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This was fun!!! 

It's even better to have the chat on the screen so you lot can see what it's truly like! 

We even discussed who we'd cut from certain groups hehe and this wasn't to be mean but I think the NEW generations ESPECIALLY in an already over saturated market has faaar too much talent and not enough stars and many groups have filler members in my opinion. 

Of course once you're invested in a group you'll feel like everyone plays a part but if I'm honest there's some groups I'm very familiar with and I'd still feel like some members are not pulling their weight as much, whether on stage or off stage. 

AND to add, I would like some of the "filler" members to be in another group, smaller where they can find what makes them a stand out because the talent is there but I don't think they're given enough room to truly shine.

 If you feel some groups have filler members too, DM me! LOOL

This is why I should've drink and be on live lol. 




I really miss your lives ❤️ Please react to Eunji‘s killing Voice, too. I‘ve eben waiting for so long ❤️🙏🏾 Oh you won‘t know by my Name, but it’s me y.w 😂


Ohhh heyy!! Ahh if i get the chance i will do, will i like her music tho? I already know she's a great singer of course, i enjoyed her mujin service

Haley David

Sad I missed the live but the conversation about filler members really made me wish that companies had the creative interest in making unit tracks on albums more often... like if the talent is there, let us hear it!


Is there a time you usually do a youtube live? I end up missing most due to timezone differences (am in Australia), so I'd like to try and be awake for one for once.


Your chat participants are quite savage, haha.. only skimmed through cos the video is just so long.

Joe B

Not this Irene news after what I said in the chat of this live 😳 I wasn’t that serious!!


I think you will like it. It’s different than Apink’s Music. She is versatile. Her music is leaning towards blues, soul, rock, 80‘s City Pop etc…


That's 3am my timezone, which explains why I end up missing the Youtube lives haha. Hopefully I can catch one if I'm up playing games ;)

Joe B

Someone was saying about they’d drop Yeri from RV and I said I’d drop Irene before Yeri 💀