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Victoria had a long, awkward rest of her weekend. She felt trapped, in a number of ways... 

She was trapped in diapers, forced to put herself into them for fear of what would happen if she dribbled, even a little, in her trainers. She didn't have to use them, thankfully, and, in fact, she was running to the bathroom any time she felt the slightest urge, getting ready for the week ahead, determined not to screw up her last chance. One weekend was plenty; she wasn't going to give her sitters an excuse to make her spend the rest of her summer in these things!

It was especially worrying because on Sunday, when she woke up, thankfully in a diaper, she was a little soggy. She hadn't realized it at first, yawning and stretching and curling back up under her covers, but she'd known right away that something was wrong, even if she couldn't quite put her finger on it... It wasn't until her mind drifted to memories of that nightmare from the sleepover once again, and she found her hands moving automatically to her crotch - despite knowing there was nothing she'd be able to do about her horniness right now - that she felt the squish.

She wasn't a bedwetter! It didn't matter what Kelly had told her babysitters, it wasn't true! Her little cousin was the bedwetter, not her! And yet... This time, she knew for a fact that her diaper had been dry when she'd gone to sleep, and now, there was no denying that wasn't the case any more.

That gave her another reason to want to avoid her parents, as if she didn't already have enough... Being in diapers at all was a pretty good one, as was their obvious annoyance at her for her actions having forced them to go all the way back to her college to collect her things. Her emerging bedwetting problem was just the icing on the cake that kept her cooped up in her room, afraid to face them.

Normally, that wouldn't have been a huge deal; if she wasn't hanging out with her friends, Vickie usually spent a good chunk of her summer in there. This year, however, she had no computer, no phone, nothing to do. She couldn't even masturbate, as desperately as she'd wanted to for so long, not without anyone - other than her parents, and there was no way in hell that was happening - to beg to let her be a princess potty pants. She'd tried rubbing, using the vibrator, even resorting to humping her pillow, but it all failed, leaving her wanting it more.

She was, for once, glad to see Sawyer and Taylor on Monday morning, hardly caring about the dampness of her diaper as she crawled out of bed. "Please," she begged Sawyer, while the girl looked through her closet for an outfit, "Please, let me be a princess potty pants!"

Sawyer paused, turned and looked down at her, giving her diaper a squeeze. "Looks like you already did," she teased.

"You know that's not what I mean!" Vickie stomped her foot, blushing at the realization of what it was she was so desperate for, how pathetic that made her. But she couldn't help it... "Pleeeease?"

"If you can be the most perfect, sweet little girl for the rest of the day," Sawyer told her after a minute, "I'll think about it."

Vickie didn't really want to have to wait that long, but it seemed like that was going to be the best she would get... And she didn't want to risk losing that chance right away with whining. "Okay," she nodded, trying not to sound too disappointed.

Sawyer gave Vickie's diaper a pat. "Are you sure you want to try your trainers?" she asked skeptically. "You know the rules."

"Y-Yes, ma'am," Vickie nodded, gulping. Any accident, and it was all diapers, all the time... It shouldn't have been difficult, shouldn't have been anything she even had to think about. "I-I'm sure," she said, not sounding it in the slightest, not after everything that had happened in the past week.

"All right," Sawyer shrugged. "In that case, you don't need any pants, because we'll need to see the moment you fail your potty training for good."

Vickie blushed, wanting to protest that stance, the girl's automatic assumption that she wasn't going to be able to do this... But that would only make her look more silly if it did wind up happening, which she knew, like it or not, was possible. 

Sawyer stripped her out of her pajamas, lying her down on her bed to take off her diaper, wiping her clean. Vickie couldn't control herself, couldn't stop her hips from hungrily reaching out towards the girl's hand as it worked, grinding on it, searching for the relief it had been denied for most of the weekend.... Sawyer just sneered and kept going, sliding Vickie's last pair of training pants up her legs. A t-shirt that barely reached her belly button later, and her outfit for the day was finished, Sawyer leading her to the living room to sit on the floor while she and Taylor chatted.

Was it really any wonder that she felt less secure, being around her babysitters? At least over the weekend, she'd been able to sneak to the bathroom as often as she wanted, just to be safe, and know nobody would likely notice, or care. Now, she was squirming on the floor, Sawyer and Taylor both turning towards her whenever she made the slightest movement, watching her like a hawk, no doubt expecting her to wet herself at any moment.

At first, she hesitated to admit when she had to go, until she waited almost too long, getting to the toilet, and her trainers down, just in time. She would never admit it, but she was grateful for her lack of pants to fumble with then, and almost proud when she marched back to the living room, the sitters making her go to them first so they could inspect her for wet spots... Until she remembered what she was being proud about, and how old she was. It shouldn't even have been a question that she'd be able to keep from peeing herself!

Her close call did take away some of her anxiety, in a weird way. The bathroom was further from the living room than it was her bedroom, so she felt especially justified in making her trips more frequent, in case a twinge wound up being more urgent than she initially thought, knowing that, if she didn't take them seriously right away, she might not be able to make it in time once she'd found out the truth.

"Maybe we ought to buy her a training potty," Taylor suggested jokingly when Vickie returned from one of those trips, letting out what turned out to be only a few drops into the toilet. "Then we could put it in the living room here, and she wouldn't have as far to go."

"Oh, I don't know," Sawyer said, as Vickie's cheeks burned, imagining having to sit and use the bathroom in front of them like that. "That's okay for a toddler, but Vickie's a big girl, aren't you?" She smirked, watching as Vickie squirmed, not knowing what answer the girl wanted out of her. "Big girls should be able to make it all the way to the bathroom, or they don't deserve to be out of diapers. Don't you agree, Vickie?"

That time, Victoria could tell that she wanted an answer, or at least an acknowledgement. And, given their earlier agreement, she knew there was only one acceptable response. "Y-Yes, ma'am," she nodded obediently.

"Besides," Sawyer finally finished her inspection, letting the trainers snap back into place, "it's nice and easy to check her when she's dressed like this... Maybe we ought to keep her pants-less all the time."

Vickie let out a groan of disapproval before she could stop herself, although she was able to force her foot to stay still rather than stomping, as it had very much wanted to. From the grin spreading across Sawyer's face, she realized she'd been saying that - at least mostly - as bait, trying to make her react, and probably lose her orgasm at the end of the day as a result. Of course, she might want that, and be actually considering it... With Sawyer, it was hard to tell.

"What was that?" Sawyer asked. "Did you have something to say, Vickie?"

"N-No, ma'am," Vickie shook her head, toddling back to her spot on the floor.

She might not like it, but she could take some teasing, if it meant she could finally get off at the end of the day. It was hard to believe that had become such a priority for her so quickly, and yet, after two full days without it, and so desperate for it, she would have done almost anything for it.

And then, almost as if to test that, Sawyer told her, "I think that was the mailman. Why don't you go check, Vickie?"

Vickie's eyes widened, glanced down at her outfit. She was far too old for anyone to think it was okay for her to run out to her mailbox in her panties, without so much as a robe over them... And, honestly, it was pretty unlikely anyone would mistake her trainers for panties in the first place. It seemed so obvious to her what they were, how much bulkier and more childish they were than her normal undies, that she would have known right away, and she had a bad feeling most other people would, too.

If she had been a little girl, one who belonged in these things, then she doubted anyone would give her a second glance; her neighbors knew her, however, were aware that she was an adult, that she should have been out of them long ago. 

And yet... A perfect, sweet little girl wouldn't say no, would she? She wiggled in her seat, debating if it would be worth having to wait a whole other day, and then feeling like quite the slut when she decided the answer was no. "Y-Yes, ma'am," she mumbled, head spinning at what she'd just agreed to do. "C-Could I go put on...?"

"Just go do it, Vickie," Sawyer ordered. "I didn't ask you to play dress-up, I asked you to check the mail."

Vickie stumbled to her feet, tugging at the hem of her t-shirt, even though she was fully aware of how useless it was, how impossible it would be for it to hide the entirety of her trainers.

What was wrong with her?! This was so stupid! She didn't have to do this! So, why was she shambling to the door, peeking out the window? There was nobody out there now, but there was plenty of time for that to change before she got down the driveway and to the mailbox... Especially if other people, like Sawyer, had spotted the truck go by.

"What's going on, Vickie?" Sawyer called out. "Do good little girls leave their sitters waiting for no reason?"

"N-No, ma'am," Vickie answered, obediently slipping on her flip-flops and forcing herself to open the front door. She'd just made another trip to the bathroom a few minutes before, yet, as soon as she felt the sunlight on her skin, she was certain she had to go again. That was likely nerves, however, not anything real, and the only way to get over those was to get this whole thing over with.

As fast as she could go, she scurried down the driveway, even the slight waddle her trainers gave her - in comparison to her diapers, at least - slowing her down, making this feel like it was taking hours, giving so many people a chance to step out to get their own mail, or peek out of their windows, or...

She shook her head, trying to push all those thoughts out, to pretend there was nobody else in the neighborhood. She was already out here, already most of the way to the mailbox... It would be silly to give up now, no matter how terrified she felt. At the very least, she could prove she was a good girl, keep it up, give Sawyer no reason not to let her get off...

She practically skidded to a stop at the end of the driveway, spinning around, opening up the mailbox, quite aware of her padded backside sticking out behind her as she snatched up all the envelopes inside, her heart pounding as she stood up, slamming the mailbox door closed, ready to dash back to the house...

And then she saw her. Mrs. Eakin, her neighbor, was standing there, staring, eyes fixed unmistakably on Vickie's training panties. Had she been heading out at the same time? Or had the snoop seen her through the window, come out for a closer look? Vickie swallowed, face burning as she stood, frozen, her nerves making her bladder feel like it was about to burst, and give Mrs. Eakin even more of a show... Not to mention guaranteeing that she wouldn't be wearing these trainers again for the rest of the summer.

"H-Hi, M-Mrs. Eakin," she finally managed to stammer out, waving. Maybe she was wrong, she told herself. Maybe the training pants weren't that obvious... Although, that might be worse, as she wouldn't put it past the woman to tattle to her parents that she'd been running around half-naked, where any of the neighborhood kids could see her. And, since she'd had children of her own, even if they were older than Vickie, there was no doubt that she knew what trainers looked like.

"Hello, Vickie," Mrs. Eakin answered disapprovingly, making Vickie squirm at her tone, not knowing if it was her state of undress, or the fact that someone her age would need to be wearing something so childish that had raised her ire.

"I-I'm gonna..." Vickie pointed to her door, Mrs. Eakin raising an eyebrow and nodding. Vickie was sure she could feel the woman's gaze on her as she ran back to her house, all but throwing the mail onto the coffee table and dashing to the bathroom. As she'd suspected, it had been mostly her anxiety making her feel like she'd been close to peeing herself as she'd stood out in the driveway, though she was glad she was able to get back to the toilet on time anyway.

She was certain her sitters had seen her encounter, and had probably been laughing themselves silly over it, but by the time she returned to the living room, after sitting on the toilet for a minute or two to catch her breath, they seemed to have gotten over it, besides a shared snicker at her re-emergence. She submitted to a check, then plopped down in front of the coffee table to see, at last, what it was that she'd brought inside.

Most of it was junk mail for her parents; there was one thing addressed to her, however. It wasn't something she enjoyed looking at in the best of times, and, as she stared at it, her stomach churned at the sudden reminder of why, this time, she especially wasn't going to.

"What's that, Vickie?" Taylor asked, catching her sitting there, too scared to open the envelope.

She almost lied, said it was nothing, but that wasn't going to do her any good. That would only make them more suspicious, and there was no reason to think they wouldn't take it out of her hands and open it themselves. "I-It's my credit card bill," she admitted, reluctantly ripping it open, taking it out... And nearly having a heart attack.

"Oh, my God!" she squealed, unable to help herself. 

"What's wrong?" Sawyer asked smugly, reaching over to pluck the bill out of her hands. Vickie's grip tightened, her vision turning red as her mind began to reluctantly accept the number written as her account balance.

"What did you do?!" she demanded, glaring up at Taylor.

"Why are you blaming me?" Taylor could barely disguise her amusement, as she pretended not to know.

Vickie hopped up off the floor, stomping around the table. "I know I agreed to that," she jabbed her finger at the biggest charge, the one for the computer Taylor had forced her to order for her, "but what are all these?!"

There was a whole list of other charges afterwards, ones that she knew she hadn't made, since she hadn't had her card, or any electronic devices to order things online with the number she had memorized. She had left her purse behind at the party, so theoretically, anyone could have stolen her card from it and used it, but her parents had gotten her purse back... And she was positive it was no coincidence that the charges had started only after she'd typed her credit card number into Taylor's phone.

"My parents are going to kill me!" Vickie whined, stomping her foot. She wasn't going to be able to keep this from them, either, or she'd never get it paid off! "I told you I'd get you..." she paused, glancing at Sawyer, remembering that the computer had been a secret, specifically to keep a secret from her... Although, at this point, it hardly seemed like it mattered. "That," she spat, "but this is so much more!"

"Well, we needed to get some supplies and things for you," Taylor shrugged, as if this was no big deal. "It didn't seem fair for us to have to pay for them ourselves, so we used your card."

Vickie did remember now that Taylor had admitted to buying the training pants with her credit card... Did that mean she'd technically bought her own diapers, too? And it didn't escape her attention that Taylor had said 'we'.

"Did you give her my number, too?!" she demanded, glaring at Sawyer.

"She did," Sawyer smirked. "We had quite the little online shopping spree, too. After everything we've done for you, we felt like we deserved it."

"You deser..." Vickie's nostrils flared. On top of all the awful things they'd done to her that past week, as her babysitters, they thought they deserved more from her?! And had bought it for themselves, with her credit card, without so much as asking her permission?!

"We do," Sawyer leaned back on the couch, smugly crossing her arms. "Dealing with brats like you is hard work, you know..."

"You little bitch!" Vickie growled before she could think twice. "I am going to be in so much trouble for this! How am I supposed to pay this off?! I'm stuck with you two monsters all summer, so I can't even get a job, or...!"

"What did you call me, young lady?" Sawyer demanded, standing up, towering over Vickie, the older girl's anger quickly vanishing as she realized she didn't only have trouble from her parents to worry about now... And, after that outburst, she doubted Sawyer would decide she'd been a good girl all day, which, at least to part of her, was the worst part of all this.

"I-I... uh..." Vickie stared down at her feet.

She was marched to the corner, and, a minute or two later, the pacifier was strapped back into her mouth. This time, however, it wasn't medicine that came oozing out of the paci's bulb, but soap. Vickie groaned, wrinkling her nose, whimpering up at Sawyer to try to apologize, only to be turned back around to face the wall with a hard swat to her bottom.

Vickie was there for quite a while, or so it seemed, feeling the soap turn to suds on her tongue and start dribbling down her chin, making her feel like a drooly little baby... Though, to be fair, it was the only escape she could get from the soap, so she was grateful for it, otherwise she would have been trapped with all of it washing out her mouth, making it tingle and burn slightly as she whined in discomfort.

Her bladder was getting full again, too, and, trapped as she was in the corner, with the pacifier locked in place, there was nothing she could do about it without getting into more trouble. She told herself, at first, that it was like when she was outside, that it was her nerves... The longer it went on, however, the less she could believe it, until she was desperately squeezing her thighs together, dancing in place, positive that this was it, that she was about to wet herself, go back to diapers for the rest of summer...

"Are you ready to be good?" Sawyer finally asked. Vickie nodded, gasping as the pacifier was removed at last, a wave of drool cascading onto the front of her shirt. One hand clutched between her legs, Vickie raced towards the bathroom, but got only a few steps before Sawyer grabbed her by the arm, stopping her short. "Where do you think you're going?"

Was it not obvious?! Even if they hadn't noticed her potty dance while she'd been in the corner, they had to see it on her face now, and the way she was holding herself, bouncing up and down... "I-I really..." she squeaked.

"You really need to apologize," Sawyer cut her off. "That's what a sweet little girl would do, isn't it?"

It took everything Vickie had not to roll her eyes. "I-I'm..." she started.

"And you'd better mean it, or you're going right back into the corner, young lady," Sawyer warned.

Vickie groaned, fingers curling around the padding of her trainers desperately. "I-I'm really sorry," she forced herself to say. "I-I shouldn't have said you or Taylor were monsters, or called you..." She paused, not knowing if she should say it again, or if that would get her the pacifier. "Th-That bad word," she decided after a moment, all the time she could spare to think about anything. "I'm really, really sorry!"

Sawyer and Taylor looked at each other, while Vickie struggled, positive that, any time now, she'd feel the cloth around her waist begin to warm... "Good enough," Taylor shrugged.

"I suppose," Sawyer agreed.

Vickie was still a mess by the time she returned from the bathroom - her shirt soaked, some sudsy remnants of the soap still clinging to her teeth, despite her best efforts to rinse her mouth out - but her training pants, miraculously, had remained dry, if only just. Even with the huge debt looming over her head, she felt victorious as Sawyer inspected them, seemingly just as surprised as Vickie that she'd made it to the potty on time.

"Now, Vickie," Sawyer said, after she was finished, "we had a little talk while you were in the corner. Obviously, it's your credit card, and your responsibility... But we do feel a tiny bit responsible."

Vickie bit her tongue, wanting very badly to point out how woefully inadequate that assessment was, but knowing better.

"You can't really go out and get a regular job, not like... this," Taylor gestured at Vickie, who, at the moment, definitely didn't look ready for pre-school, much less any kind of work.

"We did find something else for you," Sawyer grinned, eyes sparkling in a very unsettling way. "You're going to be able to earn so much money... You'll have that paid off in no time! There's a little lab that needs someone to test out some of their drugs. It'll be nice and easy, even for a baby like you! And I'm sure the side effects won't be nearly as bad as they claim..."



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