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Janet blinked her eyes, opening them slowly to the sight of bars surrounding her, in a way that they hadn't since Hazel had gone back home. Slowly, it came back to her what had happened, how she'd been caught by her own maid, how she'd very nearly gotten breastfed, before her whining and begging and claiming she wasn't hungry had gotten her, instead, changed into a fresh, double-thick diaper and a onesie for an early bedtime.

How could this be happening to her again?! It was bad enough when it had been her stepdaughter... She wasn't sure if Lexi was better or worse than that, but she'd really hoped this time, when she stayed home on her own, she'd get to enjoy it as an adult, rather than winding up back here, back trapped in a crib, in diapers, like a toddler.

"I thought I heard you moving around in here over the baby monitor," Lexi cooed, opening up the door, Janet's face flushing.

"Lexi," Janet said, with as much authority in her voice as she could muster. "I am your employer, and if you'd like to keep working in this house..."

Lexi ignored her, marching up to the crib, slipping a pair of fingers through the leghole of the onesie. "Just as I expected," she interrupted. "Why don't we get you into a dry diaper, sweetie?"

That, of course, shut Janet up immediately; there was no way she could pretend she was in charge after that! Bashfully, she let herself be cleaned up and changed, and led to the kitchen, where she stood by awkwardly while Lexi fixed her a bottle of formula for breakfast. When it was finished, Lexi picked her up, carrying her into the living room.

There was no missing the playpen set up there, and Janet was certain that was where she was headed. Instead, to her surprise, she was laid down on the couch, Lexi sitting down and positioning the smaller woman's head over her lap. Janet could only watch helplessly as the bottle was moved towards her lips, coming closer and closer, her mouth opening instinctively, until...

The doorbell rang. Janet's eyes widened and she squirmed, her diaper crinkling loudly as she remembered Bernice's promise to be there, bright and early, to pick her up. She hadn't mentioned that to Lexi, hadn't really had the chance before being tucked into her crib for the night. 

"Who could that be?" Lexi wondered out loud. "Are you expecting company?" Janet blushed, not knowing how to even start explaining. "Well, I hope you don't mind them seeing the new you," Lexi shrugged, scooping the flustered Janet back up, setting her down in the playpen after all, pushing the bottle into her hands. "You drink your ba-ba while mommy sees who it is."

"B-But..." Janet fidgeted.

"Drink," Lexi ordered. "I'd better see that in your mouth, and I'd better see some gone, when I get back, little lady!"

Janet nodded, obediently doing as she had been told, slipping the nipple between her lips while her maid went to answer the door. In the distance, she could faintly hear Bernice's voice, sounding confused as she asked, "Is Janet home?" Her only hope was that Lexi wouldn't trust her, wouldn't want to let her in, to share Janet with her... Then, Bernice couldn't blame Janet for not being able to go to daycare, now could she? Janet could explain it all later, and...

"Come on in," Lexi said, and, a few moments later, as Janet bashfully nursed her bottle, she, Bernice, and Melba all filed in to see her sitting in her playpen, wearing her onesie, looking like more of an infant than ever.

"Well, don't you look sweet this morning?" Bernice smiled, bending down to tap Janet on the nose. "Good morning, sweetie! I bet she was grumpy when she got up," she chuckled, turning to Lexi.

"When is she not?" Lexi smirked. "But what can you expect from a baby like her?"

Janet's face burned with humiliation as she sat and sucked down her milk, being talked about like she wasn't there, or was too small to understand. In a way, though, that was almost better than what happened next.

"Melba, dear," Bernice said, "can you be a good girl and keep an eye on the baby while the grown-ups talk?"

"B-But..!" Janet squealed. They couldn't leave her in the care of this little kid! 

"Finish your bottle," Lexi ordered, sure enough walking out of the room with Bernice, leaving Janet behind with an eager Melba, proud of being the one in charge, trying to make Janet play with the toys in her playpen, or, when Janet sulkily refused, attempting to keep her distracted by jingling a set of plastic, toy keys in front of her.

"What a good little helper!" Bernice crowed proudly when they finally returned. "Thank you so much, Melba!"

"Tell her thank you, Janet," Lexi glared at her.

"Th-Thank you for keeping me company," Janet mumbled. She was glad to see Bernice lead Melba away, wondering if Lexi and Bernice had come to an agreement, and decided that she didn't need to go to daycare after all, only to be plucked out of her playpen, returned to Lexi's hip.

"Don't worry, you'll see your little friend again soon," Lexi promised. "We decided it might be best to ease you into this, so we're going to take you on a nice picnic today, instead of daycare." That was easing her in?! Janet wriggled, though there was no way for her to escape the maid's grip. She didn't like Lexi knowing she was supposed to be going to daycare, but the idea of going out in public this way was far worse... Zella had made her do that once, yet this time, Janet was dressed even younger than she had been then!

Thankfully, Lexi didn't make her go out in her onesie... Instead, she took her back to her nursery to put her into a new outfit, doubling up her diapers, pulling a pair of thick, white tights with ruffles on the seat over them, barely managing to get them over the massive padding, then pulling a short, baby blue sailor dress over her head, and finishing it off with a pair of shiny, black Mary Janes.

Janet wasn't sure if this was an improvement or not, honestly, as Lexi carried her down the the car and buckled her into a car seat. The whole ride, as she bounced along, trying in vain to squeeze her legs together, Janet wondered how she was even going to be able to walk, considering how bulky this pair of diapers was. It didn't take long, once they were at the park, for her to get her answer. Lexi stepped out, walking around to her trunk for a minute, and then, by the time she opened the car door to release Janet from her car seat, she had a stroller open and waiting.

Janet blushed, squirming and nervously staring down at the ground as she was pushed through the park, not wanting to catch anyone's eye while she was wheeled past them, her hands anxiously tugging at her dress in a probably futile attempt to keep her diaper hidden. It was almost a relief to see Bernice and Melba's picnic blanket, Bernice waving them over.

"There you are!" she beamed. "Don't you look adorable, Janet?"

"What do you say?" Lexi prompted.

"Th-Thank you," Janet sighed. Lexi unbuckled her from the stroller, setting her down on the blanket, where Melba was eager to try to entertain her again, having brought what Janet had to assume was a collection of some of her own old toys, things she'd outgrown.

"You two can go play if you want," Bernice told them. "Just stay within sight of the blanket, okay, Melba?"

Of course, she was the one getting instructions... It didn't even have to be clarified that she was in charge again. She grabbed Janet's hand, tugging on it, and Janet shot Lexi a look, hoping she'd say something, get her out of this... But, unsurprisingly, she got only a pointed glare instead, one that made it clear that she was supposed to go along with the girl.

Janet clambered to her feet, shocked to feel how thick the diapers really were when she was standing, how little they gave when she pressed her thighs together. She was going to waddle for sure... In fact, she could barely make it a step or two, as Melba beckoned her on, without stumbling and falling. Fortunately, she landed mostly on her bottom, which had plenty of padding - that was the whole problem! - but that didn't make it any less embarrassing for her. She pouted back at Bernice and Lexi after the first few times, searching for sympathy, only to see that they were deep in conversation. She had a feeling it was about her... And that she'd rather not know what, exactly, was being said.

"You can just crawl, silly!" Melba told her, after she tumbled to the ground yet again. "That's what babies do."

"I'm not a baby!" Janet insisted... But crawling really would be easier, even if it would make it even harder for her to hide her diapers beneath her short skirt.

"Then why haven't you learned how to walk yet?" Melba teased.

"I can, you little brat," Janet glared at her. "I'm just..." She froze, seeing the girl's eyes widen, start to grow moist. It might feel good, taking her frustrations out on her... But there was no way it would end well, if Melba went running to the 'grown-ups' to tattle, which she looked to be on the verge of doing. "I'm sorry!" Janet exclaimed. "You're not a brat!"

"No, I'm not!" Melba nodded. "You are! That's what Mommy said! And she said I should tell her if I see you acting like you, so you can be punished!"

"No, no, don't do that!" Janet shook her head. "I-I said I was sorry!" She had a bad feeling that wasn't going to be enough, however. "Fine," she caved. "I'll crawl." She leaned forward onto her hands and knees, feeling her padded bottom sticking up in their air, displaying the ruffles on the back of her tights. Her one comfort was that, in this position, maybe it would be a bit harder for people to see her face, to potentially recognize her, or see that she was an adult, not a little kid like her companion.

It was a huge relief when, finally, they were called back over to the picnic blanket. As Janet approached, she could see that there were three plates of food set up there, and by now, she was pretty hungry, since all she'd had for breakfast was a bottle of formula, and she hadn't had any supper after refusing to be breastfed. She grabbed for one of them, only to have Lexi swat her hand away.

"Food is for big girls," she scolded. "You'll be fed afterwards. Go on, play with some of the toys Melba was nice enough to bring for you."

Janet sulked, sitting there, poking at the baby toys, watching while Melba, apparently a 'big girl' got to eat ahead of her, having no choice except to wait, wondering what they were going to give her. Thanks to Hazel, she had plenty of experience with baby food, and she'd prefer not to get any more... Especially if they decided to let Melba try feeding her.

She blushed, shuddering as she imagined that, even though she had a feeling, once it had occurred that was going to be exactly what happened. Instead, it was something even worse, somehow.

Finally, she was snapped out of her musings by the sensation of Lexi's strong arms around her once more, pulling her over to her lap. She should be glad, she supposed, that there was no high chair here, and she was...

Until she glanced up to see Lexi pulling up her shirt, revealing one large, exposed breast. Janet gasped, eyes widening as she looked over at Bernice, hoping she would step in, put a stop to this as she was once again lifted up towards the nipple, just like last night.

"N-No!" she whined, shaking her head, trying to squirm away, humiliation flooding through her mind at what was happening. She couldn't protest too loudly here, or she'd draw even more attention to herself, practically invite more people to look over, to witness what she was doing, to see her, writhing helplessly there in her infantile outfit and super thick diapers, being moved closer and closer to her maid's breast. "Lexi!" she groaned in frustration.

And then, at last, her mouth was pushed against Lexi's chest, and this time, there was no escaping it. She whimpered, cheeks burning as she gave one last attempt to wiggle loose before giving in, starting to nurse, her head swimming as she felt her mouth fill with the warm, sweet milk, cementing in her mind just how much of a baby she'd become.


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