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Here's this month's poll! Voting will be open through the 22nd.

Stolen Diaper - 

A babysitter steals a diaper from her charge and gets caught by her younger sister she then has to chose to either admit to stealing or lie and say shes been wetting the bed 

Sequel to Trapped

"Determined to save their Halfling companion from the sinister yet unusual Wraith and it's trap, our heroes return to the mysterious dungeon.  Will they be able to rescue poor Hana?  Will the effects on her from the magical trap persist after being freed?  Or will another member of the party fall victim to the Wraith's unusual powers and discover what has happened to Hana firsthand...?"

Gap Year - 

A young college aged girl that looks quite young for her age isn’t ready for the responsibilities of college and more. After she takes her little sister to daycare on the first day of Summer, she is mistaken for a much younger age by the facility owner.   

Deciding to indulge in one last chance to be able to relax before she has to “be an adult” she plays along and her little sister, excited to have her sister as a playmate, keeps it a secret as the older sister begins taking her there every day.   

After the summer is over she’s not ready to quit and decides to skip her first semester (and then the full first year of college) while pretending she’s going to classes.   

After her year of diapers and daycare, the big sister realizes that even though she may want to be done with these things, diapers aren’t done with her after spending a year carelessly using them more and more.  

European Vacation -

A girl is planning to spend her summer vacation in Europe with friends but her parent makes her find someone to take care of her little sister since the parent will also be gone for business.  

Since they don't get along she books a live-in nanny who is VERY strict and mentions the sister is trouble maker. (Maybe lies and says she is having bed wetting problems and sneaks some diapers into her room) The parent finds out (about how strict the nanny is) and is mad, but still lets her go on the trip and finds a fun camp for the sister. No one ends up cancelling the nanny.  

After the parent leaves with the sister the nanny shows up believing the girl is the little sister. So the girl ends up spending the whole summer being treated little better than a toddler.  

Also the nanny checks in with the parent with the number from the form, but the parent gave the cell to the little sister in case sister of emergency. The sister texts back confirming the girl is the charge, asks to be sent pictures because she misses her little baby, tells the nanny they decided to keep her in diapers until they are sure she is over bed wetting, and that they invited her (the little sister's) friends over for a sleep over. Friends who she calls and will make sure the bed wetting issues continue and will have 'fun' with the girl. May be they even threat to tell her rival/bully to come over if the nanny doesn't find a cold wet diaper every morning.



I’m rooting for Gap Year!


Lets go European vacation


Gap year


Man I hope Europe wins.