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GISELLE?!! She's like the hidden dark house, I had NOO idea her tone and singing voice was THAT pretty hello?? 

And Ning ning's LOWs are very impressive for a soprano voice like hers. 

We NEED a full length album, produced WELL!! 




Jessica Liu

They would kill it with an R&B track T-T Have you listened to Ning's solo on It's Live or her Begin Again videos? Aespa's songs don't do her tone justice.

Daija Samariya

Have you heard their song Forever? It was earlier in their career right after their debut I believe. It showcases all of the girls vocals and gives you a good sense of all of their voices.

SpacedOut Vy

I totally agree with you that they need more songs (at least b-sides) where they SING!! I love their music but yeah, there’s not a lot of songs with longer melodic and connected lines (if that makes sense)


I wish their songs leaned more towards Red Velvet rather than f(x), lol. Don't get me wrong, I love f(x)'s discography, but I always felt that Luna's voice never had a real chance to shine because of the music they were given. She was underutilized as one of SM's best vocalists and I now feel the same way with Ningning and aespa's music. Like someone commented earlier, you should check out Ningning on Begin Again as well as her cover of Hwayobi's song on It's Live. These performances really showcase her in a different light.


YES!! I wish that too. I'm getting so BORED of rap singing. I just want singers to sing!

inconsistent enjoyer

Oh the things i would do with these groups if i was their creative director... Idk if you are into the aespa lore but i think the storytelling nature of the group would allow to do such a range of emotions on music. I would have loved an emotional and tragic tune mourning for the death of navis in the girls mini! and then welcome to my world would have been even better (Also giselle apparently was a choir singer, i wonder how that training transaltes to pop)


Oooo okay this is why you can hear that she can sing! Yes they really could've gone to many places with their lore.


I'm not too sure if you've seen this already but ning2 was on 'begin again' and sang one of my fave songs, which I feel like you might enjoy this performance of hers. I personally love it but again I might be jaded by the fact that it's such a great song choice (you don't have to record a reaction, but I just wanted to tell you abt her finally getting to do some solo vocal content as their main vocalist haha). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nl74mnxHaI She also did an OST on 'it's live' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swKB671ekfM EDIT: I just realized 2 other comments spoke about the same thing... oops