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I do feel bad about the delay but honestly I don't think you lot understand how much it takes to FOCUS for 3 hours HAHAHA. But man I managed and tbh it actually felt more like 2 hours. I do wish it wasn't soo overloaded with excess stuff but it's still enjoyable overall. 

It's a shame about the technical difficulties though, yesterday I had a myriad of them lol so you do lose visual of me for about 25 minutes but thank GOD I checked and I'm so glad the first half saved after my phone died.

I was gonna stop but I definitely need to see the 4th episode now! 




Дина Компекова

I was really looking forward to the reaction to Nana Tour! I’m from Kazakhstan, my English is bad, when I watch reactions I don’t understand a lot of things🥹😅but it’s so interesting if I write something through a translator😭🤪💜 Thanks for the reaction, I love Seventin❤️❤️❤️


I won’t give any spoilers but let’s just say you caught clues to the missions I definitely missed on my first watch!

Akshi Ankita

Watching with you again 😀😀😀😀😀

Akshi Ankita

I think they are going to London this year… also this year might be the last time we see all 13 together.. as jeonghan would have to enlist.. we also got to know scoups injury was serious enough that he was given military exemption