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"Nowhere?" Kerrie raised an eyebrow.

Summer shook her head quickly, realizing how sad that sounded. "It's not a big deal!" she insisted. "I can't afford to fly back now and at Christmas, that's all! And all my friends already have plans, like..." She gestured to Kerrie, even though, to be honest, she was more of a co-worker than a friend, someone she saw around the office, but had never really spoken to that often until now, when most of the other workers had used a few extra vacation days so they could go home for Thanksgiving a little early. 

"That's too bad," Kerrie said. "I'm sorry to hear that, Summer."

"No, no," Summer cursed inwardly, wishing she had just kept her mouth shut, or lied and said her parents lived close by, and that was why she was still here, too. "It truly is fine."

Kerrie looked skeptical, but she nodded anyway. "If you say so..."

"I do!" Summer smiled. "It'll be a nice, chill day..."

"You know," Kerrie looked the smaller, younger girl up and down, "I have an idea, if you're up for it."

Summer tilted her head, staring up at Kerrie. "What kind of idea?"

Kerrie grinned in a way that almost made Summer wonder if she'd known about her situation all along, if she had some sort of plot, and Summer had just given her the last piece to let her set it into motion.  "Well, it's just going to be me, my sister, and my mom... Neither my sister nor I are married, or have any kids, and that is always, like, ALL that mom wants to talk about when we're back for holidays. And, really, even though Vanessa and I don't want to have kids right now, we both kind of want the other to, so we can play with them when we're together..."

"Okay..." Summer was still very confused, not seeing where this was going, where she fit in.

"How would you feel about... renting yourself out, for lack of a better word?" Kerrie asked, stepping in closer.

Summer squirmed, none of this clearing up anything in her mind. "Like... prostitution?" she wrinkled her forehead. "I-I mean, nothing against it, b-but I don't..."

"No, silly," Kerrie chuckled. "Nothing like that. But you're so young, sweetie, and so cute... And neither Vanessa nor I would have to spend nine months being pregnant so we could play with you..."

"W-Wait," Summer blushed, the pieces slowly clicking into place, so absurd that she didn't even feel bad for how long it had taken. "Y-You want me to be your...?!" She stopped herself short, not wanting to blurt that out in the office, no matter how few people were there at the moment.

"That's the idea," Kerrie confirmed. "Like I said, though, it'd be like renting yourself out for that, so we'd pay you... And you'd still get Thanksgiving dinner, and wouldn't have to worry about cooking anything! My mom makes a mean turkey..."

"I-I don't..." Summer nibbled her bottom lip, this whole thing sounding crazy to her, but not wanting to let Kerrie down... A little extra money before Christmas was never a bad thing, either, and how bad could it really be? Kerrie couldn't literally mean she was going to be a 'baby', could she? She'd be younger than everyone else, that was it... Right?


"And here she is!" Kerrie declared, pushing a bashful Summer into the living room. 

Instantly, Summer could feel the eyes of the other two women turn to her, poring over every bit of her body as she stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say, how to react. "Umm... H-Hi?" she waved uncertainly.

"Oh, Kerrie!" the younger of the other two, surely Kerrie's sister, Vanessa, exclaimed, hopping up from her seat, scurrying over, taking Summer by the hands and pulling her further in, to the center of the room, to get an even better look at her. "She's perfect! Look at her!"

Summer glanced down at her feet bashfully, not having expected that praise, especially for being a 'baby', whatever that meant. She giggled in surprise as Vanessa tickled her stomach.

"Don't be doing too much of that," their mother warned. "Not yet. I have everything set up in the spare bedroom, Kerrie, if you want to finish getting her ready."

"I think you better!" Vanessa teased, giving Summer another tickle, the girl unable to keep from laughing again, despite expecting it this time. "I'm surprised she made it the whole ride here!"

Summer wasn't sure what she meant by that, but it had been a long car ride to Kerrie's mother's house, and her bladder was feeling pretty full. Kerrie took her hand, leading her down a hallway, past what the girl could see was obviously a bathroom. "C-Can I make a pit stop here first?" Summer asked, attempting to pull away.

"Come on," Kerrie pulled back, her grip much stronger. "You don't have to worry about all that."

"All... what?" Summer frowned as she was tugged away from the bathroom door, further down the hall, and into... a nursery. There was absolutely no doubt about that... There was a crib, one more than big enough for Summer, all kinds of toys spread around the floor, and shelf after shelf of something huge and thick and folded up. And, while Summer could only see parts of them, she had no doubt, given the rest of the room, that they were diapers.

"W-Wait!" she swallowed, shaking her head. "Wh-What is this?!"

"What do you think, silly?" Kerrie chuckled. "You're our baby for the holiday, remember? That's what we're paying you for! Now, we'd better get the baby dressed properly!"

"B-But..." Summer stammered while Kerrie began to tug at the sweatpants Summer had worn for the car ride. "I-I don't..." She gasped, trying to cover herself as Kerrie succeeded, yanking down her pants and underwear, setting them aside and pulling one of the diapers off the shelf, the crinkling giving the girl all the confirmation she needed that she'd been right about them, even before she saw the woman start to unfold it.

That was why Kerrie hadn't wanted her to go to the bathroom! Summer turned bright red, realizing that she wasn't only going to be expected to wear these things. "I-I don't need diapers," she protested.

"Yes, you do," Kerrie replied, pushing a pacifier into the girl's mouth. "We're paying you to be a baby, remember? And babies wear diapers. Do you want your money?" Summer nodded. "Then you're going to have to hold up your end of the bargain, sweetie. Now, be a good girl and lie down... Here, I'm sure these toys will make you feel better!"


"C-Can I go to the bathroom now?" Summer was positive she knew the answer, but she had to ask anyway, had to make some effort to keep from peeing her pants like a toddler.

"Of course you can!" Kerrie smiled down at her, giving the crotch of the diaper she'd just taped onto the girl a loving pat, Summer glancing down at it again, blushing anew at the infantile design of it, shocked that anything that babyish was made in her size. "Whenever you want, sweetie! And one of us will be more than happy to change you!"

Even suspecting that was what was going to happen, Summer still shivered in embarrassment. "B-But I could go use the toilet," she mumbled from behind her pacifier, "a-and then nobody would have to change me, and..."

"We all discussed it," Kerrie told her, standing up and walking over to the closet, opening it up to reveal a whole wardrobe of Summer-sized baby clothes. "We didn't want a potty trained little girl."

"I-I am potty trained!" Summer insisted, stumbling to her feet, feeling the bulk of the diaper between her legs, the sensation of plastic rubbing against her thighs... She didn't feel big enough to be potty trained in this moment, especially not after Kerrie returned from the closet. Without even asking - Summer was a baby, and she was an adult, so why should she? - she plucked Summer's shirt off of her, replacing it with a red and white one with puffy, trimmed in lace, ending short of the girl's belly button, putting her diaper even more on display, the sort of thing she'd expect to see on a two year old, at best.

A pair of booties later, and there was no denying how well Summer fit the part she'd been hired to play. Even after Kerrie left to go see if Vanessa and her mom needed any help with the cooking, Summer stood, staring at herself in the mirror, stunned by the transformation that had taken place over the course of only a few minutes, with minimal resistance from her. How could she have let this happen?!

She tugged uselessly at the shirt, but it was obvious no amount of stretching would make it long enough to hide her diaper, or the bunnies frolicking across the front. She was getting paid well for this, sure... Was it really worth it, though? She whimpered, feeling another twinge from her bladder. That part, certainly, there was no way she was going to do! Perhaps it was her fault, at least partially, for not asking more questions about what Kerrie wanted her to do... That was definitely going too far, however!

If they were all busy in the kitchen, they'd never notice her creeping out to the bathroom to relieve herself... It might be more difficult to keep that up for the whole time, but she could find a way... She'd let herself be dressed up like a baby; she wasn't going to wet herself like one!

The door to the nursery opened as she reached for the knob, taking her by surprise, nearly making her break that resolution instantly. Humiliatingly, she did feel a dribble escape from her in her shock, her cheeks burning as she felt it begin to soak into her padding while she stood there, looking up at Vanessa. "Hello!" the other woman beamed at her. "Oh, you poor thing! Were you lonely in here by yourself?"

"Umm..." Summer fidgeted, not knowing what to say, the whole situation feeling more embarrassing now, in front of this stranger. How much did she know? Did she think Summer had agreed to this, knowing what all it entailed? Did she think that Summer liked this sort of thing?

"We're going to have so much fun together!" Vanessa promised, leading Summer back into the room, sitting her down on the floor. "What do you want to do first, cutie?"

"Umm..." Summer said again, squirming. She didn't want to admit it to somebody she didn't know, but it might be her last chance, as she could feel her body growing more and more desperate. "C-Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Well, sure!" Vanessa told her, Summer's eyes widening as she peered up at her hopefully... Until the woman grabbed another diaper off the shelves, one with a completely different, yet equally babyish, design. "Those diapers are nice, but I can't wait to change you into one of these! I picked them out myself. So go ahead, go potty any time!" 


There was no getting around it, no avoiding it... Summer waited as long as she could, and then regretted it when she felt her control completely slip, leading to a complete accident, one she had no hope of stopping once it started, as she sat on the floor and helpless peed her pants, feeling Vanessa's eyes on her the whole time, leaving no doubt that she knew what was happening, that she'd had any privacy in the moment.

It had been weird, having her co-worker strip her and diaper her... In a way, Vanessa was almost better, the fact that she had never seen the woman before today making it more embarrassing, and yet, at the same time, less so... The easy, matter-of-fact way she pulled the old diaper off of Summer, cleaned her off, slid the new one underneath made the girl feel all the more like a child in comparison, but at least she wouldn't be seeing her at the office every day after the holiday, which helped a little.

"This is cute," Vanessa declared when she was done, "but I know we have cuter things in here... And we might as well play a little dress-up, huh?"

"Y-You know," Summer pointed out as Vanessa began to search through the closet, "I-I'm not really a baby... I-I'd be happy to help you all get dinner ready, or..."

"You don't have to worry about any of that," Vanessa told her.

"B-But I can!" Summer insisted, desperate to find any way to prove her maturity, to keep her from having to spend the whole day being treated like a toddler, even if that was what she had agreed to. How could she have known Kerrie meant it this way?! Well, other than asking some follow-up questions, of course... "I-I will!"

"That's very sweet of you," Vanessa said, finally satisfied with something, emerging from the closet to change Summer into a purple dress, one that was so short that her diapers still weren't completely hidden by the skirt. "You really want to help in the kitchen, huh? Maybe we can find something for you."

"Really?" Summer stared up at her, relieved.

"Of course, cutie!" Vanessa smiled down at her. "Let me see... Here it is!" She picked up a box of toys, opening it up for Summer, dumping it out, Summer's stomach twisting as she saw it was filled with tiny, toy pots and pans and utensils. "Go on! What are you going to cook for us?"

Summer pouted up at her, but this was obviously all she was going to get, the closest she was going to be allowed to the kitchen. Reluctantly, she began to arrange the toys, playing for Vanessa's amusement, making her feel more and more like she deserved to be here, in this nursery, dressed like this, as she got more and more into her game...

"Someone's getting tuckered out, isn't she?" Vanessa asked. Summer glanced up at her, confused, not realizing who she was talking about until she felt herself yawn. "You had a long car ride... Why don't you take a little nap before dinner, cutie?"

"I-I don't need a nap," Summer insisted, but, as Vanessa changed her out of the dress, into another, simpler shirt, she could tell that the trip, and the craziness of everything that had happened here, was starting to catch up with her. Maybe a little nap would be nice, she thought, curling up, sucking on her pacifier. One nice thing about being a baby was that she didn't have to do anything, really... Someone would definitely come in, wake her up for dinner... Already, as she drifted off, she could feel her mouth watering, thinking about the turkey that Kerrie had talked up so much...


She stirred, thinking, but not certain, that she'd heard her name being called. She rolled over, giggling slightly at the sound of her diaper crinkling, at the feeling of the pacifier between her lips... It was all so silly, so immature, and yet... Well, there was something comforting about waking up this way, letting her eyes slowly flutter open to see...

"M-Ma'am?" she gasped, trying to squirm away from the sight that greeted her, without thinking to stand up first, giving her nowhere to go. There was Kerrie and Vanessa's mother, kneeling over her, her shirt unbuttoned, one cup of what looked an awful lot like a nursing bra open. "Wh-What's...?"

"Shh," the woman stroked her back gently. "It's time for your Thanksgiving dinner, dear."

"O-Oh," Summer nodded, still a little disoriented from her quick reawakening. "O-Okay... K-Kerrie told me about your turkey, and..."

"Silly Summer," the woman cooed, reaching down, pulling the girl up onto her lap as she sat down. "You're too little for that kind of food, aren't you?"

"N-No?" Summer shook her head.

"Yes, you are," she was corrected with a pat on her diaper, Summer blushing as she felt a damp squishiness there, beneath the woman's hand. "Far, far too little... Go on, dear, open wide..."

Summer gasped as she felt herself being lifted up, towards the woman's exposed breast, her heart thumping wildly in her chest as her pacifier was slid out from between her lips. "N-No, I-I... I-I didn't..." she started to protest, being silenced by one final push, her mouth filling with warm flesh, the woman, surprisingly strong, holding her there firmly.

"Latch on," she urged. "A growing girl like you needs lots of milk."

No, this was too far... She could dress up like a baby, play around like a baby, use her diaper like a baby... There was no way she was going to let her Thanksgiving dinner be breastmilk, though! Despite everything, she was still an adult! At the very least, enough of an adult to stop this from happening!

Except... She had gotten very used to her paci already, and, having something else there, in her mouth... It felt so easy, so natural, even after she felt the warm, sweet milk begin to pour out, the thought of it turning her stomach, yet her lips seemingly not getting the memo, continuing to nurse, gulping down more and more...

"I know you just got up from your nap, but I have a feeling you're ready for bed after that," the woman smiled down at her. Summer stared up at her, a bit woozy, tummy warm and full. She had no idea what time it was, though it had to still be so early, far too much so for any self-respecting adult to go to bed... After today, however, could she really call herself one of those anymore? "Let's just get you changed first."

She wasn't that wet, was she? She'd dribbled a bit before her nap, but that was all... When she wiggled her bottom to check, as the woman got a fresh diaper from the shelves, she realized how wrong she was, how much she'd gone during her feeding, without noticing at all, giving her further proof of how much of a baby she was.

She was given one, final wardrobe change for the day, the simplest of all: a diaper, a pair of booties, and her paci. That was it, that was all she was given... And why not? Babies didn't really need anything else, did they? "I'm very happy you're spending the weekend with us," Kerrie's mother told her as she put her into the crib, pulling the side up with a click. "It'll be so nice to have a baby here again for a few days."

Summer's eyes widened, and she pulled herself to her knees, but by then, she was alone in the nursery, put to bed right after 'dinner'. Were they seriously going to keep her like for the whole long weekend?! That was another thing she should have clarified with Kerrie, she realized, before agreeing to this... She looked down at herself, in her diaper and nothing else, knowing there would be no more denying what a baby she was after everything that had already happened today... And her time here had just gotten started!

How was she going to be able to look Kerrie in the eye at work after this? She blushed, squirming in place, feeling a damp spot already formed in the crotch of her diaper. Was she even going to be able to go to work without protection? In less than a full day, she'd fallen into her role so easily, so completely... And she could feel an ominous rumbling in her tummy, one that there was no way she could get through the weekend without having to deal with, having no doubt how she would be expected to do that. In fact, she'd be lucky if it happened only once... What if she got to the point where she was doing that as easily and unknowingly as she'd started to wet them?!

Summer was an adult, she was! And yet, as little time as it had taken for her to slip into this role did make her question that, make her wonder if, deep down, she'd wanted this all along... And, if she was being totally honest, while she did have her Christmas trip planned, she was already wondering, as she curled up in her crib, sucking away on her pacifier, feeling her diaper grow warm between her legs, if Kerrie and her family might want to 'rent' her again for New Year's, or Valentine's, or Easter, or...

Check out The Tree for more Thanksgiving fun!



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