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Here's this month's Community Story!

"Look what I got!" Allie giggled as she held it up, giving it a shake. "Isn't that cute? It's looking right at you! It knows I'm going to win!"

She smirked as she saw her friend blush, staring at the adult diaper Allie had bought online, thick and crinkly and white, except for the set of eyes across the front of the landing strip that seemed to belong to a cartoony giraffe character. Tina, Allie had to assume, was feeling the same way about this that she had when the package had finally arrived and she'd opened it up and seen it for the first time. This whole thing was fun, plotting and scheming, but now it was starting to feel too real.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Tina asked uncertainly. "Maybe..."

"No way," Allie cut her off. "I already bought this stupid thing! What else am I going to do with it?! Besides... What if we see somebody we know there?"

"Oh, my God!" Tina snickered. "I hadn't even thought of that! Who do you think might be into this?"

Allie shrugged. "You never know. And we'll never know, unless we stick with this." Tina agreed, seemingly never suspecting the real reason Allie was so adamant about not backing out was that she was positive about winning the bet, which left Tina as the one with the more dangerous job... And the one who was actually going to have to wear the diaper.

It had all begun when Tina had stumbled across the post online, filled with weird abbreviations and things that looked like code words. They might have ignored it, except that there was a picture attached that intrigued them, since it was of a local park. They were curious, but didn't want to just show up, in case it was some kind of drug deal or something like that, so they did a little digging, and a little Googling.

What they found was far better than they ever could have guessed. It was a get-together for AB/DLs... Adult Babies. They'd vaguely seen some stuff about them online, heard jokes about them, but wouldn't have expected to find any right under their noses. As soon as they figured that out, they knew they had to see it, to gawk at it in person... To do that, however, without being suspicious, they were going to have to blend in, so at least one of them was going to need to be in diapers.

They were also going to need an invitation, so, to improve their chances, they'd both made accounts on the websites where they'd found the info on the event and individually started chatting up different people who seemed to be in charge, making a bet with each other that whoever achieved it first could be the caretaker in their 'relationship' and make the other be the baby for the sake of the get-together. 

Neither had been making much headway; apparently, this thing was better vetted than they'd anticipated, and their recently made accounts made it hard to convince their chosen targets that they were genuine. They'd begun to consider crashing the meeting point and hoping for the best... But then Allie had thought of buying the diaper in advance - they were going to need it eventually anyway - and using that to prove she wasn't faking... Even though she was.

She'd already taken a picture of it, along with one of her old teddy bears and the other supplies she'd bought to go with it, the baby wipes, the powder, the lotion, and put it on her profile, the only photo up there currently, since neither wanted to show their faces, to have their real identities associated with this. 'Getting ready for bed,' she captioned it, waiting for her contact to notice it.

"You're right," Tina told her. "The reason I was having second thoughts, though, is... I did it!" She grinned, bouncing in place. "I got the invitation!"

"You what?!" Allie squealed in excitement, hardly able to believe her ears. This was really happening! And then, a moment or two later, it hit her what that meant. This was really happening... And she'd lost the bet. That diaper she'd bought, thinking it would be her ace in the hole, her guarantee that she wouldn't have to wear it, was going to be going on her, not Tina...


"You know," Allie pouted, "we probably don't even need to do this... The dress is babyish enough, and if I keep the leggings on..."

"No way," Tina shook her head. "There's no way anybody's going to buy that your flat butt has any padding around it, whether they can see it or not."

"Hey!" Allie glared at her, the other girl chuckling at her anger.

"What else are you going to do with it, anyway?" Tina teased, reminding Allie of what she'd said when she'd first showed it to her. "Are you going to keep it just in case you start wetting the bed?"

"I'm not gonna wet my bed!" Allie whined. "I'm not a baby!"

Tina unfolded the diaper, putting it down on Allie's bed with a pat. "Yes, you are," she said. "For today, at least. Now sit down and let Mommy diaper you up."

Allie sighed, wrinkling her nose and stomping her foot, but knowing there was no way to avoid this. She wouldn't have let Tina talk her way out, so it was only fair that she couldn't, either, no matter how much she hated the idea. Ever since she'd heard that Tina had won, she'd found herself sneaking into her closet, digging the diaper out of the secret spot she'd kept it in, giving it a squeeze, imagining what it was going to be like to have to wear it, praying something would happen and their deception would be discovered, or the event would be cancelled...

And now, here she was, moments away from being taped into it like a little toddler. "D-Do you think I could keep my panties on underneath?" she tried. "I-I'm not going to use it, after all, so..."

"We'll see about that," Tina smirked. "We want to make this look as authentic as possible..."

Allie rolled her eyes, though, to be honest, she hadn't actually expected that to work. "Fine," she caved in, slipping out of her underwear. "Whatever."

The diaper was very soft beneath her bare bottom, and cozy, in a weird way, until it was pulled up between her legs, secured into place, to follow her every move. Then, it was an inescapable reminder of her new status in the eyes of their new 'friends'. They'd found a cute pair of Hello Kitty skirtalls to go with it, but it was too short to be worn on its own in public, so Tina helped her pull a pair of pink leggings on beneath it, over her diaper.

"You can totally see the bulge!" Allie squeaked, looking at herself in the mirror. "I can't go out like this!"

"Just keep your skirt down," Tina chuckled, tugging it back into place from where Allie was holding it, staring at herself in horror. "Come on, we don't want to be late."

Allie groaned as she started to walk, shocked at how much the bulk of the diaper pushed her thighs apart, the way that it changed the way she stood, the way she moved... There was no way for her to pretend she wasn't wearing it, to think of herself as the adult she knew she was... "I-I don't know about this, Tina..." she sniffed anxiously.

"Don't worry," Tina patted her on the head. "Mommy will take good care of you."

It was feeling hard to believe that once they got to the meeting point, however, when Tina sent her off to play in the sandbox while she stood and talked to the other 'Mommies.' Allie pouted, the sight of all the other adults there who where clearly diapered feeling far less funny to her now that she was also wearing one.

"Go on," Tina repeated, giving her a swat on her padded posterior. "No need to be shy now! This is what we came here for!"

"Is it her first time?" one of the other Mommies smiled, Tina nodding in response. "It's all right," the woman bent down to speak to Allie, which made her feel even more tiny and babyish. "Nobody's going to make fun of you here! They all know who you really are!"

She meant that Allie was really a baby - which wasn't true, Allie insisted silently - but it sounded too much like they were aware of her true self, that any one of them could use what happened today as ammunition to blackmail her... And that only made her more nervous. This truly was the more dangerous position... Tina didn't look any different from usual, honestly, and if there was anybody else watching, taking pictures from somewhere, she could realistically claim she'd wandered over to that section of the park on accident... One look at those hypothetical photos, however, would make it impossible for anyone to believe the same of Allie, with her childish outfit and puffy bottom.

"Or you don't have to," the woman chuckled. "You can hang back and hide behind your Mommy's skirt... We won't be here for too long. We don't want to draw too much attention to ourselves... We just don't have enough parking at my place for everyone."

"I-It's at your place?" Allie blinked up at her. "Then you're...?"

"Mommy Angie," the woman introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, cutie." Allie had seen pictures of her nursery, where the event was going to be held... It was strange, seeing the owner in person. She looked so normal... Allie never would have guessed that, at home, she had an adult sized crib in her spare room, or a changing table, or high chair, or...

"Be polite, Allie," Tina gave Allie another smack on the diaper.

"N-Nice to meet you, too!" Allie exclaimed, blushing.

Allie knew that it made her look even younger, more immature, but she took Angie's advice, hanging by Tina, until it was time for them all to walk from the park to Mommy Angie's place, each step that took them further from Tina's car making Allie wonder if this was such a good idea. There was no easy, quick escape if anything went wrong... But what was going to go wrong?

The nursery was even larger in person, with more than enough room for all the babies to do whatever they liked. Of course, as soon as they were there, their Mommies and Daddies set about putting the finishing touches on their outfits to help them look even more babyish, in a way that they obviously hadn't wanted to in public... And Tina was no different. "All right, Allie," she cooed. "Off with your pants!"

"W-We don't have to," Allie nibbling her lip. "I-I could stay like this, and..."

"I'm your Mommy," Tina reminded her. "And I want to see your cute little diaper! Or do I need to send you to the corner for being a naughty girl and disobeying?" Allie knew nobody would stop her, that they'd assume this was all a part of their relationship dynamic... They'd probably find it funny that the new girl was the first to be put in time-out, would stare at her over there with her diaper on display...

"O-Okay," she nodded, letting Tina help her slip out of the leggings, leaving her totally indistinguishable from any of the other babies. This wasn't fair! She was supposed to be here to gawk at all of them, not to become one herself!

Or so she thought... Tina sent her off to play, Allie toddling self-consciously over to the toy box to find herself some stuffed animals to keep her company, too shy to speak to anyone lest they see her as an equal. She saw Tina talking to Angie, but didn't think anything of it, even when Angie brought Tina a baby bottle filled with milk that Tina then gave to Allie.

"You looked thirsty," Tina smiled. "Wouldn't want you to get dehydrated."

"I'm not using this diaper," Allie hissed at her under her breath.

"Of course not," Tina nodded. "You have to drink something, though." 

She was probably right... Allie took a sip, taken by surprise at the taste of the milk. She hadn't drank milk by itself in a long time, but this was strangely sweet in a way that shocked her at first, though she couldn't say was completely unpleasant. Actually, after getting used to it, it was pretty good.

When she finished, she even toddled over to Tina, and Mommy Angie, who was talking to her, holding up the empty bottle. "More?" she asked hopefully.

Tina gave Angie a knowing look. "See?" she grinned.

Mommy Angie chuckled, nodded, sitting down next to Allie on the floor. "Hello, there, sweetie," she smiled. "Did you like that?" Allie blushed, nodded. "I thought so... You dribbled all over yourself, silly!" Allie blushed, glancing down, seeing that she had, indeed, gotten milk on her dress. "That's all right... We'll get it all cleaned up for you." Without any hesitation, she grabbed the dress, sliding it up over Allie's head.

Allie gasped, her hands moving to her now bare chest in shock, realizing she was sitting in the middle of the nursery in only her diaper. "No need to be shy... Look, Mommy Angie is going to show off her boobies, too, and, trust me, little one, I have a lot more for people to look at." That was true, though Allie couldn't exactly say that made her feel any better, staring up at the woman as she slid one breast out of her dress, not least of all because she didn't know why.

"Wh-What are...?" she frowned, squirming.

"You just said you wanted more," Angie said.

Allie's eyes shot over to Angie's chest, her whole face blazing as she put it together. "N-No, I-I... I-I didn't... I-I wouldn't..."

"It's okay," Angie cooed, gently cradling Allie in her arms, lifting her up closer and closer. "Your Mommy told me about your little crush on me... That's very flattering, sweetie, and very cute. You don't have to be shy..."

"B-But I don't drink breastmilk!" Allie squealed.

"Sure, you do," Angie chuckled. "You just did. Did you already forget what your Mommy told you was in the bottle? And you just told me you liked it... So why not have some more, straight from the source?"

Allie didn't know what to do, how to escape this without blowing her cover... And how could she make Mommy Angie believe her anyway? How could she convincingly say that she wasn't into all this when she'd guzzled down a bottle of breastmilk and come asking for more? Tina had, of course, not told her what was in it... But Angie didn't know that, and it was obvious that Angie really did see her as a little girl, so why would she believe her over her supposed Mommy?

Her stomach curdled a bit at the knowledge of what she'd drank, though she couldn't deny that it had, indeed, not tasted bad... It had been pretty good, in fact, far better than she would have guessed. Only babies drank that, however, and she wasn't a baby!

"Here we go," Angie encouraged, pushing Allie's face gently into her breast, the girl whimpering and fidgeting frantically. "Come on, latch on, sweetie..."

This wasn't going to happen! She wasn't going to breastfeed in front of all these big babies! She couldn't! And yet... Whether by accident, or on instinct, she found her mouth closing around Angie's nipple, the woman's hand firmly holding her in place once she had, giving her no choice...

"Just suck, baby," Angie instructed. "It isn't that different from your baba..."

Allie mumbled into the Mommy's chest, her protests muffled and unintelligible as she kicked her feet, unable to get away, unable to do anything except, after her token struggle, what she'd been told, starting to suckle, mind reeling as her mouth filled with warm, fresh milk, just like what she'd gotten from the bottle, what she'd enjoyed from there until hearing what it was... But it was even better.

"There," Angie smiled, patting the back of Allie's diaper. "Good girl..."

No! She didn't want to be a good girl! Not like this! She was an adult! She was here purely to make fun of these people! She couldn't let herself actually start to like it! 

But she couldn't help it, couldn't stop nursing, even as she felt her bladder filling to the breaking point. She wanted more, and the only way for her to do that was to make some room... And the only way to do that...

She blushed, feeling the padding around her bottom start to warm, growing soggy and heavy as she peed her pants. She could feel Angie's hand on her diaper, knew there was no way the woman wouldn't notice as she rubbed her bottom soothingly, and, indeed, she could hear Angie's voice over her saying, "Better get her a fresh diaper, too," along with a giggle from Tina.

What was wrong with her?! She hadn't even tried to stop it! She was acting way more like a baby than anyone else here, letting herself get breastfed, wetting herself without a second thought...

"I-I didn't..." she stammered once Angie finally loosened her grip, letting her push herself away from the woman's breast... Though, to be honest, all she really wanted to do was go back to sucking. "I-I don't usually..."

"It's all right," Mommy Angie assured her, adjusting her dress and standing up. "You're just a baby..."

"N-No, I'm not!" Allie whined as she was picked up and carried over to the changing table, where Tina had a new diaper waiting, along with a fluffy, footed sleeper.

"After a big feeding like that, you definitely need to go down for a nap," Tina told her.

"Tina!" Allie pouted. That wasn't fair! How was she supposed to watch everybody else here if she was asleep?! What was the point in her even coming here?!

"No, sweetie," Tina kissed her on the forehead. "Mommy, remember?"

Allie frowned, staring up at her friend, not detecting any sign of deception in her voice. Was she really that good of an actress? Or... Was there something else going on? Something that Allie had stumbled into, and now had no hope of escaping?


Tina hadn't known how Allie would respond when she showed her the post, but she was hoping for the best, of course. Allie was so adorable... She'd be perfect for this! Tina had never quite been able to figure out how to bring it up, however, how to test the waters.

Allie's response hadn't exactly been encouraging, either, once Tina had helped push her in the right direction to figure it all out. "Is this for real?" she'd giggled. "I mean, I know people do that, but do they do it here? That's so weird! Oh, my God, we have to go see it! I bet it'll be hilarious!"

There was still a part of Tina that had hoped for the best, that Allie would come around once she saw it in person... But that felt like too big of a risk. She'd never attended any in person, though she was active online. She made a new account with Allie for their competition; it was the original account that she was able to score an invitation with, however, telling Angie that she'd finally found a baby of her own.

She didn't want this first get-together to be a disaster, didn't want Allie to ruin everything, and wreck what little online reputation she'd managed to build up... And seeing Allie with the diaper, so close to what she wanted, only fueled her desires. It was cheating, a bit, but hypnosis only really worked if the person listening to it wanted the end result, so she didn't feel too bad about it.

And it had worked! Deep down, Allie had been the baby Tina knew she was... And even more adorable than she could have hoped. She smiled, looking over at the girl, curled up in the crib, sucking the paci Tina had given her happily, tummy full, bottom thickly padded... She was right where she belonged. All it had taken was a little push.

Speaking of pushes, as Tina watched, Allie rolled over, eyes blinking sleepily as she looked around, confused for a moment. Tina half expected her to panic, to yell for help... Instead, she smiled behind her pacifier, adjusting her position in the crib, lifting her legs up... And, without any hesitation, without so much as asking to be taken to the bathroom, a lump began to form in her diaper.

"Oh, my," Angie chuckled. "She is quite the baby, isn't she?"

"Yeah," Tina agreed. "That's why I brought her to you... I just don't have the equipment, or the time, to look after her full-time... But it's so obvious that's what she wants, and needs..."

"You did the right thing," Angie reassured her. "This is exactly where she belongs."


"Mommy!" Allie exclaimed, toddling over to her excitedly. "You're here!"

"I'm here!" Tina beamed, giving Allie a hug. "Have you been a good girl for Mommy Angie?"

Allie glanced over at Mommy Angie nervously for a moment, then nodded. "Mostly," she said.

"Well, that's better than not at all," Tina smiled.

"Did you come here to play?" Allie bounced in place, grinning behind her paci.

"I did," Tina said, "but also because we're having another party. Won't that be fun?"

"Yeah!" Allie answered automatically, knowing that's what her Mommies wanted from her... But she couldn't help but feel nervous, despite herself, as Tina pulled her usual t-shirt over her head and taped her into a dry diaper. "D-Do I have to wear that?" she asked.

"Don't be silly!" Tina laughed. "You'd leak all over the place without your diaper!"

Allie wriggled in place, knowing it was true, yet some part of her feeling like that was wrong, like that shouldn't be the case... Almost worse than that, however, was her t-shirt, what her Mommies always put her in before a party... It was white, short enough to keep her diaper on display, and decorated with a cartoon baby girl on the front and the words, 'Baby Me!', an open invitation for anyone to tease her, or change her, or feed her, or whatever they thought she needed.

"Wh-What about this, Mommy?" she asked, tugging at it. "I-I'm not that big of a baby... No more than Ollie, or Sally, or..."

"No lying, Allie," Mommy scolded. "You're going to be the biggest baby there, just like always... And Mommy's going to need lots of help to keep an eye on you."

Allie sucked anxiously on her pacifier, some part of her wondering how it had come to this, how she'd gone from coming to gawk at the big babies at the get-together, to becoming one of the main attractions.... The rest of her, however, was just happy it had, knowing that this was, indeed, exactly where she belonged.



Prince Theo

This one turned out better than I thought.