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A short story commission for Ryan.

He did his best, but it was hard not to be jealous, sometimes. It was mostly his fault, Andy knew, for being such a chicken, and taking so long to even engage in the slight way he did now, by adding a picture to his lurker Instagram account, and commenting here and there. If he'd gotten there a little earlier, perhaps, been a little more proactive in the community, then he might have had a chance...

Even then, though, it seemed unlikely. It was a problem that appeared to have been around for quite a while. He wasn't as desperate as some people, who commented on every picture they saw, begging for attention, but he did feel that same pull, the desire to take the place of the people he saw getting to do the things he fantasized about...

There were just not enough Mommies, and the ones that were out there were all taken. He didn't begrudge those who had managed to find their match, yet, at this point, it required more luck than anything, hoping that you could find somebody compatible, and that was nearby, and that wasn't already in a relationship...

He could play on his own, of course... He'd bought some sample diapers online, and, more than once, he'd come close to putting one on, but he always stopped himself. He didn't really know what he was doing - even if he'd seen plenty of videos online of other people - and didn't want to mess them up... And, honestly, the idea of somebody else putting him into them was a big part of his attraction to all this. Doing it alone felt wrong, somehow, hollow...

But that didn't change the fact that it was starting to look like his only option. Any time he stumbled across the account of another Mommy, and he saw the pictures of her nursery, all the equipment and furniture that he would have loved to try out, he'd dig a bit deeper and see that they had a dedicated baby boy or girl, and no room for another...

"I just wish," he mumbled one night, after another fruitless browsing session, "there were more Mommies out there..."

He didn't realize it was past midnight, and, therefore, officially Valentine's Day... And how could he possibly have known that Cupid, something he'd never have thought was real in the first place, was listening, and willing to grant his wish?

Andy woke up the next morning to a buzz as he got a DM, groggily turning on the screen of his phone, eyes widening as he saw how many he'd already missed. What was going on?! This was easily more than he'd gotten in the entire time he'd had his account, all in one night! Had he been hacked or something?!

Nervously, he tapped into the app, hoping there hadn't been too much damage done, though he reminded himself that there were only a few pictures of himself up, and he'd barely engaged with anyone on there in any real way, so it wasn't as if he'd be losing a lot if he had to start over. But, rather than a inbox full of spam, or people complaining that he'd been taken over to send spam to them, he was greeted with something very different... 

They were all messages from beautiful women, many of whom had sent pictures of themselves, standing in front of oversized cribs or changing tables, or bending down towards the camera, like they were giants leaning down to comfort him, their ample cleavage struggling to stay contained by the plunging necklines of their dresses...

'What is a cutie like you doing out of diapers?' one of them asked. 'I'd love to help fix that.'

'I see you're following all those other Mommies,' another complained. 'I think you deserve a spanking for not following me, too!'

Yet another suggested, 'Why don't we meet up, and you can be my little Cupid for Valentine's Day?'

And there were far more than that... Andy's head spun as he scrolled through them, thoroughly baffled at what was going on. Where had all these women come from?! How had he never seen them before?! It was clear from the pictures some of them had sent, and in the profiles of others, that they were serious about this, that they had their nurseries assembled and ready to go, shelves full of diapers, closets full of baby clothes...

'Why aren't there more big babies out there?' one of the posts he found inquired. 'How can I not find any sweet little boys who need a Mommy?'

And, to his shock, the replies to that weren't mostly guys offering themselves up to fill that role... It was more Mommies, many of whom had already slid into his DMs, commiserating, talking about how they had the same problem. The posts went back weeks, months, years in some cases... How could he have missed so many Mommies for so long?!

Or... Could there be more to this? A quick look at his follow list followed made him wonder, when most of those Mommies now had the same complaints as the ones who had approached him, and most of the AB/DLs had either closed their accounts, or were posting completely normal photos, no sign of any diapers, or other baby stuff. There were a few that were the same as he remembered, but not many... 

As insane as it sounded, it was like his wish had somehow come true... The balance had shifted, and now, there were more than enough Mommies for everyone; the problem now was that there weren't nearly enough babies to go around. But he was still one... And, even with no pictures of him in diapers up, just mentioning them, and following the right people, had been enough to give him his pick of whatever Mommy he wanted.

He didn't know where to start; it would take forever to sort through all of his messages, and there were still more pouring in. He picked one, almost totally at random, and said, 'Nice to meet you! What kind of things are you into?'

The answer came shockingly quick, and simple. 'Putting you into diapers, little boy.'

He certainly wouldn't have minded that, though he decided to play a little coy, teasing, 'Maybe you should buy me a few drinks first.'

To his surprise, she sent over a picture of her breasts, barely concealed beneath her lacy bra. 'I have everything you need to drink right here, baby.'

It was hard to say that wasn't flattering, especially after so many fruitless searches... It was also hard not to feel the desperation coming off of her. It wasn't quite the same as an unsolicited dick pic, or, as seemed to be more common in the community, a diaper crotch shot... But not by much. That was the fifth message they'd exchanged, and they still knew basically nothing about each other... 

Was he crazy? He'd spent so long dreaming about a Mommy, and now there was somebody who wanted to be that for him, and he was going to get picky? He'd been in her spot yesterday... But he'd never been that desperate... He did want a Mommy, but he wanted one that he could have a relationship with, and this felt more like a frantic hook-up...

That was how most of the conversations went, the women throwing themselves at him with abandon as soon as he showed them any interest whatsoever. There were never any questions about him, other than if he was wearing a diaper right then, and his attempts to find out more about them were stonewalled, as there was only one thing they wanted to talk about.

Maybe that was why, as odd as it was, he didn't completely ignore the next message he got from the woman who had wanted him to play Cupid. At the very least, it was something different, even if it was slightly creepy. 'Not trying to be a stalker,' she said, 'but I think we're local... I'm pretty sure I recognize the background from one of your pictures, lol.' 

She hadn't jumped right to the diapers, he reasoned. In fact, she hadn't mentioned them directly at all... He did his best to be delicate, to keep from giving away his location, and she kept it up, talking to him more like a normal person, enough that he was willing to agree to meet her that afternoon.

It all still felt like a dream, so when he walked into the waiting area of the restaurant they'd agreed on and didn't see her there, his heart sank a little, but it really wasn't that big a shock. Of course it wasn't actually going to happen... 

"There you are!" he heard a voice from behind him, turning to see the woman from the pictures he'd seen on her account, even more gorgeous in real life. She pulled him into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry I made you wait! Traffic was crazy!"

"Oh, it was?" he blinked in surprise. "It wasn't as bad as I expected for me. Which side of town did you come from?"

"Once I got here, it was all right," she said. "But the highway was rough."

He frowned. "The highway? I thought you said you were local..."

"Ish," she shrugged. "It was a couple hours away... But worth it to meet you!"

That sent up a bit of a red flag, as did her giving him another hug, squeezing his bottom when she did. "Sweetie," she scolded, "how can you be Cupid if you aren't even in a diaper?" He blushed, looking around at the crowded waiting area nervously. "Don't worry," she winked, opening up her oversized purse. "Mommy can fix that..."

It was too much for Andy to resist... He'd wanted this for so long, and even if she was starting to seem a little crazy... How could he say no now, with her, and the diaper, right there? He squirmed, staring into her purse, seeing the bulky padding, the bottle of baby powder... "O-Okay," he felt himself nod.

"Good boy," she patted him on the head. "Now, did you put our name on the list?" He shook his head, his mouth too dry to explain that he hadn't known if she was going to show up or not. "That's all right," she took him by the hand. "Mommy will take care of everything."

Andy let himself be awkwardly led to the hostess's stand, staring at his feet as the women talked, and then to the bathroom. He hadn't considered, at first, that they'd have to go into one of those, but of course they would... His cheeks warmed, resisting slightly as he saw the women's room door looming. "It's okay," she promised. "Everybody knows little boys like you need their Mommies to change their diapers... They won't mind..."

He could feel the eyes on him as he was pulled inside, but, indeed, rather than suspicion, he was certain he felt jealousy coming from them, desire, as he worked to keep his own eyes down on his feet so he wouldn't look like he was trying to peep... Especially when the woman pulled open the changing table from the wall, laying a changing mat down on it. "H-Here?!" he squeaked. "I-It isn't even in a stall!"

"Shh," she shook her head, his words failing him as she began to unzip his pants. "Don't worry, baby... Mommy has it under control..."

"I-I'm not..." he stammered uncertainly, before she yanked down his pants, and underwear, leaving him half naked in the middle of the women's room. He gasped, rushing to cover himself, as she chuckled and, instead of helping him pull his clothes back up, assisted him onto the changing table, settling him down, at last, on a diaper.

It felt so good, so soft and cushy and cozy... It was everything he'd dreamed of, especially as he felt it being pulled up between his legs, as it wrapped around him, surrounding him in its snug embrace... 

Even the changing table's position wasn't as bad as he'd feared... Or, rather, it didn't seem to bother anyone that he was the one on it. "I'm so glad to see this getting some good use," one of the women said, another pouting, "I wish my boyfriend would let me do this to him!"

It was the next voice that really got to him, though. "Andy?" it asked, his face flushing as he recognized it as one of the girls from his office, Wendy. "Aww, man! That's not fair! If you'd just told me you were an AB, we could have had so much fun together!"

He'd never seen any indication that she might be into the fetish before, although it made sense for her to have kept it under wraps at work... Or had that change happened because of his wish, too, along with all these other women who were commenting, when, until now, it had seemed like he couldn't find anyone local, at least who was active online?

"Do you know him?" the woman from Instagram - who Andy realized now he knew only from her screen name, and as 'Mommy' - asked, sounding a bit jealous herself.

"We work together," Wendy told her. 

"Well, that's handy," Mommy smiled. "I live a little ways away, so I could use a babysitter... As long as you promise to behave yourself... He is my baby, after all."

"I-I'm not sure..." Andy protested, wanting to point out that he hadn't agreed to that.

"I'll do my best," Wendy giggled, reaching over to give Andy's diaper a squeeze. 

"Don't I get a say in this?" Andy glared up at them.

"Of course not," Mommy smirked, taking a pacifier from her bag and slipping it into his mouth. "Now, what do you say we take some new pictures for your account, so everyone can see what an adorable baby I have?"

In a way, this was everything he had ever wanted, ever dreamed of... Now, instead of there being not enough Mommies, there were far too many of them, and all of them seemed to want to make him their baby, to fulfill their fantasies, the way he'd fantasized about having a Mommy for so long... And, once these pictures went up, he had a feeling there would be even more of them, all commenting on what they wanted to do to him, the way he'd seen other ABs doing to every Mommy who popped up... Maybe, he thought, as Mommy and his new babysitter, Wendy, clicked away with their cameras, laughing and cooing as they showed each other their results, the grass wasn't always greener on the other side...



Be careful what you wish for. Great short story!


Haha, love the premise, but lets not pretend it's actually worse than the alternative