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The start of a new story, commission by an anonymous Patron.

"No, turn it up!" Victoria whined, trying to push past the boy standing in front of the stereo. "Not down! What's wrong with you?!"

Boys could be so stupid, she thought to herself, rolling her eyes and taking another sip of her beer. Who wanted the music to be quieter at a party?! Nobody fun, that was for sure. And especially at this party, the celebration of the end of the school year, the beginning of summer... This was their last chance to have fun together for a few months, some of them potentially forever, since they were graduating, going off into the adult world or whatever.

Victoria wasn't quite there yet... She would be next year, however, and, if she was being honest, when she thought about it too hard, it scared her, not knowing what she was going to do, how she was going to use her degree, whether this would all have been worth it... She'd enjoyed college - maybe a little too much - though more the social side. When it came the academics, things were a bit less fun.

Luckily, she didn't have to think about all that right now; she couldn't, even if she wanted to. All she cared about in the moment was her drink and the music, letting her body move to the sounds, her long, dirty blonde hair swaying as she danced pretty impressively for someone as drunk as her, and in such high heels.

She was used to it by now - she did everything in heels, and had for years. Without them, she was barely five feet tall, and to say she was self-conscious about that would be the understatement of the century. She'd spent years with people thinkinf she'd mistakenly gone to the wrong classroom, or that she was some kind of genius who'd skipped a couple grades, and she was sick of it.

Of course, height was only a part of that equation, and her padded bra was another constant companion, one she definitely had with her tonight, under a crop top that stretched down only barely below it, showing off her midriff, and, below that, a pretty nice butt under a pair of tight shorts, if she said so herself. It was one of her favorite features, something she'd put work into. Someday, when she had the money, she planned to get a boob job, so she could feel proud of that, too, without help, but since her parents didn't approve, and wouldn't pay for it, that might take a while. 

She'd searched far and wide for the right bra, one that looked natural, that was comfortable, that made it so nobody would be able to tell that, underneath it, she was flat as a board. As soon as she possibly could, she'd gotten a single room, without a roomie, to minimize the number of people who would see her without it, and gotten used to taking her showers in the middle of the day, when everyone else was in classes, or the middle of the night, when everyone was asleep, so she didn't run into anyone on her way there, or have to leave it hanging with her robe where someone might spot it.

Now, as far as she could tell, nobody suspected a thing. The heels could only do so much, of course, so they knew she wasn't an amazon, but she doubted many knew just how much height they really did add, how tiny she was without them. If she could help it, they never would.

Even drunk, they were like second nature to her, so she knew it wasn't her fault when someone bumped into her. She barely wobbled, catching the other girl before she could fall, giving her a bleary smile. "You all right?"

"Uhh, yeah," the girl nodded, frowning. "Are you?"

"Of course!" Victoria grinned. "Why don't you have a drink? Come on, let's fix that!"

She grabbed the girl by the hand, as she protested, "W-Wait, I'm not...", dragging her over to the keg.

"Come on, the school year is over!" Victoria urged. "You hafta celebrate!"

She drained the rest of her own cup, getting a refill as she shoved a new cup into the girl's hand, stumbling off after ensuring she took a sip, feeling quite warm and content until she heard a blaring siren. She squealed, jumping, that warmth seeming to become distressingly literal in her shorts as she saw red and blue lights start shining in through the windows, chaos erupting around her. 

Things were a blur after that for a while; she saw some people starting to run, and, without thinking, joined in, certain they must have the right idea. Unfortunately, her heels might make her taller, but they didn't do much for making her faster, and, in no time, she felt a firm hand closing around her wrist, spinning her around, her head continuing to swirl even after she'd stopped.

They didn't handcuff her, although she did get put into the back of a squad car, on a towel, and taken to the station, where she stood by awkwardly as a pair of officers argued. "We have to have something," she heard one of them saying. "We can't put her in the cell like that... It's unsanitary!"

The next thing she knew, she was standing in a bathroom with a female cop looking down at her apologetically, holding something big and white and crinkly, something Victoria's brain wasn't prepared to comprehend in the moment. "I know this isn't ideal," the woman was telling her, "but it's going to have to do for now."

Victoria nodded compliantly, watching as the woman unfolded the changing table from the wall, unfolded the thing in her hands into what was clearly a diaper. "Oh!" Victoria smiled. "Is there a baby? I'm great with kids! I've baby sat a looot."

"Not exactly," the cop shrugged, bending down, starting to unbutton Victoria's shorts.

"H-Hey!" Victoria blearily tried to push her hands away unsuccessfully. "I swear, I don't have any contraband hidden in there!" She giggled at herself, despite the situation, proud that she'd remembered such a long word.

"You've had a little accident," the woman informed her. "I'm just cleaning you up."

"Nuh-uh!" Victoria argued. "I don't have accidents, I'm a big gi..." She glanced down at herself, her time as a sitter allowing her to recognize, instantly, the sight of a pair of wet pants, especially as the officer peeled open the shorts to reveal the underwear beneath. "Oopsie."

"It's all right," the woman said soothingly, "we're going to get you all taken care of."

She worked the clothes off her, depositing them into a plastic bag, then wiped the girl's crotch dry with some toilet paper before easily picking her up, setting her down onto the changing table, right on the waiting diaper. 

"Wait," Victoria was giggling again, not fully processing what was going on. "This isn't for me, silly! It's for the baby!"

And yet, the woman pushed her back down anyway, Victoria wrinkling her nose, recalling all the times she'd been sitting for toddlers while out and about and used these things, not liking how well she fit onto one herself. Her feet did dangle a bit, though not nearly as much as she would have expected.

It wasn't until the officer pulled the front of the diaper up between her legs, and Victoria really felt the bulky, stiff padding pressing against her, bulging out around her crotch, refusing to allow her to completely close her thighs, that it truly hit her. "Nooo!" she whined, kicking her feet as she heard the rip of the tape, felt the side being pulled up, held in place. "I don't need a diapie!"

That didn't stop her from getting one, unfortunately. In no time, it was completely on, sealed tight, and she was sitting up on the changing table, pawing at it with morbid curiousity. It was plain white, no frills, clearly a medical garment. Even without the infantile designs of the diapers she was used to seeing, however, it was clear that's what this was, and would be to anyone else who saw her, certainly right now, while she was wearing a shirt that came nowhere close to reaching the waistband, much less hiding the awful thing. 

"I don't like it!" she pouted.

"Well, I'm afraid that's what we have for you," the woman told her firmly. "Perhaps if you'd exercised a little better control, you wouldn't have to be wearing it. Now, come on, we have to process you."

She helped Victoria down, took her hand, leading her towards the door, the girl taking a couple trusting steps before realizing, "Where are my pants?!"

"They're in the bag," the officer sighed, holding it up. "They're soaked."

"I-I can't go out there like this!" she squealed, seeing her outfit in the sink over the mirror, stomach churning at the utterly immature figure in her reflection. 

"We're looking for a pair of pants that will fit you," the woman informed her. "For now, that will have to do."

Victoria was marched through the station, cheeks blazing, diaper on full display, and sat down at the cop's desk to be admitted, and make a tearful call to her parents. Thankfully, by the time all that was done, another officer had stopped by, dropping off a pair of ugly, gray sweatpants that Victoria wouldn't have expected to wear in public in a million years any other time.

Now, however, she gratefully yanked them on. They were a little big, slipping down over the smooth plastic of her diaper if she didn't pay attention, but it was better than nothing as she was taken back to wait in a cell, filled mostly with other partygoers who she was extremely grateful wouldn't be seeing her in just a diaper, assuming they hadn't been getting processed at the same time as her.

She was tired, and grumpy, and wanted to go to sleep, although she didn't dare try that here and now, with such a big secret under her pants. She forced herself to stay awake, to watch as friends and family came by to pick them up one by one, wishing she'd been smart enough to call a friend instead. Her instincts had been to reach out to her mom and dad, however, and she'd been forced to memorize their number when she was a kid, so it was still drilled into her subconscious. She'd need her cell phone to know any of her friends' numbers, and that was in her purse, which she'd stupidly forgotten to grab before fleeing the party.

They'd sounded groggy on the phone, and definitely not happy with her, and, in her drunken haze, she couldn't recall if they'd actually told her they were coming or not. They didn't live that far away, but it was a bit of a drive... Without her cell, Victoria had no idea what time it was now, or had been then, if it had been long enough for them to get here, if they'd abandoned her...

Eventually, she couldn't help herself, and she drifted off, hands still desperately clutching her sweatpants and hoping for the best. She woke up back at home, but not in her bed... In fact, it took a moment, with her head pounding, of looking around to recognize the guest room. "What the hell?!" she groaned, sitting up, stomach churning as she felt the bulk of her diaper following her, the sound of crinkling echoing in her ears, both from the babyish garment, and the plastic sheet on the bed.

Her little cousin still had a bedwetting problem - or had, the last time she'd come to visit while Victoria was around - so they kept the bed ready for her visit, prepared for any accidents she might have. Apparently, she either wasn't over it yet, or hadn't been back, since that hadn't changed. Victoria supposed she could see why her parents might have put her there, considering what she was wearing, though, on the other hand, she did have her own room... And it wasn't as if she really needed the diaper.

She sat there for a few moments, preparing herself to get up, to face the day, hoping her parents were both off at work already so she'd have more time to get ready to see them. She faintly recalled being woken up in the cell, taken out to their car for the drive home, but it was fuzzy enough she might have mistaken it for a rapidly fading dream if she weren't back in her own house now. From what she could tell, they didn't seem happy, although she wasn't sure how much to trust that memory.

Finally, she pushed aside the blanket, ready to hop out of bed, only to freeze, legs refusing to swing out and onto the floor. She'd known she was still in the diaper, obviously, had been able to feel it straight away... However, with her hangover clouding her brain, and the feel of the soft sheets, she hadn't realized that was, in fact, all she was wearing on her legs. The sweatpants were gone, nowhere to be seen, along with her heels. Even her precious bra had been taken away, leaving her crop top dangling a bit looser, reaching a little further down her torso; yet not enough to reach her diaper, still.

"What the hell?!" she grumbled. Had she been wearing them when she went to the car? She had no idea... She thought so, was pretty sure the police hadn't taken them back... Honestly, however, she didn't really know.

Thankfully, her room was right down the hall from the guest room, so her chances of running into her mom or dad on the way there were very slim. It took her a few moments to find the courage to open the door anyway, to reveal herself to the hallway before scurrying down it, hand closing around the doorknob...

It was locked. "Come on!" she whined, stomping her foot. She'd begged and begged for that lock for years before her parents had agreed to let her have it, their condition being that - because they didn't trust her not to lock her own inside - they had to have a copy of the key. It kind of defeated the purpose, though it still made her feel a tiny bit more grown-up, independent. Except for now, when it was keeping her from getting dressed and hiding her diaper. The key was in her purse, along with her phone. She was positive she'd left the door unlocked - open, in fact, so her mom could vacuum in there while she was at college - but now the knob refused to turn. 

"Is that you, Victoria?" her mother called. The girl winced, annoyed she wasn't alone, that her mom knew she was up and would probably want to talk when all she wanted now was privacy. She froze, staying perfectly still, hoping the woman would think it was the house settling or something, ready to head back to the guest room and see if there was anything in there for her to change into. "Come on into the kitchen, we need to talk!"

Victoria sighed; she had forced her to drive all the way to her college and back the night before, so she did owe her something... And, most likely, she'd already seen the diaper. There probably wasn't anything she could use of her cousin's, anyway.

"I'm coming," she sighed, truding down the hall. "Where did you put my pants, I can't..."

She turned the corner into the kitchen, immediately falling silent at what she saw there. Her mother was there, standing by the sink with a cup of coffee, as usual. Seated on stools at the counter, however, were two other people. Not her father, that was certain - these were girls, a bit younger than Victoria. They looked familiar, and, on another morning, she might have been able to think of their names, but it wasn't going to happen today.

"Mom!" she squealed, ducking back around the corner, tugging at her shirt desperately. "Why didn't you tell me you weren't alone?!"

"Calm down," her mother chastised her. "Come on in."

"Mom!" Victoria gasped. She couldn't be serious, could she?!

"I am not in the mood to argue with you today," the woman snapped, her tone making it clear she wasn't joking. Reluctantly, Victoria stepped out, cheeks red.

"Oh, my God!" one of the girls squealed, hopping to her feet. "I didn't know Vickie had a little sister! Hi, there, cutie, what's your name?" Victoria gulped, squirming as the girl approached, suddenly recognizing her even before she said, "Mine's Taylor!"

It had been a while since she'd seen her, and she'd obviously hit her growth spurt in that time. She was at least a full foot taller than Victoria now, the rest of her having developed quite nicely as well, especially in contrast to the older girl, who, even with the finest padded bra, couldn't hope to compare to her D-cups. Victoria had babysat for her after her older sister, Melissa, had gone off to college.

With that in mind, she looked at the other girl again. She was standing, too, smiling down at her like Victoria was just a little kid. Victoria could place her now, however, could imagine her looking much younger, in the pair of overalls she'd loved, coming in from playing outside covered in dirt... 

She'd been a big tomboy, back then, and wasn't wearing anything particularly girly now, either, although she did have her ears pierced, and had on nail polish, which was more than she'd happily do when she was smaller. She wasn't quite as tall as her friend, but she still had eight inches on the petite Victoria, with similar dirty blonde hair, hers cut much shorter. Sure enough, she introduced herself with, "And mine's Sawyer," bending down, too.

She'd babysat both of them many times... Did they really think she was a little girl?! Her outfit didn't help, of course, nor did her lack of heels or her padded bra, but still... It was a definite blow to her ego, and she couldn't bring herself to correct them.

"No, she doesn't have a sister," her mother did it for her. "This is Vickie."

Sawyer and Taylor looked at each other, clearly shocked at that news - and also clearly biting their tongues to keep from laughing - then back at Victoria. "Wh-Why is she wearing...?" Sawyer started to ask, pointing.

"Oh, don't worry," Victoria's mother told them. "You won't have to change diapers... You remember that party I was telling you about? She had a bit of an accident, so the police put her in that so she didn't make a mess while she was waiting for us to pick her up. She doesn't need it."

Even hearing her mom say that, Victoria was mortified, standing here, dressed like this, in front of two former charges, with Taylor, especially, looking almost disappointed to hear it. "Mooom!" she whined, "Why did you take away my pants?!"

"I didn't," the woman informed her. "You were squirming around in the back seat on the way home and kicked them off yourself... It didn't make sense to put them back on you when I was already getting you undressed for bed."

"Then why did you lock my door?!" Victoria glowered. "Why didn't you let me get changed before I came out here like... this?!"

"I locked it because I didn't want you stumbling back in there in the middle of the night, wetting yourself again, and ruining your mattress," her mother said coldly, moving closer, making Victoria shrink back, realizing she'd pushed too far. "I was already mad enough at you when I found out you almost lost your scholarship, young lady, and now you go and get thrown in jail, and make your father and I come pick you up in the middle of the night, only to find you in a diaper, and get handed a bag of soaked underwear and shorts?!"

"I-It was the big end of year party," Victoria shrugged weakly. "I-I don't usually..."

"I should hope not!" her mom cut her off. "You shouldn't be peeing your pants at all! I wish I could believe you were just letting loose because you were buckled down, studying the rest of the year, but your grades make me wonder..."

"I-I had tough classes this semester," the girl gulped. "I-I didn't lose the scholarship, so..."

"Barely," the woman shook her head. "Between that, and last night, I knew I couldn't trust you on your own this summer... And that's why Sawyer and Taylor are here. They're going to be looking after you this summer, just like you used to look after them."

"Y-You got me babysitters?!" Victoria's eyes bulged, her fists clenched. "B-But they're younger than me!"

"That's why there's two of them," her mother shrugged. "I want to make sure you listen to them, and do what they tell you."

"This isn't fair!" Victoria stomped her foot, not caring how much, given her outfit, it made her look like she really was a bratty little girl who needed a babysitter.

"It's a punishment," her mom reminded her. "It's not about being fair. It's about trying to teach you a lesson, before it's too late. Now, I need to get to work, so..." She handed a key to Sawyer. "Here's the key to her bedroom. You can let her go change whenever you want... I just don't know if I trust her with anything right now, even this."

Victoria swallowed, her skin crawling at the expression she saw coming over Sawyer's face as she took the key, looking the older girl, in her shirt and diaper, up and down. "Oh, don't worry," she said. "We're going to take good care of her."



Oh boy, I can’t wait to see how this plays out!