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It was Rebecca's own, private shame, something that followed her around in the back of her mind while she was at work, or hanging out with her friends... Anytime she sat anywhere else, she thought about it, and blushed ever so slightly, knowing that, at home, she sat on a booster seat, a full-blown, babyish booster seat... And that she liked it.

"D-Doesn't Kellie need it back?" she asked at dinner one night, not sure what she wanted the answer to be. If it wasn't there, she could go back to her old one, and maybe get a cushion or something for it, to help make it more comfortable... Although, the more she thought about it, and looked at it, the more she wondered how well it would work, the shape of it looking almost like it was designed to keep that from working easily.

Lauren shook her head. "My sister had an extra from her baby shower, so she's been using that, and said I might as well keep this one here so she didn't have to lug it back and forth when Kellie comes to visit."

"Oh," Rebecca nodded. "Great." There was a hint of sarcasm to her voice as she said it... But only a hint. She watched Lauren set a plate of food in front of her, feeling a pang of guilt. "You know, I'd be happy to cook again, if you want..." Lauren had been make dinner for the two of them since that day; she usually had before, too, though generally Rebecca would make an effort at least a couple times a week.

"No, no, that's okay," Lauren chuckled. "I'm happy to do it. You work so hard..."

Rebecca blushed. "You do, too..." She had been getting a lot of overtime recently, however, so it was nice to have Lauren handle this. Not to mention...

"And I don't want you to burn my kitchen down," Lauren teased, mentioning it.

"That was one time!" Rebecca glared at her. "I was trying to turn it down, but I tripped over the step-stool, and..."

"I know," Lauren smiled soothingly. "It isn't your fault. It's better not to have a repeat of it, though. And I like cooking for you!"

She was also much better at it. Rebecca had never been great, but moving in with Lauren, and dealing with everything, from the counters to the sink to the stove, being higher, had added on a whole new wrinkle that didn't help one bit. "If you're sure you don't mind..." Rebecca gave in.

It was nice, having one less thing to worry about, just being able to come home and flop down on the couch in front of the TV, or go take a quick nap in her room, instead of worrying about if she should offer to cook, or what to make. It didn't have to even enter her mind anymore... It was like when she was back in her parents' house, when she was a kid...

Especially the night her plate came with a chunky, pink, plastic fork and spoon, the latter of which she recognized instantly as at least the same kind, if not the exact same one, that Kellie had used. "What is this?!" she whined, poking at them as if they were going to come alive and attack her.

"I'm sorry," Lauren sighed. "I looked for your silverware, but I couldn't find it! That's what I had that was the right size... You can try using one of my forks if you want..."

"Oh..." Rebecca squirmed on her booster, blushing. Lauren hadn't accused her of anything, or even made her feel as if she was trying to... She knew who the most likely culprit was, however. Rebecca had a bad habit of taking her silverware in to work with her for lunch, and then leaving it in the sink after rinsing it off. She couldn't recall for sure if she'd done it that day or not, though she must have.

She had tried using Lauren's Amazon-sized utensils in the past, as a last resort. She'd known, right away, as soon as she'd picked it up, it would be too big, and attempting to use it had only confirmed her suspicions. Technically, if she was careful, she could make it work, although it was more difficult than was really worth it for just the sake of her pride. "I can use these," she picked up the plastic spoon, trying not to think of Kellie's failed attempt at eating ice cream with it. She was still mentally a grown-up... She could do much better with it. It was almost scary how perfectly it fit in her hand, how right it felt...

Lauren watched, smiling, but thankfully she didn't say anything, didn't make fun of her. Rebecca knew it would have been simple, considering she was now sitting on her roomie's niece's booster seat, using her fork and spoon, to make a comparison. She was doing it in her own mind, going over the ways she wasn't like Kellie, to make herself feel better about the situation. 

She hadn't made too much of a mess yet, although a piece of chicken had fallen off her fork onto her pants, requiring her to snatch it up, hoping Lauren hadn't noticed. The tines of the fork were pretty dull, forcing her to adapt to a different way of using it, which she managed pretty well, in her own opinion. The spoon was a bit shallower than she was used to, but luckily she noticed that before spilling anything on herself. It definitely would be easier to do that with these utensils than her normal ones, making her wonder if that was part of the reason littles had so much trouble with it, when they were forced to use them.

She also didn't have to wear diapers, which was a big point in her favor. After watching Kellie, it was obvious she truly did need the things, an idea that made Rebecca's skin crawl a bit, making her curious if the girl had ever been potty trained to begin with... Maybe, once upon a time, she'd been just like Rebecca, a big girl with a job, and a place to live, thinking she was above all that, and now...

Rebecca did her best to push that line of thought out of her mind while she finished eating, but it was hard to completely disassociate herself from it completely, since it had been right after watching Kellie eat, in this very booster, with probably this same spoon, that she'd seen the girl fill her diaper nonchalantly. Thankfully, she wasn't in one of those, or even Pull-Ups, the only crinkling she heard coming from the plastic cover on the booster's padding, rather than her own. 

She was still distracted by the time she emptied her plate, which was likely why it happened. She grabbed her plate, sliding down off of the booster, trying to hop to the ground to take it to the kitchen. The booster was a bit taller than her old seat extender, although by now, she should have been used to it. Today, for whatever reason - maybe she was just back in the mindset of her old chair, after being immersed in memories where she'd been sitting in it - it took her by surprise all over again, and that extra moment it took for her to reach the floor made her panic, move her feet in a different way...

"Ow!" she yelped, tumbling to the floor, plate clattering down beside her, foot bending the wrong way as it made contact.

"Are you okay?!" Lauren was by her side in a flash. "What happened?!"

"I-I don't know, I... Ouch!" she winced, feeling her roomie probe at her ankle. 

"Aww, poor thing," Lauren smiled softly at her. "It doesn't seem like it's broken, at least... Can you walk?"

"O-Of course I can!" Rebecca insisted, immediately thinking of the alternative being her crawling around, like a baby... Then feeling bad, sure that wasn't what her roommate meant. "I-I think so," she amended, taking the other girl's offered hand and carefully pulling herself up to her feet. She let out a hiss of pain as she put her weight on that foot, although it wasn't bad enough to send her back to the ground in a heap, anyway. 

"Here," Lauren scooped her up, carrying her as easily as Rebecca had seen her carry Kellie - easier, probably, since she knew she was smaller than the other little - something she normally would have put a stop to instantly. Today, however, she was glad to have somebody to help her into the living room, propping her foot up, then fetching her an ice pack for it. "You'll be all right."

Rebecca leaned her head back on the throw pillow, the coldness already making her feel better. Lauren stood over her for a moment, observing her work, before her eyes spotted something. "Umm... Becca?"

Rebecca grumbled, having told her roomie she disliked that nickname long ago, though this wasn't really the time to argue about it. "What?" she asked.

"Do you... have something to tell me?" Rebecca frowned, uncertain what she was insinuating... Then following her gaze. 

"N-No!" she gasped, reaching downwards. "I-I didn't... I-It's just grease! I dropped some chicken, a-and..." The spot was in a rather unfortunate spot, she realized, definitely making it look like she could have had an accident. "I didn't!"

"It's all right," Lauren told her gently. "Even if you did, it would be understandable... I just want you to tell me the truth so I can help you get changed into something clean if I have to."

"I didn't!" Rebecca said yet again.

It was definitely on her mind for the rest of the night, however. "Don't you think you should be getting to bed?" Lauren asked her, after doing the dishes, and the two of them watching TV together for a bit, Rebecca's head on her lap so she could stay lying down. "This is usually when you go, isn't it? Or does your ankle still hurt too much? I can get you a painkiller if you need it..."

"No, I'll be okay," Rebecca nodded, hobbling her way down the hall to the bathroom, and then her bedroom. It did hurt, especially once she was away from the ice pack, but it wasn't too awful... And it wasn't what was distracting her, making it hard to drift off, until, like she'd been doing the past few nights, she pulled up the relaxation music Lauren had found for her.

Even when she wasn't in pain, Rebecca had a hard time making herself go to bed as early as she should. The music did help with that, and it wasn't nearly as bad as she'd expected when Lauren had told her about it initially. She'd braced herself for some tinkly nursery rhyme, something obviously for regressed littles... This wasn't that at all. It was soft, soothing, interspersed with the gentle sounds of the ocean, or wind blowing through trees... Rebecca didn't want to let herself get too dependent on it, but, after all the excitement of the day, there was no harm playing it tonight...

She always woke up from it with the vague feeling she'd had a strange dream, though no recollection of what it was exactly. This night, however, was different, probably because of what had been on her mind so much that evening, her fear that Lauren would think she'd peed her pants like a little girl.

It was a peaceful scene, just watching a little girl running around a playground, plopping down and digging in the sand, going down the slide, just having a wonderful time... It was hard to tell, at first, whether it was a real child, or a little, although what wasn't difficult to discern was the diaper the girl was wearing, bulging out from beneath a much too short pink dress as she toddled around the place. It didn't really matter, she told herself. Clearly, however old she was, she was blissfully happy, ignorant of all the grown-up worries Rebecca herself had... She was a lot like Kellie seemed to be, that day she'd come to visit...

Unbeknownst to her, in the real world, under the quiet music, there was a voice whispering to her, asking her, "Isn't it nice to have fun? Playing is the most important thing in your life, little one... You don't need to worry about anything else. Not bills, or chores, or even getting to the potty on time... There's no need to think about any of that..."

It wasn't Kellie, of course... She knew that right away. There was a part of her that suspected she knew who it was, but didn't want to accept it... She couldn't quite get a good look at the girl's face, as she always turned away right when Rebecca thought she was getting close. She was always in motion, always playing, doing something... Until she stopped, froze in place.

"If you need to go pee-pee, just use your diaper... That's what it's there for. There's nothing scary about it. Nobody will be mad. It feels so nice, and warm, and as soon as you're done, you can get back to playing..."

Rebecca wasn't sure she had a body in her dream, but, if she did, its cheeks would have been darkening as she realized what was happening, saw the wet spot forming on the diaper, heard the gentle, happy sigh of relief coming from the girl as she finished up and waddled away again.

She didn't know why, but she had to see this girl's face, had to know for sure... She walked, or floated, or however she was moving, getting closer to the little girl, following her as she toddled around, diaper sagging slightly, not quite catching up until the girl found the jungle gym, grasping a couple bars on it to help her keep balanced as she squatted down a bit, giving Rebecca the chance to keep moving around to the other side of the gym, to look through the openings...

"Your diaper is for going poo-poo in as well. Doesn't it feel bad to try to hold it? Doesn't it make your tummy hurt? All you have to do is push, and be happy. That's what good girls do... Just puuush.... That's it! It's nice and warm, too, isn't it? Think of how full it will be to sit down, and feel it squish around your little bottom... Go on, sweetie... Give a nice, big push for Mommy."

Rebecca gasped, seeing exactly what - or, rather, who - she'd expected looking back at her from the other side of the jungle gym, face red, grunting, as other sounds began to emerge from her other end. Even though she'd known, in her heart, who it was, it was still jarring to see her own face, to attach it to everything she'd seen the girl doing, and, especially, what she was in the midst of doing now...

Thankfully, as the girl let out a particularly loud grunt, signaling what Rebecca really didn't want to see was about to happen, she woke up, blushing and sitting up, shaking her head. She knew why she'd had the dream, of course... And, the more she thought about it, let it sink in, the easier it was to remember how happy she'd looked, how little any of it had seemed to bother the other her...

At the moment, however, there was a much more pressing matter. After having watched herself wet a diaper, it barely registered at first, and, when it did, her first instinct was not to worry, to be like the dream version of herself, who had simply gone about her business... But this was real life, and she wasn't in a diaper, she was in her bed. And it was soaked.

"No!" she pouted, wiggling in place. She hadn't had this problem in years, decades... Why now?! She looked at her clock, stomach churning, wondering if Lauren was going to be awake yet or not. It was earlier than she normally woke up herself... She had to give it a shot. She gingerly hopped down, gathering up her bedding, carrying it to the washing machine...

"You're up early." 

Rebecca groaned, knowing right away she was caught. "W-Well, I always wait until I get home from work to do the laundry," she forced a chuckle. "I thought if I did it first thing, I couldn't get my bed made soon, and I'd get to sleep on time, and..."

But Lauren nose was already twitching, and Rebecca wasn't confident she'd been able to completely hide the huge wet spot when she'd balled everything up to carry it, so, when the Amazon asked, "Did something happen?" the smaller girl decided to tell the truth.

"I-I'm sorry! I don't know what happened! I just woke up, a-and..."

"Hey, it's all right," Lauren assured her, giving her a hug, then taking the bedding from her. "It's probably because of your ankle, huh?"

"Y-Yeah," Rebecca nodded, glad not to have to come up with an excuse herself. "Th-That's probably it."

It was a pretty handy one, too. She used it herself at work that day, after having gotten distracted by a game on her phone until she couldn't quite make it to the bathroom on time. It was true that time, though if she'd been a bit more conscious of what was going on, it wouldn't have gotten that far.

Her manager was a Betweener, and, thankfully, accepted the story. "If you need to wear... protection... until you heal up," she said, "that's fine. I won't mark you as needing it long term."

Rebecca blushed, shaking her head frantically, not about to accept wearing diapers to work. "I'm getting better already!" she insisted. "It won't happen again!"

Unfortunately, she didn't have a choice in the matter. HR kept some loaner pants and skirts on hand, just in case, but when it came to underwear... "I'm afraid this is all I have," the woman shrugged after Rebecca balked at a choice between trainers and a full-blown diaper. "We assume people who have accidents and need a change have a more... permanent... problem than you."

Considering she was going to be wearing a skirt that wasn't hers, she didn't want to go commando, so, reluctantly, she chose the Pull-Up. It was definitely thicker than her underwear, but, if she was being honest with herself, it wasn't that bad... Really, it was kind of comfortable, sitting at her desk in it, getting a bit of extra padding for her desk chair... It was like her booster seat, she told herself, except she could wear it around with her all the time...

She wasn't minding it at all until she got back home, and, of course, Lauren immediately asked, "Is that what you were wearing this morning?"

"Yes," Rebecca lied, hiding the bag with her old clothes in them behind her back, slinking off to the washing machine.

"I already got your things dried and back on your bed," Lauren called. "You can thank me later!"

There wasn't much else waiting to be washed, either, so doing another load right then would have been suspicious... Rebecca put the bag into her basket, trying to cover it with what clothes were in there already, and went to her room to change, throwing the Pull-Up away in the trash can in the bathroom, pretending she didn't notice the tiny wet spot in it from where she'd almost made the same mistake twice in a row, and let herself get too sucked into a game.

That night at dinner, Lauren asked, "Do you want to keep using the booster? You don't have to..."

She had hurt herself because of it, but it wasn't the booster seat's fault. And, honestly, Rebecca wasn't sure she could go back to the old seat extender now. "I-It's fine," she nodded.

"Let me help you, then," Lauren picked her up, setting her down in it. "Just to be safe..."

Rebecca didn't need help, though, at the moment, she wasn't going to say no to it. She was less certain about Lauren reaching down, fastening the strap around her waist. "I don't need that!" she pouted.

"We saw what can happen if you fall," Lauren shook her head. "I don't want to take any chances... Do you?"

"Well... I guess not..." Rebecca had to agree, blushing as Lauren grabbed the center strap, tugging it up over her crotch, snapping it into place as well. She definitely wasn't going to slip out of her seat like this... As Lauren went to fetch their food, she poked at the latch, suspecting - and having those suspicions confirmed - it was little-proof, that she wouldn't be able to undo it herself. Lauren probably hadn't done that on purpose, hadn't thought about it... She was just looking out for her roomie.

The booster felt completely different today, perhaps because of that dream, which was still haunting her, or maybe because she'd been wearing a Pull-Up for so long. The crinkling of plastic, the feeling of soft padding beneath her... She'd already associated it with babies, after seeing Kellie here, but it took on a whole other dimension today. It was hard to remember she wasn't still in that Pull-Up, that the best thing for her to do wasn't to just let go and get back to what she was doing...

However, she didn't realize the full extent of that until Lauren unbuckled the straps and took a look. "Becca," she said, voice not quite the same tone as what she usually used on her roomie, "Did you spill something again?"

Rebecca had; she'd thought she was used to the plastic utensils, since somebody had apparently stolen the ones Rebecca thought she'd left at work the day before, and Lauren hadn't found any extras, but they'd only gotten harder to use today for some reason. That wasn't what Lauren was looking at, though. 

"Y-Yes?" Rebecca blushed, fidgeting as she glanced down at herself, only then feeling the dampness in her panties.

"Becca," Lauren sighed. "I'm not mad... I know it isn't your fault. It's because you hurt yourself. But this keeps happening... You had an accident last night, and I saw your clothes, and that Pull-Up... And now this... Maybe, until you heal, it would be a good idea for you to..."

"No!" Rebecca whined. "I don't wanna wear diapers!"

"It's only temporary," Lauren promised. "And they won't have to be diapers... We can go get you more trainers, if you want. I just think it might be wise for you to wear something else, don't you?"

Rebecca wanted to say no, but she couldn't argue with her roommate's logic. Surely, once she was feeling better, this would stop, and everything would go back to normal. And the Pull-Ups had been kind of nice... "If you think it's a good idea," she nodded reluctantly.

"I do," Lauren smiled. "I really, really do."


christian hunter

It seems they are both feeling something.


Part of me really hopes Lauren has no idea what that relaxation music has hidden in it.

Prince Theo

Love this story. Great job describing the progression of gradual acceptance.