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 So as you might have noticed I skipped last month's council meeting in favor of doing some experimenting. The idea was that I would have some stuff finished in like the middle of the month that I could present and have a vote after that. The experimenting includes a animated map I'm still working on, having some updated graphics (which I would like to possibly introduce into the digital dungeon builder I'm still working on) and really gunning it for a first printed product: the Creature Companion (which is made from those miniatures I draw). All of which will be revealed in due time during March (some of it in the beginning as a package (the map and tokens), and other stuff as I finish the final stages of the expanded work (the printed deck and the animation).

Outside of that I would like to keep experimenting however and try out some different approaches to dungeon builder ( a different approach to the thought process). 

 MAPS - For this month I would like to try out something different, maybe it'll work maybe it wont, but I was thinking of doing a sort of fragmented dungeon design which is based on the way some people create posts for instagram or some boardgames are put together, where it is build out of tiles. Each tile would basically be like x feet by x feet and have 4 exits/entrances. This will make it possible to rearrange the tiles into any sequence you want, with sections that have themes. Like one part could be a lair of a creature, the other might be a maze of hallways, the other filled with traps etc. If we go do this idea it will also make it possible for you all to have maximum input in designing the separate tiles. You can leave suggestions, as many as you can think of for the fragments, in the comments and if this is the direction we take, I'll just do a second poll or multiple polls where we vote what chambers you'd like to see me create first. You can be as descriptive as you'd like or keep it very basic. I'd design a tile and upload it and try do one tile every x amount of days. build the dungeon as we go. Who knows maybe we do this over multiple months and we'd have like dozens of tiles you can rearrange to create your own customized dungeon. 

TOKENS - Tokens for the upcoming months will mainly be drops of the beasts I've been drawing. I've done about 70 in the past month so I will have enough content to last us some time. If anyone really needs something, just let me know in the comments.

CHARACTER - So for monsters I've basically done 3 last time to give me some leeway, but I've got this idea for a bunch more I'd like to work on. Including animated armor that is possessed by beasts (like a wolf themed armor possessed by a wolf that will have passive abilities like a wolf). It's a way for me to train doing armor and it is also a way to add content to my campaign adventure. Which has been stalled a bit with the card deck.



Dr. Feargood

Fragmented Dungeon sounds awesome. May I suggest blank rooms as well and an asset pack for us to put in stuff which would randomize it more. Maybe even a asset to change an entrance, exit on a map blank closing it off? You said something about animated maps, what about assets like animated gifs of traps that we can put in the gm layer and spring it when its time.

brendo b

I agree with Chuck, fragmented dungeon sounds awesome, and a way to customize it a little like scatter terrain doors and bits and bobs that can be printed and cut out to maximize customization. .


Focus more on maps


If the fragmented dungeon comes through you can expect weekly maps getting dropped this month. Since I've done enough miniatures to last the next couple of months, I'll have more time on my hand to do maps in the following months.


So doing customizable content is possible but it is always important to remember that it will slow down content creation by somewhat. The idea I had for this fragmented dungeon was to really hash out a bunch of small maps in a short period of time to get a big map you can scramble. I do however really agree that cutout terrain doors will be an important part of making it more userfriendly. Maximum customization is something I'm working on in the long term, as I'm really still invested (and trying to push my programmers hard to continue working on) in creating a digital dungeon builder, which will be optimally customizable. Where you can just drag and drop elements which are specifically designed with high quality dungeon building in mind. I can elaborate why I'm not just already dropping bits and bobs of these png files that one could use in their dungeon already if you're interested, but for the fragmented dungeon I would love to focus on creating sections you can use separately for short quick encounters and tiles you can mix match for larger encounters at any time. I can always put up another vote for that too (as well be doing a couple of polls if the fragmented dungeon is the way we go)


I really loved your tokens for the bestiary, I have two druids that use them a lot and I’d love to see some more. I loved the direwolf and giant eagle that you did, but I’d love to see some basic forms as well like a regular wolf or eagle maybe a few more aquatic options, especially with the stat blocks. They are really helpful for a lot of my newer players


All 88 beasts will be available digitally and for print somewhere this March, with all the options available in the Monster Manual


I think a fragmented dungeon is a cool idea! There was a board game I played when I was younger called Labyrinth, that was sort of like this and I think the idea is awesome!


Fragmented dungeon, could be cool. Kinda sounds like betrayal at the house on the hill