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Valerie whimpered, tugging uselessly on the hem of her party dress, for all the good it did her, the pacifier clipped to the front of it bouncing on its leash. There was surely no question what she was wearing underneath, and, even if there had been, Anita would have wiped it all away as she held court, happily telling the crowd gathered around, which was most of the student council Valerie had once been in charge of, about the summer, and all the humiliating, 'cute' things she'd done with Valerie.

"...And, silly me, I forgot her swim diapers!" Anita giggled. "So, there I was, in my bikini, with little Val next to me in her Pampers, at a total loss for how I was going to get her in the pool, after she'd thrown such a fit about wanting to go swimming! She couldn't go in with a normal diaper on, obviously, and there was no way I was going to let her go without a diaper at all..."

"I didn't beg!" Valerie grumbled, stomping her foot.

"What was that, sweetie?" Anita asked, turning her eyes on the shrunken girl with a grin. Before Valerie could realize her mistake, she'd swooped down, scooped her up, and sat down, holding the birthday girl firmly in her lap. "You want to tell the story with me?"

"No!" Valerie huffed, kicking her feet, blushing as she felt Anita inconspicuously gathering the skirt's fabric in her hands, making it shorter, guaranteeing that everyone was getting a good view of her puffy diaper. Even more worrying than that, however, was where she positioned her fingers, how she gently massaged Valerie's tummy as they were hidden beneath the folds of fabric, encouraging her bowels. "You're not telling it right!"

"I'm not?" Anita looked surprised. "What do you mean, cutie? Isn't that what happened?"

"No!" Valerie shook her head. "You're the one who wanted to go swimming!"

"If you say so," Anita shrugged to her audience with a long-suffering chuckle. "It was so hot this summer, who remembers who suggested it that day?"

"It was always you," Valerie 'reminded' her. 

"You were just always so bashful after this time," Anita smirked. "Do you want to tell them what we had to do?" Valerie definitely didn't. "She had to toddle up to everyone who looked like a babysitter, or an older sibling, and ask them if they had any spares! She looked so cute, waddling around in her frilly little one-piece, her Pampers peeking out from underneath... I can't believe anyone said no to her, but it took quite a while! I guess most people wait until their babies are potty trained before they risk taking them to the pool... I couldn't do that to poor little Val, though! She'd never get to go if that was the case!"

Valerie squirmed in shame as everyone laughed at her. "I am potty trained!" she whined, only encouraging them more, no doubt because of the diaper they could all see, and the change they'd all heard Anita and Nanny talking about her needing as soon as she arrived, and all the memories they had of her proving otherwise at school...

"Whatever you say," Anita kissed her on the top of the head giving her belly one final push before setting her down on the floor. "You'd think with as smart as she always claims she is, she'd have remembered to tell me to bring her a swim diaper in the first place!"

Valerie toddled away quickly, not wanting to hear any more, making it only a few steps away before she felt the cramps begin. She should be grateful, she supposed, that it hadn't happened while she was still on Anita's lap, as she'd seemed to want to happen... It probably wouldn't have gotten so bad so quick otherwise, but at least now, maybe, she'd have a chance...

"Nanny?" she looked around, certain the woman would be nearby, keeping an eye on things. For once, however, she wasn't, perhaps giving Valerie some privacy with her 'friends', or maybe assuming that they'd all be capable of watching her for a few minutes. Theoretically, she could have asked any of them to take her to the bathroom, to help her take her diaper off... That definitely wasn't actually going to happen, though. "Nanny?"

She let out a squeak as she accidentally bumped into somebody's leg, too busy searching for her Nanny in the sea of much bigger people to notice she was about to run into one of them. She almost lost her balance, but, luckily, managed to stay standing, staring up and up to see who it was...

"Hey, there," Johnny waved down at her, before kneeling down, getting on her level. "What's up, Val? You need some help with something?"

"No!" Valerie bristled. Of the boys there, it might be the least embarrassing to let him assist her... He'd been over many times during the summer, and Anita had never been shy about changing her in front of him. He was also her former vice president, however, and the one who had taken over after she'd lost her position. It wasn't technically his fault, of course, and if he'd tried to say no, she was certain Anita would have pushed him into it anyway... That didn't mean she'd forgiven him, though.

"Aww," he teased. "Poor thing... Are you upset that so many people are here so you can't play with your horsie? Would you rather have some 'fun,'" he winked in a way that made Valerie instantly blush, "with your favorite toy on your birthday, instead of seeing your friends?"

"You're not my friend," Valerie glared at him with as intimidating an expression as she could muster, in her poofy party dress and Pampers, and with that reminder of how Anita had let him see her having what she thought was some alone time with Summer's old horsie over the summer, too. 

"That hurts my feelings, Val," he told her. "We worked together for a long time before... Well..." He reached out, adjusting the hem of her dress. "Before you showed everyone who you really were."

"No, we didn't," Valerie crossed her arms. "You always sided with whatever Anita said! You never tried to work with me, or..." 

"I guess you're right," he sneered, reaching over to pluck Valerie's pacifier where it was hanging from its leash, pushing it into her mouth, Valerie's eyes widening as her mouth instantly filled with a torrent of prune juice. "I don't want to be friends with a whiny little baby anyway."

"I'm not a whiny little baby!" Valerie tried to insist, her hands automatically moving up to try to pull the pacifier out. She recognized her mistake instantly, yet it was already too late, the flow of liquid thickening into oatmeal as soon as she touched the object. She knew better, of course, but she hadn't been able to help herself... And now, she had to pay the price, as her already churning stomach began to grow fuller and fuller as she was forced to swallow the endless supply of mush being pumped into her mouth.

"You'd better get going, then," Johnny sent her away with a pat on her diaper. "Maybe you can find somebody who does want to be friends, instead of a babysitter."

Valerie groaned, hands curling into angry, impotent fists. She couldn't even call out for Nanny anymore! She was just going to have to hope she ran into her before the inevitable happened now, even as her paci made that more and more unlikely. She waddled desperately through the crowd, getting congratulatory "Happy Birthday!"s and pats on the head - or, embarrassingly, the bottom - as she went, searching and swallowing and straining to contain herself as her tummy rumbled...

"It's so much nicer than high school," she heard her friend Parker speaking. "I'm actually interested in all my classes, and you can basically do whatever you want in the dorm. I mean, there are RA's, obviously, but it's way better than being at home."

Valerie felt her cheeks burning; he was talking about college, where she was supposed to be... Instead, she was stuck in kindergarten, where all of her classes were so basic and boring, and yet, try as she might, she still struggled to get a smiley face sticker in any of them, which she knew meant she was as close to flunking out of it as was possible... Just like she did with every other grade, from senior year right on down. And she craved that kind of freedom at home, as opposed to constantly being under Nanny, or some other babysitter's, watchful eye, rarely alone for more than a few minutes at a time...

"It's too bad we didn't get into the same school," Stacy told him, sounding far sappier than Valerie was used to for her. "I miss you already."

"I miss you, too," Parker smiled, giving her a kiss. "But we're going to visit soon, right? Once you get settled in at your school, and we both get more used to things... It's going to be great!"

"You know if Valerie," Val perked up at the sound of her name, "was still..." Stacy paused, searching for the right words, "going to college," she settle on, "she'd already have a whole schedule planned out for all of us."

Parker chuckled. "Yeah, definitely... Maybe we should come see her, too."

"Yeah, I don't know," Stacy shrugged uncomfortably.

"Why not?" Parker asked. "You two used to always hang out..."

"It's weird now," Stacy said. "I don't want to have to change her diaper or something." She wrinkled her nose, shaking her head. "I only came here today because you said you were coming back for it, and I wanted to see you... And I knew she'd have other people around to take care of that for her."

"You're really that scared of a dirty diaper or two?" Parker teased, getting shoved in return.

"I'm not scared!" Stacy glared at him. "It's just weird... I mean, it was nice having her to help me with homework and stuff, but also, she always just, like, seemed to know what she was doing... It was nice to see somebody my age like that, and seeing how she'd just been faking everything... I don't know, maybe it did spook me a bit. I really thought I knew her, and now, seeing her show up for the party... I barely even recognized her."

"Do you think that you're worried that if it happened to her, it could happen to you?" Parker asked.

"No way," Stacy shook her head. "I would never let that happen! Besides, everyone knows I'm not that good at school... I don't feel the need to pretend, and lie to everyone I know, to act like that isn't the case."

"Maybe you would if you knew you really belonged back in kindergarten," Parker chuckled, Stacy laughing along. 

Valerie huffed behind her pacifier, giving her Mary Janes another stomp. That couldn't really be what they thought of her, could it?! She didn't belong in kindergarten! This wasn't her fault! How could they, her supposed, actual, friends, not see that?! But they didn't even hear her, or see her there, too busy staring mushily into one another's eyes... Until Nanny finally appeared.

"There you are!" she declared, making Valerie flinch, Parker and Stacy turning to look at her, then following her gaze, looking slightly - though not enough, in Valerie's opinion - bashful when they saw Valerie was standing there. "I've been trying to find you, young lady! It's time for presents!"

She picked Valerie up, thankfully plucking out the pacifier, letting it dangle on the leash once more. Maybe, if it hadn't been for the effects of it, Valerie would have been able to wait a little longer, until she was away from Stacy, but she couldn't help herself, blurting out right away, "I hafta go to the potty!"

"Well, why didn't you ask me when we were in your room?" Nanny sighed. "I'm not going to make everyone else wait even longer... You'll just have to hold it, or go in your diaper, like usual. Why change things now, just because you're a year older?" She gave Stacy and Parker a wink, while Valerie wriggled in her arms, wanting to vanish. "Come on... I'm sure you got lots of fun stuff!"

Valerie was less certain about that... But it didn't matter, because Nanny was already on her way across the room, taking her to the pile of gifts, a high chair set up right in the middle of it, ensuring everyone would be able to see her all the better as she squirmed, tummy rumbling ominously.



They should find out that anita was the person that did the bad and put her in diapers also kick Johnny out. Plus Valerie to grow up back into adult but still needs diapers lol


Yes i did i just think its their turn to what its like to be in diapers