Some of you said it would be nice to see smaller boobs in the game. There are 2 reasons why I prefer larger boobs: first, we want to release the game on Steam and this is the surest way to show that a character is an adult, especially in pixel art, second, to be fair I'm just a big tiddy kinda guy. I’m sorry, but I'm way too afraid to add petite women at this point into my games. Don't blame me; blame the people who made companies fear petite women because they can't distinguish a simply flat woman from an actual child.

Just a short note here. I’m happy that most of you guys at least are okay with the development speed. This is currently sustainable for us, allowing for breaks in between patches and personally, I think that a slower, but sustainable development is much more important than having fast updates in the beginning and then burning out and leaving the project half done. We are people with our normal everyday lives and everyday problems just like everyone else, so I’m very thankful to all of you for being understanding.

Not very surprising, the Imp is the most liked character so far, but overall it's good to see that no character is left unloved. Same with the scenes. Although the last animation is lower than the others, this is probably because it's just a handjob scene.

I think this is all I have to add currently. Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts with me about the game and we will be trying to improve it as much as we can in the future! See you in the next devlog!



I just started my membership, so I didn't get the chance to fill out the survey in time. By the time I reached the content end of the game and popped in here for the survey looks like it already finished. But after seeing the results, I doubt my vote would have made any difference.


I wouldn't let that stop you from providing an input. You could still constructively build upon the mentioned feedback!